Graduate Student, Oceanography

AB Degree Track
Dual-Title PhD

Faculty Advisor
Robert Morris

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments


Dylan Vecchione

Dylan grew up in Los Angeles, CA and graduated with his undergraduate degree from UW Oceanography in 2022.

He is now a graduate student and NSF Graduate Research Fellow at UW in Oceanography and Astrobiology working with Dr. Robert Morris in the Center for Environmental Genomics.

Dylan is interested in exploring how metabolic systems might function in exoplanetary environments with unique chemical and physical conditions by evaluating microbial analogs in extreme environments on Earth, like hydrothermal vents. Dylan is curious about the fundamental mechanisms that underlie genetic diversity and enabled the origin and evolution of life on Earth, and how those mechanisms might fundamentally apply to the development of life on other planets or moons.

Outside of lab, Dylan enjoys sailing, cooking, photography, and SCUBA diving.

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