These FREE trainings are offered by the Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center. Designed for social service & mental health providers, topics are related to abuse, violence, trauma, treatment, cultural competency and prevention. For OCVA funded programs, these trainings satisfy the requirements for sexual assault and/or crime victims training. Proof of attendance will be provided.
2024 Education Forum
Date | Description | Flyer | Resources |
11/08/2024 | The Metabolic Breakdown of PTSD and Prevention Strategies | [Flyer] | |
09/13/2024 | Deconstructing Law & Order: SVU | [Flyer] | [Resource-English][Resource-Spanish][Slide Deck] |
06/14/2024 | Preventing Sexual Violence in Washington State Middle Schools | [Flyer] | [Slide Deck][Handout] |
05/10/2024 | Aunties Are a Game Changer-How Indigenous Love Heals Historical Trauma | [Flyer] | [Slide Deck] |
03/08/2024 | STIM AS’PUS: WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART? | [Flyer] | [Slide Deck] |
02/09/2024 | Building Capacity with Youth Leaders to Prevent Gender Based violence | [Flyer] | [Slide Deck] |
01/12/2024 | Be Real | [Flyer] | [Slide Deck] |