Part F: DigiText Overview and Rules

DEADLINE:Entries for the 2011 DigiText must be completed and submitted no later than the entry deadline of 8:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), Tuesday, August 8, 2011.

DigiText is open to ALL TRIO students.  It is an activity in which students create individual or team entries with appropriate support and direction by staff and other advisors.

Individuals or Teams - All TRIO Students
Using Google Sites, students individually OR in teams of two to six to create images with text for a DigiText submission.

Research or Creative Narrative

DigiText provides a short, simple, creative activity for all TRIO students.  With appropriate support and direction by staff and other advisors, it is an effective way for individuals or teams to:

  • introduce a critical thinking component to plan a purpose and impact for images and words combined
  • introduce students to compelling interaction between text and image,
  • introduce students to image manipulation (original photographs, artwork,  graphics, etc)
  • provide students a chance to be published on the Web,
  • promote a better understanding of intellectual honesty and citation, and
  • encourage research, reflection, and creative work by TRIO students

Quality & Requirements

  • Complete the online submission form, provide all the required information, and submit by the deadline
  • Be submitted using Google Sites
  • Must be appropriate for viewing by students age 12 and above
  • For the safety of students under 18, personal information such as a student’s last name, email address, and school name may not appear in the DigiText entry
  • The document must include:
    • Document Title
    • Critical Thinking page which addresses the 4 questions under Critical Thinking in the DigiText Rubric
    • Image(s)—minimum of 1, maximum of 10
    • Text, minimum of 100 words
    • Captions, References, and Citations (image source references and text references)

Intellectual Honesty

  • TRIO Quest rewards students who create their own digital image(s). This may be their own original photograph(s), a scan of their own artwork, or a digital creation (i.e., graphics, etc.) – basically anything the student creates
  • If an image is not created by the student, it must be copyright free (i.e., comes from a non-copyright image resource, such as Creative Commons or a family album) AND the student must: 1) list the resource it came from, 2) cite the image in the correct format at the end of the writing, and 3) provide a caption underneath each image
  • DigiText credits and citation are referenced within the DigiText. Any outside source material used within the DigiText must be quoted or parenthetically cited on the page AND must be cited properly at the end of the writing (much like a research paper)
  • NOTE: Fair Use CANNOT be used for a DigiText entry


Next: Part G: TRIO Quest Terms and Conditions