Graduate Student, Earth and Space Sciences

AB Degree Track
Dual-Title PhD

Faculty Advisor
Drew Gorman Lewis

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Exoplanets: Detection, Habitability, & Biosignatures
Education & Outreach


Autum Downey

My astrobiology research areas: geomicrobiology, extremophiles, aqueous chemistry, trace metal cycling, surface chemistry

BSc and MSc in Geology from West Virginia.  Work on organic carbon cycling within cave systems sparked an ongoing research interest in geochemical and biochemical cycling in extreme environments.

My current work is focused on nutrient acquisition by a thermophilic methanogen in a deep sea environment. This work has implications for understanding potential biosignatures for life on early earth and other planets.

I am super excited about learning things outside of my immediate expertise through the astrobiology program.

In my free time I love to hike, read, and play video games.

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