Global Health Justice


Colonialism is a longstanding historical and social phenomenon as much as well as a mindset. Throughout the history of colonialism, neo-colonialism, and contemporary practices of global health assistance are the dominant relationships of power and privilege that are perpetuated by people and institutions of the global north toward those of the global south.

July 9, 2024

Visa Injustice: Silencing Critical Voices in Global Health

By Alina Metje, GHJ Team

Global health practitioners and researchers from low- and middle- income countries face significant barriers due to restrictive visa policies. Many professionals are unable to attend international conferences, limiting their participation in critical discussions and collaborations. Consequently, global health events often become exclusive gatherings dominated by individuals from high-income countries, sidelining crucial voices from the global…

June 8, 2024

Decolonizing must challenge globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering.

By GHJ Team

The authors of a February 2024 Bulletin of the World Health Organization article call for global health actors to challenge current forms of corporate and financialized colonialism that operate through globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering. They note that most of the current narrative on decolonization focuses on correcting power imbalances between health actors…

November 7, 2023

Rewriting the Script of Global Health

By Ikenna Onoh

In the heart of Rwanda, a pharmaceutical revolution is unfolding, disrupting a global health order long dominated by high-income nations. This bold move by a nation determined to chart its own course in healthcare sovereignty embodies the spirit of decolonizing global health. It serves as a testament to the possibility of a world where equity…

September 19, 2023

Hollow Promises and True Adversaries

By Assem Suleimenova, GHJ Team

Decolonization in global health has gained popularity as a trendy topic, but the language of equity and justice falls short when it comes to practice.  Richard Horton’s “Offline: The case for global health” (Lancet, May 2023) pushes us to struggle against deeper issues in our field, including power and money imbalances, unearned privileges, racism, and…

August 11, 2023

Are we training students to be white saviors in global health?

By GHJ Team

Ananya Tina Banerjee and co-authors just published an excellent piece in The Lancet on white saviorism in global health. They remind us that global health leadership and power continues to be dominated by the global north – and that 85% of all global health organizations are headquartered in Europe and North America. They point out…

May 17, 2023

[VIDEO] Madhu Pai Lecture on Global Health Decolonization

By GHJ Team

It is now fashionable to talk about decolonization in global health, but the landscape of global health continues to be dominated by those with power and privilege. Many who espouse decolonialization make little effort  to transform the power and dominance from the global north that pervades global health activities.  Madhu Pai has written and spoken…

March 21, 2023

[PODCAST] Homegrown solutions and sustainable funding

By Yap Boum via Karolinska Decolonizing Global Health

The significance of conducting research locally cannot be understated when it comes to developing innovative solutions that are tailored to meet specific local needs. In this context, sustainable funding is crucial to scale up these ideas and make them accessible to the masses. In this podcast, Professor Yap Boum shares his views on the importance…


March 9, 2023

The White-Savior Industrial Complex

By Teju Cole via The Atlantic

“If we are going to interfere in the lives of others, a little due diligence is a minimum requirement,” Teju Cole reminds us in his recent article in the Atlantic Magazine. He argues that Western aid often fails to understand the complex issues facing African countries and instead reinforces the idea that Africa is in need of…


September 13, 2022

[BOOKS] on Decolonization

By Fatima Al-Shimari

Here are book recommendations on decolonizing the global health space:   “Wretched of the Earth” by Frantz Fanon (1961) Fanon’s seminal work on decolonization explores the psychological and sociopolitical effects of colonialism, offering critical insights into the process of liberation and self-determination. “The Colonizer and the Colonized” by Albert Memmi (1957) Memmi’s analysis delves into…

March 19, 2022

Allyship and collective liberation

By Madhukar Pai

Pai reminds us that global health was born out of colonialism and white supremacy -still firmly centered in power and privilege.  Two-thirds of GH agencies have HQs in just 3 countries: USA, UK, and Switzerland. Focus is on generosity and saviorism, hoarding vaccines, and hand-outs with the trickle-down charity model. He quotes Ijeoma Nnodim Opara,”“A…


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