Tag Archives: resources
35(1): Type 1 Diabetes – Part 3: Diabetes Technology and Nutrition Care Considerations
There are about 200,000 American youth 20 years and younger living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Due to a rising prevalence of T1D, dietitians and care providers will encounter youth and families with T1D seeking advice more frequently than in … Continue reading →
34(6) Type 1 Diabetes Part 2: Nutrition Management
This issue of Nutrition Focus explores nutrition management and planning for school for the child with type 1 diabetes. Nutrition education is an integral component in the care of the child with diabetes. It includes assessing nutrition status and developing … Continue reading →
34(5): Type 1 Diabetes – Part 1: Family Education Following Diagnosis
Type 1 diabetes (previously called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes) affects approximately 193,000 children and adolescents in the United States.1 Every year, more than 17,900 youth are diagnosed with diabetes. There are striking racial differences in the risk … Continue reading →
34(1) Human Milk and Pediatric Formula Update
This issue includes an abbreviated discussion on human milk and pediatric formula, as well as a formula comparison guide. The included Pediatric Formula Comparison Guide, compiled by this author and John Kerner, MD, will be used at Lucile Packard Children’s … Continue reading →
33(5) Working with Children in Foster Care – Nutrition Issues and Practice Implications
Providing medical nutrition therapy to children within foster care is complex as providers have numerous additional hurdles to navigate, including the psychological impact and effect of transitional care, logistical management among multiple caregivers and home environments, and patient confidentiality. This … Continue reading →
33(3) Childhood Lead Poisoning and the Role of Nutrition
Lead exposure is a serious yet preventable environmental public health issue. The persistence of lead poisoning continues to challenge clinicians and public health practitioners despite everything that is known about the sources, pathways and prevention of lead exposure. Lead has … Continue reading →
33(2) Medication-Nutrient Interactions
Medication-nutrient interactions occur any time a medication interferes with a food or nutrient, or vice versa, a food or nutrient interferes with the action of a medication. Many children with special health care needs receive one or more medications on … Continue reading →
31(5) Children and Weight: Providing Help, Preventing Harm Part 1 – Nutrition Assessment
Parents and caregivers receive so many different messages about children, weight, and food, and it can be difficult and confusing to navigate for families and health care providers alike. What is sound advice? What is dangerous? How can health care … Continue reading →
29(5) A Focus on Family-Centered Care from the Parent’s Perspective
The term “family-centered care” (FCC) was coined in the 1980’s to describe a philosophy of care for children with special health care needs and their families. It was a radical paradigm shift from the previous philosophies of “systemcentered care” in … Continue reading →
29(4) Weaning from tube feedings: many different pathways Part 2B – Case Study Illustrations
These detailed and comprehensive case studies complement Part 1 of this topic published in November/December 2013. Due to the depth of information shared within the case studies which contributed to many pages we have decided to publish the case studies … Continue reading →