May 13, 2021

Testing a Safe & Confident Return to Classrooms for Latino Youth

Rachel Seymour

Young girl with braided hair and a mask on running.

Thanks to $4 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health, the University of Washington and its partners are collaborating with elementary schools in the Yakima Valley to evaluate how effective COVID-19 testing, safety measures, and communications around COVID-19 can be at safely increasing in-person attendance.

February 8, 2021

Making Progress, Together

Rachel Seymour

2021 calendar

Welcome to 2021. It is a new year with new possibilities. And was there ever a year where we are all so ready for the potential progress it holds? Take a look back at 2020 with us before we look ahead to what 2021 has to offer at the UW Health Promotion Research Center.

June 11, 2020

PEARLS Connect & PEARLS Equity Updates

Rachel Seymour

PEARLS team member Lesley Steinman at the IDIC

The UW Health Promotion Research Center (UW HPRC) is excited to share the work its researchers have done with two PEARLS studies — PEARLS Connect and PEARLS Equity.

June 5, 2020

Adapting to Better Support Partners & Communities During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Rachel Seymour

Double exposure of a person and a medical mask

We recognize that priorities for our partners have shifted, rightfully so, and we are pivoting to help them meet new needs. Where possible, we are also revamping our projects to gain new knowledge about how best to serve our communities.

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