Middle Class Identities and Job Instability: explorations on class identifications of temporary state workers

September 11, 2017  • Posted in Member Projects  •  0 Comments

Santiago García Martín, Social Sciences PhD. Candidate, Centro de Investigaciones Sociohistóricas, Instituto de Investigación en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNLP-CONICET)

This research project is aimed at reconstructing middle-class identifications by temporary state workers at the Public Administration of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Using an ethnographic approach, I try to reconstruct these class identifications by attending to the daily interactions that my informants develop in a work space characterized by the heterogeneity of social trajectories of their workers. My interest is to show the various ways in which identifications with the middle class are practiced and constructed and the different politics of response that these actors give to other socioeconomic groups.


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