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Awards & Recognition 2008

Congratulations to all students who completed a ThinkQuest TRIO entry in 2008. Below you will find the semifinalist entries for ThinkQuest TRIO.

PhotoEssay 2008

Media Quest 2008

TRIO ThinkQuest 2008

We ask viewers to remember that students created these entries as an activity in their TRIO Program and that the information and views expressed are those of the students.


ThinkQuest TRIO Semifinalists

State Institution & Program Entry Title
AZ Arizona State University,
Upward Bound
Rogue Nations: The Danger of Nuclear Proliferation
CA California Lutheran University,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Energy Consumption in America
CA California Lutheran University,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Global Warming: Taking a Toll on Endangered Animals
CA California Lutheran University,
Upward Bound Math/Science
The Modern Plague
CA California Lutheran University,
Upward Bound Math/Science
The Paradox of Nanotechnology
CA California Lutheran University,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Wind Power
CA California State University, Chico, Upward Bound Algae Bio-Diesel Eco-Runners
CA California State University, Monterey Bay, Upward Bound Through our eyes
CA Pasadena City College,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Get Fit With EGJ
CA University of Southern California, Upward Bound Amazon Rain Forest
CA University of Southern California, Upward Bound Digital Euphoria
CA University of Southern California, Upward Bound Indelible Apex
CA University of Southern California, Upward Bound Salmonella
CA University of Southern California, Upward Bound T.T.A.
GU University of Guam,
Talent Search
Guam's Marine Environment
GU University of Guam,
Upward Bound
Guam Public Schools' Reality Check
HI Leeward Community College,
Upward Bound
Pidgin (Hawaiian Slang)
IL Carl Sandburg College, Upward Bound A Life From Music
KS Garden City Community College, Upward Bound Crazy Brains
KS Wichita State University,
Upward Bound
Ancient Rome
KY Morehead State University,
Upward Bound
Eco-Friendly Shopping
KY Morehead State University,
Upward Bound
The Green Team: Ways to Recycle
KY Morehead State University,
Upward Bound
Men in Green
KY Berea College,
Upward Bound
Bengal Tigers
OK Cameron University,
Upward Bound
OR Portland State University,
Upward Bound
The End of Oil in the 21st Century
PA Lincoln University,
Upward Bound
The Intentional Demise
SD University of South Dakota,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Biodiversity - South Dakota Frogs
SD University of South Dakota,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Renewable energy
SD University of South Dakota,
Upward Bound Math/Science
Water Quality
TX University of Texas at Arlington, Upward Bound Math/Science Child Abuse
TX University of Texas at Arlington, Upward Bound Math/Science Teen Workout
TX The University of Texas at El Paso, Upward Bound Dare to Eat Me Now!
TX The University of Texas at El Paso, Upward Bound Impact of Illegal Drugs
TX The University of Texas at El Paso, Upward Bound The Worlds New Challenge: China Rises to Power
WA Big Bend Community College,
Upward Bound
The Nuclear Age
WA University of Washington,
Upward Bound
Green Tea: Relax, Sip, and Enjoy the secrets to a healthier life
WA University of Washington,
Upward Bound
Japanese Samurai: The Legend and Culture
WA University of Washington,
Upward Bound
WA University of Washington,
Upward Bound
Wonder Dogs: The Unknown Heroes