Ardith Bravenec
Postdoc, Earth and Space Sciences
Life in Extreme Environments
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Postdoc, Earth and Space Sciences
Life in Extreme Environments
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Dual-Title PhD
Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments
Hannah Dawson is a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Oceanography working with Dr. Jodi Young. Hannah received her PhD…
Postdoc, Earth and Space Sciences
Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Postdoc, Earth and Space Sciences
Habitability & Life in the Solar System: Icy Moons
I grew up in a small village near Heidelberg, Germany. I earned a Ph.D. degree from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.…
Research Consultant,
University of Washington
Dual-Title Ph.D. (2020),
Astronomy & Astrobiology
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Biography Andrew is a graduate student working with Professor Meadows on the habitability of exoplanets through the study of atmospheres…