Final Check

Before submitting an entry to DigiSites, please print out and use this Final Check as one indication of whether your team's site is ready. Any problems you find should be solved before submitting your team's site.

___ 1. A coach or instructor has proofed your site.

___ 2. All personal information about yourself and your team has been removed from the site (this includes use of your last names, home addresses, phone numbers, personal email addresses, and "personal ad" information – such as "I'm single").

___ 3. A spell check program has been used to check each page, and each page has been checked for errors in punctuation and grammar.

___ 4. All internal and external links have been checked to make certain they work online.

___ 5. ALL material taken from the Web and other sources has been properly cited with parenthetic citations inside the text and on a "Works Cited" or "References" list. Paraphrasing and quotations have been used rather than copying and pasting.

___ 6. Permission has been granted and cited for ALL text, images, and media that you did not create.

___ 7. The site has a "Works Cited" and "Permissions" section(s).

___ 8. The site is viewable on a Mac if developed on a PC, or on a PC if developed on a Mac.

___ 9. The site is viewable in different Web browsers (Internet Explorer and Firefox) and on different sized monitors.