February Community Forum


Dexter Lai 賴德軒先生

We were honored to have Dr. Dexter Lai (賴德軒) as the featured speaker of our community forum on February 25th. Dexter Lai shared his study journey and how he started his business from scratch in the State. Dr. Dexter Lai is now a CEO of a commercial real estate company and also enthusiastic about various community services.

我們很榮幸於2018年2月25日,邀請到賴德軒博士擔任二月份社區論壇的演講者。賴德軒博士分享了他過去刻苦的留學生涯,以及他在美國的創業之路。賴德軒博士目前從事商用地產事業,擔任Vista Pacific Group的執行長,也不斷的積極投身社區服務。

East Asia Oral History Community Forum - 賴德軒
