Montage of staff at work in the lab and field



Affiliated Faculty


Graduate Students and Post-Doctorates

Undergraduate students

Former Students

Joining the Group

We are always looking for talented energetic students to join our group, especially those with a strong background and interest in fluid mechanics.

If you're interested in working with the Environmental Fluid Mechanics group, please send me an email or letter. In it, please include as much of the following information as possible:

  • an outline of possible research topics
  • a summary of research experience
  • a list of relevant coursework (with grades)
  • contact information for three references (if available)
  • general and advanced GRE test scores (if available)

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you do not yet have all this information together. The most important thing to do is to write to let me know you are interested.

I also encourage you to apply for any graduate school fellowships for which you may qualify: