Global WACh


August 4, 2022

Researchers present latest scientific evidence at Pediatric HIV Workshop and AIDS 2022

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This month, Global WACh researchers attended the 24th International AIDS Society Conference (AIDS 2022) held virtually and in-person in Montreal, Canada.  This year’s theme was “Re-engage and Follow the Science” — a call to convene scientists, policymakers, and activists to define future research agendas, shift the latest evidence to action, and chart a new consensus on overcoming the HIV epidemic as a threat to public health and individual well-being.  Researchers also attended the hybrid 14th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, a pre-conference event devoted to research in the prevention and treatment of HIV infections in infants, children, and adolescents.

Our researchers presented 12 poster abstracts and one oral presentation featuring the latest evidence from their studies, in relation to long-acting HIV treatment and prevention technologies, integrated and differentiated models of care, and monitoring and innovations in service delivery.  Laurén Gómez, a Research Coordinator at UW, was selected as a winner of the Lange/van Tongeren Prize for Young Investigators (co-partnered with ANRS – France Recherche Nord & Sud Sida-HIV Hépatites) and the Prize for Research in HIV Prevention (co-partnered with MSD – Merck Sharpe & Dohme). Learn more about Laurén’s analysis that aimed to address safety gaps in the impacts of prenatal pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on growth and development in early childhood. See a list of accepted abstracts for both scientific gatherings below.


November 29, 2021

Researchers present findings related to diarrhea and bacterial illness treatments at ASTMH 2021

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This year, the 2021 American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene conference was held virtually from November 17th-21st.  The annual meeting is the premier international forum for the exchange of scientific advances in tropical medicine, hygiene, and global health.  Researchers from Global WACh’s Gut Health and Child Survival scientific priority group presented on data from studies focusing on diarrhea and bacterial illness treatments. (more…)

August 3, 2021

Global WACh Certificate student Michelle Bulterys leverages global estimates for international forums focused on the health and wellbeing of HIV-exposed-uninfected children

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Before Michelle Bulterys enrolled in the Epidemiology PhD program and the Global WACh Graduate Certificate, she interned with the Strategic Information and Evaluation Department of the Joint United Nations AIDS Programme (UNAIDS) in Geneva, Switzerland, where she learned about the complexities of gathering and validating country-level HIV estimates and synthesizing data into global reports to be used by clinicians, policy makers, and researchers around the world.  She gained strong mentorship from Dr. Mary Mahy, who leads the Epidemiology Team at UNAIDS.  Michelle and Dr. Mahy have continued to collaborate on various projects, including Michelle’s Certificate capstone—a 90-hour project designed for students to gain hands-on experience in the field of global health.

July 30, 2021

Researchers share latest science at 2021 International AIDS Society Conference

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The International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference is the world’s most influential conference on HIV Science. This biennial conference presents the critical advances in basic, clinical and operational research that moves science into policy and practice.  See a round-up of seven excellent abstracts by Global WACh researchers that were featured at this year’s conference!


Researchers share resources to support measuring costs and benefits to multi-sectoral nutrition interventions at 2021 ANH Academy

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Researchers of the Strengthening Economic Evaluation for Multi-sectoral Strategies for Nutrition (SEEMS-Nutrition) project participated in virtual workshops and oral presentations at the 2021 Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health (ANH) Academy Week held in late July and early July.  The ANH Academy Week is a series of annual events that bring together the community of researchers, practitioners and policymakers working at the intersection of agriculture, food systems, nutrition and health.


July 14, 2021

Research Assistant Anna Larsen virtually presents analysis of depressive screening tools among postpartum Kenyan women

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Global WACh Research Assistant Anna Larsen (2nd row, left) presented research findings at the Society for Epidemiologic Research in June 2021.


Anna Larsen, Global WACh Research Assistant and PhD Candidate in the Department of Epidemiology, participated in a panel entitled, “Mental Health: Recent trends, advances in measurement, and racial/ethnic patterns” at the 2021 Society for Epidemiologic Research on June 23, 2021.

Her presentation entitled, “Epidemiologic evaluation of three depression screening tools among postpartum Kenyan women,” highlighted results from a comparative analysis of three depressive symptom screening tools used in the PrEP Implementation for Mothers in Antenatal Care (PrIMA) study.  The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale [CESD-10], Patient Health Questionnaire-2 [PHQ-2], and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale [EPDS] were utilized by the study team to screen for depressive symptoms among postpartum Kenyan women. (more…)

May 21, 2021

A sneak peek of Global WACh research at summer conferences 2021

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Faculty, staff, students, and collaborators representing Global WACh’s research are invited to present their findings at large annual conferences this summer.  We’ve rounded up some abstracts of interest, with more information to come!

If you are attending any of these scientific gatherings, be sure to add these presentations to your calendars!  Refer to the title or reference numbers to find the presentation date and time in the program guides.


February 23, 2021

Researchers plan to present latest HIV science at virtual CROI 2021

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The Conference on Retroviral Opportunistic Infections (CROI) is an annual forum for scientists and clinical investigators to present, discuss, and critique their investigations into the epidemiology and biology of human retroviruses and associated diseases.  Every year, many Global WACh researchers present their study findings, contributing to the accelerating global progress in HIV and AIDS research.

This year, CROI will be held online from March 6-10, 2021.  We have compiled a list of Science Spotlight presentations and an oral symposia presentation that our researchers are presenting.  See their presentations at the conference and visit our blog next month when we feature the full abstract summaries and authors! (more…)

November 25, 2020

Researchers present at the virtual International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2020

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The 2020 International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics was held virtually on November 16th and 17th.  This is the only scientific meeting entirely devoted to research in the prevention and treatment of HIV infections in infants, children, and adolescents, making it the premier forum for the world’s leading researchers.  Download the full program and abstract book here. (more…)

November 24, 2020

Gut Health and Child Survival researchers present findings at virtual infectious diseases conferences

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This month, researchers and collaborators from Global WACh’s Gut Health and Child Survival scientific priority area participated in two annual conferences virtually to share their latest research activities and discoveries related to pediatric infectious diseases and neglected tropical diseases.


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