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Prof. Yu-Hung Chang 張裕宏教授

Oral History Interview of Prof. Yu-Hung Chang

The Oral History Project Team is happy to announce that we have completed Prof. Yu-Hung Chang (張裕宏教授) interview. The interview was taken place at Prof. Chang’s home on Sunday, Oct. 23rd 2016. Mr. John Yang (楊豐州) and Mrs. Hui-Chen Sun (孙慧真女士) were the interviewers, and Ms. Su-Ching Wang (王素卿小姐) was the producer.


Narrator Prof. Yu-Hung Chang


Prof. Chang’s Publications


Narrator Prof. Chang and Mrs. Chang and Interviewers Mr. John Yang and Mrs. Hui-Chen Sun (口述者張裕宏教授與太太賴碧蓮女士及採訪者楊豐州先生與孫慧真女士)

Mr. Joshua Liu 劉富敬先生

Oral History Interview of Mr. Joshua Liu

The Oral History Interview of Mr. Joshua Liu (劉富敬先生) was taken on August 9th, 2016 at the narrator’s home. Mrs. Hui-Chen Sun (孙慧真女士) worked as the interviewer and Ms. Stephanie Zang (臧淼小姐) worked as the producer.


Narrator Mr. Joshua Liu and his wife


Interview of Mr. Joshua Liu by Mrs. Hui-Chen Sun

Mr. Mark Hong 洪賢造先生

Oral History Interview of Mr. Mark Hong

The Oral History Project Team is happy to announce that we have completed Mr. Mark Hong’s (洪賢造先生) interview. The interview was taken place at Seattle Taiwanese Christian Church (西雅圖台灣基督教會) on Tuesday, Oct. 18th 2016. Mr. John Chou (周昭亮先生) was the interviewer, and Ms. Su-Ching Wang (王素卿小姐) was the producer.


Narrator Mr. Mark Hong


Interview of Mr. Mark Hong by Mr. John Chou

October Community Forum : Review of One Thousand Words

The 15th Oral History Community Forum was wonderfully held last Sunday, October 16th, 2016. It was our great pleasure to have Mrs. Agnes Lee (吳宗鳳女士) to share with us her life story and experience of her successful art exhibition One Thousand Words in New York early this year.


Born in Chungking, China, Agnes grew up in Hong Kong before moving to Taiwan. After graduating college, she moved to the United States to earn her Master’s and Ph. D. degrees in Physical Chemistry. Agnes selflessly devoted much of her professional career to medical research, playing a pivotal role in establishing a Bone Marrow Registry in Taiwan, which has helped save hundreds of lives. Agnes fell in love with the arts at a young age, and has actively pursued her own artistic expression since leaving the medical field.


One Thousand Words is a dynamic and exhilarating collection of Agnes’ paintings. Through meticulous repetition, she creates visual abstractions of Chinese poems which act as expressions of her own feelings and memories and elicit a profoundly personal and emotive reaction from the viewer. As with traditional Chinese paintings, a deeper meaning is hidden in each of Agnes’ works that is waiting to be discovered by those who look for it. Continue reading October Community Forum : Review of One Thousand Words