Care Transformation

Population Health Management

Healthcare is shifting to a focus on keeping people healthy, not just treating them when they are ill. We need to serve populations as well as individual patients to prevent disease, promote health and reduce the burden of chronic illnesses through population management. We need an outcomes vs. visits approach and navigate away from a “visit and sickness” focus with performance based on the health status of all of our patients.

In addition to providing care during office visits, clinicians are utilizing technology and other innovative approaches to proactively manage groups of patients by anticipating their medical needs. This approach results in better care, helps to control costs and saves time for the patient.

We have established the “UW Medicine Way” for PCPs to manage most people with chronic conditions with a central monitoring of system performance on quality measures, and included specialists in the coordination of care of outliers.

Find more information and resources in these areas of population health management: Empanelment, Panel & Gap Management, Care Management and Primary Pathways/PATH Initiatives.


For any questions, please contact:

Van Chaudhari, Administrator, Population Health Management