Health Promotion Research Center

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Help Provide Your Community Accurate Health Information 

The University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center (UW HPRC) offers online training that will prepare and support community members in becoming health information navigators for their cultural and language communities.

Please note, the training was created in 2021.

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Training Overview 

Graphic of two people helping another person understand information on a smart phone screen.

The training is for bilingual and multilingual community members who might be students, school staff, community health workers, community organizations, medical interpreters, and/or community advocates, among other key community roles. It is online, self-paced, and will take about 1.5 hours.

After taking this training, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify how and where to access up to date COVID-19 information. 
  • Share credible COVID-19 information with loved ones and community. 
  • Evaluate how accessible health services are for non-English speaking people using an accessibility checklist. 
  • Identify strategies to address vaccine hesitancy with family, friends, and/or community members. 

The training was created in partnership with the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. 


Take the COVID-19 Information Navigator Training

The training is online and self-paced. It will take about 1.5 hours.

You will need to create an account to begin the training. The training was developed in partnership with the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice and hosted on their PHLearnLink website.


If you already have an account, sign in to take the training.


The COVID-19 Navigator Training was made possible thanks to a Nimble Grant from the Pacific Hospital Preservation and Development Authority (PHPSA).