Professor, Earth & Space Sciences

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth


(206) 616 6058


ATG 220



J. Michael Brown

The overwhelming majority of Earth’s interior is not accessible to direct sampling or observation. Most of our understanding is based on remote sensing techniques (e.g., seismology). To interpret such observations, it is essential to have complimentary laboratory measurements. In our High-Pressure Mineral Physics Laboratory, we have an interdisciplinary program involving a variety of experimental and theoretical approaches. We seek an understanding of Earth based on an atomic-level understanding of constituent minerals. The underlying goal is an understanding of the thermal and compositional state of the Earth’s interior and its contribution to observed dynamical behavior. Current high pressure/high temperature work includes:

  1. measurement of elastic constants and thermal diffusivities of mineral under mantle conditions,
  2. studies of equations of state and viscosities of fluids, and
  3. measurements of elastic constants of metals under conditions approaching Earth’s core. These data provide a comprehensive framework for the understanding of how Earth and other planets work.

Past Students

Selected Publications

Brown, J. M., The equation of state for iron to 450 GPa: Another high pressure phase?, Geophys. Res. Lett , 28, 4339-42, 2001

Vance, S., and J. M. Brown, Layering and double-diffusion style convection in Europa’s ocean, Icarus, 177 (2), 506–514, 2005

Brown, J.M., Abramson, E.H., Ross, R.L., Triclinic Elastic Constants for Low Albite, Phys Chem Minerals, 33, 256-265, 2006.

Vance, S., J. Harnmeijer, J. Kimura, H. Hussmann and J.M. Brown, Hydrothermal Systems in Small Ocean Planets, Astrobiology, 7, 987-1005, 2007

Crowhurst, J.C., J.M. Brown, A. Goncharov, S. Jacobsen, Elasticity of (Mg,Fe)O through the spin transition of iron in the lower mantle, Science, 319, 451-453, 2008

Vance, S, and J.M. Brown, Thermodynamic properties of aqueous MgSO4 to 800 MPa at temperatures from 20 to 100 C and concentrations to 2.5 mol kg1 from sound speeds, with applications to icy world oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 110,176–189, 2013

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