Welcome to the Spring 2024 Astrobiology Colloquium Series! Tuesdays, Location PAA 102 at 3:00pm.

UWAB hosts a biannual colloquium series every spring and fall, featuring speakers from both UW and other institutions presenting on a wide range of astrobiology related topics. Here, you can find the schedule for upcoming colloquia and seminars, as well as an archive of abstracts and live recordings of past events.  

If you would like to be notified about upcoming events, you can request to be added to our events mailing list.

We are planning for in-person presentations, meetings, and receptions held on campus. **Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we will simultaneously live stream the presentations via Zoom and (when permitted by the speaker) record and post to our YouTube channel**

Date Speaker Title of Talk
4/2/2024Astrobiology Research Rotations: Samantha Gilbert-Janizek and Joshua Sacks" Predicting Outgassing Rates for L 98-59 b with an Interior Model By Sam Gilbert-Janizek & Expanding the Agnostic Biosignature Toolkit: Estimating Molecular Assembly with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry by Joshua Sacks"
4/9/2024Stephane Mazevet "Coupling Planetary and Ecosystem Modeling to Asses Habitability and
Inhabitation in the Solar System and beyond"
4/16/2024Furkan Ozturk
Harvard University
"Origin of Biological Homochirality by Crystallization of an RNA Precursor on a Magnetic Surface"
4/23/2024Astrobiology Research Rotations: Lucas Fifer and Thea Weiss"Linking Chemical Energy and Microbial Growth in Serpentinizing Systems and Lab Cultures "
4/30/2024Jessica Weber
"Photochemical Stability and Reactivity of Prebiotic Molecules Under Ceres-Like Conditions"
5/14/2024Mark Fox-Powell"The cold chemistry of cryovolcanism: Insights from experimental and natural analogs"
5/21/2024Hilairy Hartnett "(bio)Geochemistry on exoplanets: From desert planets to water worlds"
5/28/2023Heather Graham
NASA Goddard
"Searching for Life in the Solar System Through Intrinsic Chemical Complexity"

Live Streaming Presentations:

Beginning in Spring 2020 we have resumed live streaming of the UW Astrobiology Colloquium presentations! To access the live stream each week use this link:


Please be aware that the talks in our colloquium series are scientific presentations geared towards the Astrobiology Community. Members of public are welcome to join us, but we will not ask our speakers to go out of their way to make their presentations accessible, or easy to understand, to the non-scientific community.

Archived Presentations:

Missed a video in the last seminar series? See our archive for abstracts and video recordings of past talks from 2003 – 2018, and our YouTube channel for all recorded presentations since then!