Last week Sunday, Jan. 17th, 2016. We were honored to have Mr. Ya Shu Chao(趙雅書) as a speaker of our monthly community forum.
Prof. Chao got his PhD in history from National Taiwan University and has studied in Harvard University, University of Washington, and Kyoto University. He is a professor of history in National Taiwan University and visiting professor in University of Washington, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prof. Chao has prolific expertise in Chinese history and taught a number of courses such as general history of China, history of Chinese economics, history of Chinese agriculture, history of Song Dynasty, Chinese modern history, introduction of Japan, etc.
Prof. Chao took his residency in Seattle after retirement and actively participated in community activities. He has been president of Zheng-He Society of Americas, Kiangsu and Chekiang Residents Association. Prof. Chao currently works on rearrangement of his publications, translation of Japanese master Motonosuke Amano (天野元之助)’s book 中国古农书考, and a book of his experience and perspectives on Chinese modern history from 20th to 21st century as a professional of history studies.
Next month, Sunday, Feb. 21st, 2016. We will be hosting another Community Forum, starting at 3:00 pm. Please feel free to join us in another great speech!