Research News

2022 Seattle Commute Survey

The 2022 Seattle Commute Study captured insights into Seattle area commuter trip choices and motivators, as well as origins and destinations. The results give transportation planners a clearer picture of travel trends in relation to demographic groups, employment types, and housing.

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West Seattle Bridge Case Study

In March 2020, coinciding with shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the West Seattle Bridge, the main bridge connecting West Seattle with the rest of the city of Seattle, was closed to traffic because of structural deterioration. The unexpected closure of the bridge disrupted passenger and freight mobility to/from West Seattle, increasing travel times and generating bottlenecks on the remaining bridges. This project documented the impacts of the closure on freight flow in and out of West Seattle.

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Bench-Scale Electrochemical Treatment of Co-contaminated Clayey Soil

During roadway construction, transportation agencies frequently unearth industrial soil contamination that threatens both public health and the environment. Management of such compounds to meet environmental regulations can cause construction delays and increase costs. For this study, the researchers sought to develop an accelerated in situ treatment approach adaptable for use at any construction site to cost-effectively remove high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals from clayey soil.

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Evaluation of Electrochemical Treatment for Removal of Arsenic and Manganese from Field Soil

During roadway construction, transportation agencies frequently encounter soils containing inorganic compounds that can pose a threat to human health and the environment. Management of such compounds to meet environmental regulations can cause construction delays and increase costs. The researchers in this study sought to develop an accelerated in situ electrochemical treatment for extracting inorganic compounds from fine-grained soils.

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Final 50 Feet: Urban Goods Delivery Systems

The Final 50 Feet Research Program focuses on the “final 50 feet” of the urban goods delivery system, including searching for parking; loading/unloading; maneuvering intersections, curbs, and other obstacles; and delivering goods to customers. Researchers have used a systems engineering approach to investigate solutions to optimizing delivery operations in the final 50 feet of the supply chain. They have analyzed both the street network and the city’s vertical space as one integrated goods delivery system to ultimately reduce carbon emissions and increase curb efficiency for goods delivery.

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Utility and Limitations of Using Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP) as Roadway Embankment Material

The use of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) is a sustainable practice that potentially could help reduce construction costs, preserve the environment, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provided that the engineering performance of the roadways constructed with RAP is not compromised. This project sought to determine the limits for using RAP as a roadway embankment material and to develop draft specifications for the required material and its placement.

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Review and Summary of Pre-Wet Methods and Procedures

Pre-wetting is an important part of winter road maintenance operations. This project compiled a summary of pre-wetting practices, including equipment, materials, methods, and application rates, and identified the history of successes and failures that have contributed to current practices.

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Snow and Ice Treatment Products Evaluation

The Maintenance Division of the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) uses different materials to reduce the negative impacts of snow and ice on state roadways. In addition to plowing, the use of chemicals and abrasives for highway winter maintenance operations is an essential strategy for ensuring a reasonably high level of service. This project addressed information gaps regarding the performance and impacts of these materials.

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Design of Living Barriers to Reduce the Impacts of Snowdrifts on Illinois Freeways

Blowing snow accounts for a large part of the Illinois Department of Transportation’s (IDOT) total winter maintenance expenditures. This project developed recommendations for the design and placement of living snow fences to minimize snowdrift on Illinois highways. More effective and efficient snow and ice control operations could produce significant economic, environmental, and social benefits for the state.

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