Speech-Language Therapy
Certified and licensed speech language pathologists (SLPs) offer individual and small-group speech and language therapy for toddlers through adults targeting a variety of areas, including:
- Social communication and play
- Receptive and expressive language
- Speech production/articulation
- Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)
- Feeding
- ***NEW*** — the Hanen “More than Words” Parent Program
SLPs conduct evaluations using a combination of formal, standardized measures (e.g., tests) and informal, low-structured measures (e.g., naturalistic observation, family report), based on family/client concerns and the SLP’s observations of the client. The purpose of an assessment is to gather information about a client’s current strengths and challenges, and to formulate recommendations based on the results of the evaluation.
Following an evaluation, an SLP will develop individual, personalized goals for each client based on his/her current skills, developmental expectations, functional importance, and family/client preference. These goals will then be targeted during treatment sessions. The SLP will also collaborate with parents/caregivers to discuss strategies to help clients develop targeted skills at home and in community settings, to support generalization of skills across environments and communication partners.
Treatment strategies include a range of evidence-based practices incorporating structured activities as well as teaching in naturalistic opportunities. SLPs aim to increase clients’ skills in various communication domains while simultaneously decreasing support (e.g., models, cues, prompts), so that clients can demonstrate skills with greater accuracy, frequency, and independence, to communicate successfully with others.
Click here for our flyer, or to request services, see Intake & Scheduling