Summer 2017 Course Schedule

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(A) A-term   (B) B-term   (AB) full term
111 B (Full) Composition: Literature Youell M-TH 10:50-11:50 11363
111 C (Full) Composition: Literature Chartudomdej M-TH 12:00-1:00 11364
131 A (Full) Composition: Exposition Abudumutailifu M-TH 9:40-10:40 11365
131 B (Full) Composition: Exposition Morel M-TH 10:50-11:50 11366
131 C (FULL) Composition: Exposition Babbie M-TH 11:50-12:50, M-TH 11:50-12:50 11367
131 D (Full) Composition: Exposition Rompogren M-TH 1:10-2:10 11368
131 E (Full) Composition: Exposition Peters M-TH 2:20-3:20 11369
200 A (A) Reading Literary Forms Callow M-TH 9:40-11:50 11370
200 B (A) Reading Literary Forms O'Neill M-TH 12:00-2:10 11371
200 C (Full) Reading Literary Forms Staten M-TH 10:50-1:00 11372
207 A (A) Introduction to Cultural Studies Cummings M-TH 12:00-2:10 11375
207 B Introduction to Cultural Studies Gillis-Bridges 14393
210 A (B) Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 1600 Remley M-TH 9:40-11:50 11376
213 A (A) Modern & Postmodern Literature Grollmus M-TH 10:50-1:00 11377
225 A (A) SHAKESPEARE Van Houdt M-TH 9:40-11:50 11378
242 C (Full) Read Prose Fiction Ottinger MW 9:40-11:50 11381
242 D (B) Read Prose Fiction Bald M-TH 9:40-11:50 11382
243 A (B) Reading Poetry Helterbrand MW 1:30-3:20 11386
250 A (A) American Literature George M-TH 12:00-2:10 11387
265 A (A) Introduction to Environmental Humanities Taylor M-TH 10:50-1:00 11388
281 A (A) Intermediat Expository Writing Wacker M-TH 12:00-2:20 11389
281 B (A) Intermediat Expository Writing Simmons-O'Neill M-TH 9:30-11:40 11390
283 A (A) Beginning Verse Writing Feld M-TH 9:40-11:20 11392
284 A (A) Beginning Short Story Writing Cecil M-TH 12:00-1:30 11394
302 A (A) Critical Practice Cummings M-TH 9:40-11:50 11397
310 A (Full) The Bible as Literature Griffith M-TH 8:30-9:30 11398
324 A (A) Shakespeare After 1603 Streitberger M-TH 10:50-1:00 14329
346 A (A) Studies in Short Fiction George M-TH 9:40-11:50 11403
370 A (B) English Language Study Stygall M-TH 12:00-2:10 11407
422 A (B) Arthurian Legends Remley M-TH 12:00-2:10 11408
471 A (B) The Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing Stygall M-TH 3:30-5:40 11409

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