Small Projects

Geospatial Analysis of Bicycle Network “Level of Stress”, Bicycle Crashes and the Geo-coded Pavement Conditions for Risk Factors

University: ,

PI: Haizhong Wang (OSU),
Dates: 07/01/2013 – 8/31/2015
Final Project Report: PacTrans-35-OSU-Wang

Safety remains a problem on U.S. roadways, with more than 32,000 fatalities, 2.2 million injuries and 6 million crashes each year. Less than two percent of motor vehicle crashes deaths are bicyclists. The loss of 677 lives in bicycle/motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. in 2011, although lower than the 830 fatalities in 1995, is still on the rise just a few years ago. Cities and counties in the United States have made small progress promoting bicycling by developing painted bike lanes, separate bicycle-only highways, bike share programs and incentives for businesses that encourage employees to bike to work. Recent research proposes evaluating urban bicycle treatments of this kind by how to reduce bicycle crashes and the stress-level for cyclists on road networks (Mekuria, Furth and Nixon 2012). Read More

Assessing the Capacity of the Pacific Northwest as an Intermodal Freight Transportation Hub

University: ,

PI: Hectro Vergara (OSU),
Dates: 07/01/2013 – 8/31/2015
Final Project Report: PacTrans-36-OSU-Vergara

The economic health of the Pacific Northwest greatly depends on domestic and international trade markets and the efficient performance of freight transportation systems and their interconnections across the region. Very important industries in the region such as manufacturing, agriculture, retail and construction are heavily dependent on freight transportation. In the state of Oregon only, $16 million worth of cargo was moved on roads each hour of every day during 2008. Intermodal transportation refers to the use of two or more transportation modes to move goods from origin to destination to take advantage of economies of scale (for example, containers that are moved from a ship to a truck or to a train). Read More

SSI Bridge 2: Evaluation of Soil Structure Interaction Effects on PNW Bridges

University: ,

PI: Ben Mason (OSU),
Co Investigator: Andre Barbosa (OSU)
Dates: 07/01/2013 – 6/30/2015
Final Project Report: PacTrans-25-OSU-Mason

The Pacific Northwest (PNW) is prone to large subduction zone earthquakes as well as smaller, shallow, crustal earthquakes. The effects of these types of earthquakes on PNW bridges is not well understood – especially the effects of the large magnitude, long-duration subduction earthquake motions. In this project, we will solve the following problem: How will typical bridges in the PNW respond during impending earthquake events? The term “typical bridges” here is meant to imply the majority of the bridge stock in the PNW that has not been subjected to rigorous seismic analysis and design. Read More

Investigating the Feasibility of Using QR (Quick Response) Codes for Construction Document Control in Highway Construction

University: ,

PI: Hyun Woo Lee (OSU),
Dates: 07/01/2013 – 7/31/2015
Final Project Report: PacTrans-37-OSU-Lee

The success of construction operations depends on the effective management of a variety of construction documents such as drawings and specifications. Despite this importance, the construction industry still lags behind other industries in its use of information technology (IT) and mobile devices in document controls. Thus, hard copy documentation still prevails as the primary method of document management within the industry. In particular, the unique nature of highway construction adds more challenges to the document control of departments of Transportation (DOTs) due to geographically dispersed operations and prolonged nighttime operations. Read More

Improved Corrosion Inspection Procedures for Reinforced Concrete Bridges: Electrical Resistivity of Concrete

University: ,

PI: O. Burkan Isgor (OSU),
Dates: 07/01/2013 – 7/31/2015
Final Project Report: PacTrans-50-OSU-Isgor

First-level inspection procedures (e.g. visual inspection, chain drag or hammer sound tests) to detect corrosion-related issues in reinforced concrete bridges work only after significant damage to the structure has already occurred in the form of excessive cracking and/or delamination.  Early detection and accurate monitoring of corrosion activity require more detailed inspections, which may include half-cell potential mapping  and/or taking cores for laboratory analyses for mechanical properties and chloride profiling. Read More

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