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Ms. Clara Chen 劉真真女士

Oral History Interview with Ms. Clara Chen

The Oral History Interview with Ms. Clara Chen (劉真真女士) was taken on Feb 25th at the narrator’s home and Mar 3rd in the interviewer’s home. This interview was about 144 minutes in total. Mr. Peter Lin (林博智先生) worked as the interviewer.

IMG_3103(Narrator Mr. Ms. Clara Chen 口述者劉真真女士)

Continue reading Ms. Clara Chen 劉真真女士

March 2015

【會議時間】03/08/2015 3:00-5:00pm
【會議地點】UW East Asia Library 2M
1. Featured Presentation by Mr. John Chou《追寻:做一个台湾人-周昭亮自述》
2. 口述歷史采訪相關情況匯報 Oral History Interview and Project updates

CF Flyer_05 _web publish
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