
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory from Construction of WSDOT Roadways

Recent emphasis on actions to reduce large-scale greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has pushed most state departments of transportation to develop strategies to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the materials that they utilize. To assist WSDOT, researchers at the UW Carbon Leadership Forum assessed and analyzed the GHG emissions of WSDOT’s current material practices and explored opportunities to decrease them.

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Bench-Scale Electrochemical Treatment of Co-contaminated Clayey Soil

During roadway construction, transportation agencies frequently unearth industrial soil contamination that threatens both public health and the environment. Management of such compounds to meet environmental regulations can cause construction delays and increase costs. For this study, the researchers sought to develop an accelerated in situ treatment approach adaptable for use at any construction site to cost-effectively remove high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals from clayey soil.

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Evaluation of Electrochemical Treatment for Removal of Arsenic and Manganese from Field Soil

During roadway construction, transportation agencies frequently encounter soils containing inorganic compounds that can pose a threat to human health and the environment. Management of such compounds to meet environmental regulations can cause construction delays and increase costs. The researchers in this study sought to develop an accelerated in situ electrochemical treatment for extracting inorganic compounds from fine-grained soils.

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Supporting a Living Flora of the Pacific Northwest, 2nd Edition: Expanding Online Resources and Updating Identification Keys with New Information

Flora of the Pacific Northwest, 2nd Edition, published in October 2018 by the University of Washington Herbarium, Burke Museum, provides users with dichotomous keys to 5,085 wild-growing Pacific Northwest native and introduced plant species. This project expanded the existing Flora 2nd edition website to include automatically updating distribution maps for all taxa in the book and produced revised identifications keys for families, genera, and species that have undergone taxonomic changes.

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Cost-Effective Use of Sustainable Cementitious Materials as Reactive Filter Media

Transportation agencies need cost-effective tools to address stormwater pollution. In cold climates that require the use of a lot of snow/ice control products, chloride salts are a particular problem in highway runoff. This project assessed the use of crushed fines from recycled concrete (CFRCs), modified with nano silicon dioxide, to passively remove chlorides from polluted stormwater runoff.

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Mechanisms Involved in the Removal of Heavy Metals from Stormwater via Lignocellulosic Filtration Media

In the Pacific Northwest, elevated soluble zinc and copper concentrations originating from urban stormwater runoff pose a significant threat to native salmon and steelhead populations. In response to urbanization, existing stormwater infrastructure needs to be upgraded to treat non-point source pollution, including soluble metals, before they enter receiving waters. This project aimed to provide sustainable design suggestions for urban stormwater remediation at Washington State Ferry terminals. Researchers conducted laboratory and field-scale column tests to recommend specific types of plant filtration media for copper and zinc adsorption.

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Underwater Noise Reduction of Marine Pile Driving Using a Double Pile: Vashon Ferry Terminal Test

Impact driving steel piles through the water—for example, for ferry docks—produces extremely high underwater sound levels that can harm aquatic wildlife. Previous research has shown that without containing the noise, larger steel pipe piles cannot be installed with impact hammers without exceeding underwater noise thresholds established to protect critical species. To address this problem, a series of research projects for the Washington State Department of Transportation has developed a double-walled pile to decrease the total amount of noise. This project conducted a full-scale test of the double-walled pile technology at Vashon Island, Washington, with encouraging results.

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