Equity in Planning

To help increase equity in transportation planning, this project will seek to determine key performance indicators that measure the effects of transportation projects on vulnerable populations, overburdened communities, and tribes. The researchers will comb the literature for both leading indicators and the performance metrics to measure them. On the basis of the leading indicators collected, the researchers will survey planners to gather further information about strategies that have been or could be used to address equity issues. This information will be organized into a Table of Equity Strategies, with literature review data presented at the census tract level and community engagement data presented at the county level. Planners will be able to use the resulting information in determining how to approach equity in their transportation projects. 

Principal Investigator: Bethany Gordon, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UW
Sponsor: WSDOT
WSDOT Technical Monitor: Faris Al-Memar
WSDOT Project Manager: Jon Peterson 
Scheduled completion: February 2024