Writing Links

Avoiding Plagiarism
The OWL at Purdue does an excellent job of outlining what plagiarism is with resources to illustrate what to document when using someone else's work. The OWL is also an excellent source for other writing concerns and exercises.

Center for Technology & Teacher Education
Prepares instructors on how to integrate technology into English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

Characteristics of Constructive Feedback
Simple instruction on how to give constructive feedback, whether it is for students' work, student behavior, or developing team work within your staff.

Citation Game
A fun and interactive game to help students learn how to cite sources using MLA or APA. Professors of graduate classes have had their students play the game!

Copyright and Fair Use in the Classroom, on the Internet, and the World Wide Web
The University of Maryland University College provides a comprehensive look at copyright and plagiarism, including definition of terms and specifics on what can and cannot be copied without permission, and guidelines. They also provided sample letters to illustrate how to ask for permission to copy and/or use a document.

Copyright Website
Excellent web site on copyright laws and includes examples of audio and visual copyright violations.

Skills Tutor
Based on research, this site provides online modules for all levels of learners in all content areas, plus more. Nominal cost. Used by some TRIO programs.

Plagiarism.org Research Resources
A simple guide for students to learn how to avoid plagiarism and use correct citations.

A Visit to Copyright Bay
This is a fun way to learn about copyright and fair use for students and adults. It is game-like in presentation with "Fair Use Harbor", "Infringement Reef", and "Murky Waters". The Bibliography/Webliography is a great place to find additional resources. Created by graduate students in the Educational Technology Leadership program at George Washington University.

What is Copyright Protection?
This non-profit site allows anyone to reproduce all or parts of this site for educational and non-profit reasons. It is a good site for the basics: what is copyright, when does it begin, what is required, when does it expire, as well as fonts, royalty-free images, sound-clips, and public domain.