Structural and Programmatic Effects of Bus Rapid Transit on Physical Activity

This project expands on the previous Light Rail Transit project to examine whether major transportation infrastructure affects physical activity and the cost effectiveness of those changes from a health perspective. The project is determining whether people living close to two new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines (King County Metro’s Rapid Ride) become more physically active after BRT has been implemented than people living far from the BRT lines. Participants are wearing accelerometers and GPS devices and are keeping a travel log for seven days on three different occasions over the course of this five-year study. The project will also review whether King County Metro’s social marketing campaign In Motion will result in residents using transit more often.

Principal Investigators:
Brian E. Saelens, Pediatrics, UW
Frederick P. Rivara, Pediatrics, UW
Anne Vernez Moudon, Urban Design and Planning, UW

National Institutes of Health
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Seattle Children’s Research Institute

Scheduled completion: June 2020