Posts by: RPN


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

Feeding the Crisis: Work, Gender and the Growing Food Safety Net in the U.S.

September 29

Maggie Dickinson, Assistant Professor, Guttman Community College, CUNY The food safety net has experienced unprecedented growth in the 21st...

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Middle Class Identities and Job Instability: explorations on class identifications of temporary state workers

September 11

Santiago García Martín, Social Sciences PhD. Candidate, Centro de Investigaciones Sociohistóricas, Instituto de Investigación en Humanidades y...

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Evaluating the Role of Landscape and Urban Planning in the Prevention and Mitigation of Domestic Violence

May 23

Jennifer Porter, University of Washington In this project, I explore how anti-violence organizing can be sustained inter-generationally through...

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Creative Placemaking in San Francisco and Seattle. Inclusive and/or Democratic?

May 10

Vinita Goyal, Practitioner: City of Seattle Office of Planning and Community Development, and Independent Researcher Occidental/West Lake Parks...

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Facing your FICO: The Democratization of Finance and the Persistence of Poverty in Boston, MA

May 10

Jessa Loomis, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, University of Kentucky This project examines the implementation of financial literacy and...

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A început ploaia – Fighting for the right to housing in Bucharest

April 26

Michele Lancione, Urban Institute, The University of Sheffield Accordingly to Amnesty International, in Romania ‘the right to housing is not...

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A început ploaia – Fighting for the right to housing in Bucharest

April 25

A început ploaia - Fighting for the right to housing in Bucharest A film by Michele...

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The governance of informality through slum policies in South Africa and Brazil

April 18

Zora Kovacic, Institut de Ciencia i Tecnologia Ambientals, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona The project analyses slum upgrading policies from the...

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Visualities of Homelessness and Ecology: Of Hot Spots and High Lines

April 18

Eric Goldfischer, PhD Student in Geography, University of Minnesota Cities have long tried to influence the ways in which homelessness, and...

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