October 13, 2021

ROSSEY Project Updates: Summer & Spring 2021 Findings

Rachel Seymour

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Comic book illustration of a boy being tested for COVID-19.

The ReOpening Schools Safely and Educating Youth (ROSSEY) project team is excited to share an overview of who participated during the spring and summer, as well as what the team discovered.

The University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and community partners are working with elementary schools in the Yakima School District to support students in safely returning to classrooms during COVID-19.

The ROSSEY team and its partners launched the project in four elementary schools in the Yakima School District during the spring and summer. They were able to offer COVID-19 testing, as well as information around COVID-19 safety, testing, and vaccinations. The team also talked with community members about testing and vaccine concerns.

This fall, the Yakima School District is offering testing for students and staff throughout all their schools, while the ROSSEY team is offering students comic books with easy-to-read information on staying safe during COVID-19, COVID-19 testing, and COVID-19 vaccines. Parents will also get information about COVID-19 testing and vaccinations throughout this school year.

How Many People Participated

There were 46 people who participated in the ROSSEY project across four elementary schools (Adams, Gilbert, McClure, and Roosevelt) in the Yakima School District.

  • 26 students
  • 9 teachers
  • 9 school and/or district administrations

Who Participated


  • 2 Alaska Native
  • 2 African American
  • 35 White
  • 7 Other or preferred not to say
Graph of the numbers above.


  • 18 Hispanic or Latino (39%)
  • 28 Non-Hispanic or Latino (61%)
Graph using the information above.


  • Ages 4-10: 17 people
  • Ages 11-20: 9 people
  • Ages 21-30: 2 people
  • Ages 31-40: 4 people
  • Ages 41-50: 4 people
  • Ages 51-60: 10 people
Graph using the information above.

What We Found

Over nine weeks, 45 of the 46 project participants were routinely tested for COVID-19. In the 87 tests done, there were fewer than five positive COVID-19 cases.

  • 9 weeks
  • 45 people tested
  • 87 tests conducted
  • <5 COVID-19 cases
Comic book illustration of a little girl being testing for COVID-19.

What We Heard

The ROSSEY team received insight from school staff and community members about three key affects COVID-19 had.

Social, Economic, and Mental Health

“… we saw that here in our community, where our grandparents passed because of our social gatherings, you know. And it’s really unfortunate … COVID has had a great impact in our community.”

Meeting the Changing Learning Needs

“… It was a big undertaking to get 15,000 students a laptop in one
month and hotspots if they needed internet …”

Finding and Wanting Accurate COVID-19 and Vaccination Information

“… there was a lot of, a lot of misinformation going on…within our Hispanic community that I think, sent fear in taking the vaccine … just reassuring them. Giving then the correct information.”

Learn More

Learn more or join the project this fall by emailing the ROSSEY team (rosseystudyteam@uw.edu).

ROSSEY Hallazgos del Proyecto de Primavera y Verano 2021

Este Proyecto apoya un regreso seguro y confiable al salón de clases. Se habló con la comunidad sobre necesidades y preocupaciones relacionadas con las pruebas y vacunas para COVID-19. Les dimos a los estudiantes libros de comics con información certera y fácil de entender sobre la salud.


  • 4 Escuelas Primarias ( Adams, Disovery Lab, Gilbert, McClure, y Roosevelt) en el Distrito Escolar de Yakima
  • 46 personas
    • 26 estudiantes
    • 9 maestros
    • 9 administrativos
    • 2 de otra categoría
  • 2 Nativo de Alaska
  • 2 Negra o Afroamericana
  • 35 Blanco
  • 7 Otra y Prefiero no decir
  • 18 personas del total de participantes se identifican como Hispanos o Latinos (39%)
  • Años de Edad 4-10: 17 personas
  • Años de Edad 11-20: 9 personas
  • Años de Edad 21-30: 2 personas
  • Años de Edad 31-40: 4 personas
  • Años de Edad 41-50: 4 personas
  • Años de Edad 51-60: 10 personas

Lo Que Encontramos

Durante nueve semanas, a 45 de los 46 participantes del proyecto se les realizaron pruebas de rutina para detectar COVID-19. En las 87 pruebas realizadas, hubo menos de cinco casos positivos de COVID-19.

  • 9 semanas
  • 45 personas probadas
  • 87 pruebas realizadas
  • menos de 5 casos de COVID-19

Lo Que Escuchamos

Comentarios del personal de la escuela y miembros de la comunidad.

  • COVID-19 afectó la salud social, económica, y mental de la gente.
    “… Eh, lo vimos aquí en nuestra comunidad, donde nuestros abuelos murieron debido a nuestras reuniones sociales, ya sabes. Desafortunadamente… COVID ha tenido un gran impacto en nuestra comunidad.”
  • Las escuelas trabajaron duro para cubrir las diferentes necesidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes durante la pandemia.
    “… fue una tarea enorme, darle una laptop a 15,000 alumnos en un mes, y zonas de wifi si necesitaban internet…”
  • Algunos miembros de la comunidad quieren información certera sobre las pruebas y vacunas para COVID-19.
    “Pues, hubo mucha, mucha desinformación circulando… dentro de nuestra comunidad Hispana, que creo causó miedo de las vacunas… solamente tranquilizarlos. Darles la información correcta.”

Año Escolar 2021-2021 y en Adelante

  • Apoyar el programa de pruebas para COVID-19 en 14 escuela primarias en el Distrito Escolar de Yakima.
  • Preguntarle a los padres de familia sobre actividad física, estrés, y pruebas de COVID-19.
  • Evaluar el Proyecto de acuerdo a los comentarios de familias y alumnos.

Únete o Aprende Más

Manda un correo electrónico al equipo de estudio (rosseystudyteam@uw.edu).

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