Elena Amador

Systems Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2017), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars

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Rika Anderson

Associate Professor (Biology), Carleton College
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2013), Oceanography & Astrobiology
Dual-Title PhD

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments
Education & Outreach

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John Armstrong

Professor (Physics), Weber State University
Ph.D. (2003), Astronomy & Astrobiology Certificate

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

My primary research focus is working with the Virtual Planetary Laboratory to help characterize the properties of planets around other stars. In…

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Giada Arney

Research Scientist, Planetary Studies, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2016), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Education & Outreach

I am a research space scientist at NASA Goddard. I focus on astrobiology, exoplanets, organic hazes, Venus, and planetary habitability.…

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Loren Ballanti

Freelance Marine Biologist, Boise, ID
Ph.D. (2011), Biology & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Jonathan Bapst

Post Doctoral Fellow, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2018), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars

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Nichole Barry

Post Doctoral Scholar, Physics, University of Melbourne
Ph.D. (2018), Physics & Astrobiology Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Jeff Bowman

Associate Professor, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Integrative Oceanography Division, University of California, San Diego
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2014), Oceanography & Astrobiology

Life in Extreme Environments

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William Brazelton

Research Associate Professor (Biology), University of Utah
Ph.D. (2010), Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments

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Aaron Brewer

Livermore Graduate Scholar, University of Vienna
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2018), Earth and Space Sciences and Astrobiology

Regina Carns

Software Developer, Shelf Engine
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2015), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments
Education & Outreach

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Michele Cash

Program Scientist, Heliophysics Division, NASA Headquarters
Ph.D. (2012), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Space Exploration

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Mark Claire

Reader, University of St. Andrews, School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Ph.D. (2008), Astronomy & Astrobiology Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Wolf Clifton

Presidential Scholarship Recipient, Graduate Theological Union
M.A. (2015), Museology/Museum Studies & Astrobiology Certificate

Education & Outreach

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Zachary Cohen

Postdoc, NASA Ames Research Center
Dual-Title PhD (2023), Chemistry & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

I’m interested in the role of primitive membranes during the origin of life on Earth.  My research focuses on the…

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Jesse Colangelo–Lillis

Research Associate, Center for Deep Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI), University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Geological Sciences
Ph.D. McGill University, M.S. (2012), Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments

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R. Eric Collins

Assistant Professor & Canada Research Chair in Arctic Marine Microbial Ecosystem Services, Centre for Earth Observation Science & Department of Environment and Geography Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources University of Manitoba
Ph.D. (2009), Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments

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Zac Cooper

Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute for Systems Biology
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2021), Oceanography & Astrobiology

Life in Extreme Environments

I studied Biology at the University of Georgia where I gained research experience in the genetic engineering of hyperthermophilic archaea…

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Kyle Costa

Assistant Professor (Plant and Microbial Biology), University of Minnesota
Ph.D. (2013), Microbiology & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Nicolas Cowan

Associate Professor (Physics and Earth & Planetary Sciences) & Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Planetary Climate, McGill University, Canada
Ph.D. (2009), Astronomy & Astrobiology Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

I study the atmospheres of extrasolar planets (planets orbiting stars other than the Sun) using space telescopes and novel remote…

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Russell Deitrick

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Victoria, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2017), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Michael Diamond

Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship at CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder/NOAA

Life in Extreme Environments
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Education & Outreach

I am a PhD student in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences studying cloud-aerosol interactions and their implications for planetary climates.…

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Jeremy Dodsworth

Department Chair Biology, California State University, San Bernardino
Ph.D. (2006), Microbiology & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Clara Fuchsman

Assistant Professor, Horn Point Laboratory, University of Maryland
Ph.D. (2010), Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments

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Aaron Goldman

Associate Professor (Biology), Oberlin College
Ph.D. (2010), Microbiology & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Erik Goosmann

Data Extraction Analyst, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
M.S. (2018), Earth and Space Sciences Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

Erik studies the atmospheric conditions of the early Earth using geological proxies.

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Tyler Gordon

Postdoctoral Fellow in Astronomy, University of California, Santa Cruz
Dual-Title PhD

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

My research is focused on advancing methods for detecting exoplanets and developing a better understanding of the stars that they orbit.

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Jelte Harnmeijer

Teaching Fellow in Carbon Economics, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation
Ph.D. (2010), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Chloe Hart

Geomicrobiologist, Battelle, Adjunct Faculty @ Urbana University
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2018), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Life in Extreme Environments

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Kelly Hillbun

Project Manager and Geologist, Directed Technologies Drilling
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2015), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Julie Huber

Associate Scientist with Tenure (Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Ph.D. (2004) , Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments

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Osazonamen Igbinosun

Postdoctoral Fellow, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2019), Aeronautics and Astronautics & Astrobiology

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars
Space Exploration

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Nathan Kaib

Associate Professor (Physics & Astronomy), University of Oklahoma
Ph.D. (2010), Astronomy & Astrobiology Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Paul Kintner

Data Scientist/DevOps Engineer, ECOTOPE
M.S. (2017), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Michael Kipp

Assistant professor of geochemistry of earth, water and air systems, Duke
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2019), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology
Dual-Title PhD

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Matthew Koehler

Research Fellow, Global Viral, Laboratory for Research in Complex Systems, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2018), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Owen Lehmer

Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2020), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

My research focus is on modeling the formation, evolution, and detection of habitable planets in an effort to find and…

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Andrew Lincowski

Research Consultant, University of Washington
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2020), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

Biography Andrew is a graduate student working with Professor Meadows on the habitability of exoplanets through the study of atmospheres…

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Rodrigo Luger

Flatiron Research Fellow, Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2016), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Jacob Lustig-Yaeger

Postdoctoral Researcher, Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Lab
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2020), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

I’m interested in finding and characterizing habitable extrasolar planets. Currently, I’m developing an atmospheric retrieval code to analyze the spectra…

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Amit Misra

Senior Data Scientist, Microsoft
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2014), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Brett M. Morris

Postdoctoral Associate, University of Bern
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2019), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Education & Outreach

My research interests sit at the intersection of characterizing exoplanets and their host stars. I work with ground and space-based…

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Audryana Nay

Graduate Student, School of Environmental & Forest Sciences
Graduate Certificate

Space Exploration

Audryana is a Master’s student at the University of Washington in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Her research…

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Lauren O’Neil

Graduate Student, Earth & Space Sciences
Dual-Title PhD

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars

Lauren O’Neil’s research interests include Mars, spectroscopy, and astrobiology.

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Eliah Overbey

NASA Space Biology Postdoctoral Fellow, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Graduate Certificate, 2021, Genome Sciences

Space Exploration

Eliah completed her Bachelors degree in Computer Science at UC San Diego Her past research has been in Machine learning…

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Randall Perry

Chair, Founder, and CEO, Space Science & Engineering Foundation
Ph.D. (2004), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Nicolas Pinel

Professor (Biological Sciences), Universidad EAFIT, Colombia
Ph.D. (2009), Microbiology & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Tyler Robinson

Associate Professor, University of Arizona
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2012), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Jaci Saunders

NPP Fellow, MIT & Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2016), Oceanography & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments

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Matt Schrenk

Assistant Professor (Earth & Environmental Sciences, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics), Michigan State University
Ph.D. (2005), Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments

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Eddie Schwieterman

Associate Professor, University of California, Riverside
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2016), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Education & Outreach

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Aomawa Shields

Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor (Physics and Astronomy), University of California, Irvine
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2014), Astronomy & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Education & Outreach

Dr. Aomawa Shields is the Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at UCI. She…

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Steven F. Sholes

Postdoctoral Scholar, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2019), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars
Education & Outreach

My primary work involves investigating Mars’ surface geology and atmospheric evolution to understand both past and present habitability.

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Max Showalter

Knauss Marine Policy Fellow, The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2020), Oceanography & Astrobiology

Life in Extreme Environments

My interests focus on bacteria and bacteriophage viruses in extreme environments (sea ice in the Arctic and Southern oceans), and…

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Anna Simpson

Postdoctoral Researcher (Chemistry & Biochemistry), Georgia Institute of Technology
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2018), Environmental and Forestry Sciences & Astrobiology

Life in Extreme Environments

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Dominic Sivitilli

Graduate Student, Psychology
Dual-Title PhD

Alternate Models of Intelligence

Dominic Sivitilli is a PhD student in behavioral neuroscience and astrobiology at the University of Washington. He leads a team in the Laboratory of Comparative Systems Neuroscience investigating cognition and neural basis of behavior in the octopus as an alternative model for intelligence. Sivitilli’s focus is on how the octopus integrates the vast amount of sensory and motor information within its arms.

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David J. Smith

Deputy Branch Chief, Space Biosciences, NASA Ames Research Center
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2012), Biology & Astrobiology

Life in Extreme Environments
Space Exploration

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Meg Smith

Technical Staff, The Aerospace Corporation
M.S. (2015), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars
Education & Outreach

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Hayden Smotherman

Graduate Student, Astronomy
Graduate Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

My research interests lie in exoplanetary habitability and Outer Solar System object detection. For exoplanets, I study the impact of…

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Darci Snowden

Assistant Professor (Physics), Central Washington University
Ph.D. (2010), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Space Exploration

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Sanjoy Som

Co-Founder & Director, Blue Marble Space Institute of Science
Ph.D. (2010), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

Sanjoy was featured in a Meet an Astrobiologist interview with Astrobiology India which you can read here: https://astrobiology.guru/dr-sanjoy-som/

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Eva Stueeken

Lecturer (School of Earth & Environmental Sciences), University of St. Andrews, UK
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2014), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth

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Marshall Styczinski

NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, JPL-Caltech
Ph.D. (2021), Physics
Graduate Certificate

Space Exploration

Marshall studies Europa’s interior structure by carefully analyzing its magnetic interactions with Jupiter. He uses detailed plasma simulations to connect…

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Matt Tilley

Research Scientist (Astronomy), University of Washington
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2018), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Space Exploration
Education & Outreach

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Thomas Tobin

Assistant Professor (Geological Sciences), University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2014), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments

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Steve Vance

Acting Group Supervisor, Planetary Chemistry and Astrobiology Group, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ph.D. (2007), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

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Llyd Wells

Tutor, St. John's College
Ph.D. (2006), Oceanography & Astrobiology Certificate

Life in Extreme Environments

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Ken Williford

Deputy Project Scientist, Mars 2020; Director, Astrobiogeochemistry Laboratory (ABCLab), NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ph.D. (2007), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology Certificate

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Habitability & Life In the Solar System: Mars
Space Exploration

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Diana Windemuth

Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures

My current research interests are in exoplanet formation and characterization. In particular, I am interested in characterizing circumbinary planets (CBPs)…

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Nick Wogan

Postdoc , NASA Goddard
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2023), Earth and Space Sciences & Astrobiology

Space Exploration

Nick was a graduate of the University of Oregon where he majored in Physics. He was awarded his dual title…

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Addien Wray

Graduate Student, Earth & Space Sciences
Dual-Title PhD

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments
Education & Outreach

Addien graduated with majors in marine science and integrative biology from the University of California at Berkeley in 2014. His…

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