Project Definition Workshop on M9 Disaster Science

Break-out Groups for March 13, 2019, 3:30 -- 5:30pm

The goal of this initial break-out group session is to brainstorm ideas about possible collaborative research between groups in Japan, Chile, and the US. The following groups will share ideas and knowledge about other researchers at their institutions. The extended abstracts listed for each group are potentially relevant, but other abstracts listed on the main workshop webpage may also be of interest.

Group 1: Observations and early warning

Abstracts to discuss:

Group 2: Remote sensing

Abstracts to discuss:

Group 3: Planning and risk assessment

Abstracts to discuss:

Group 4: Tsunami modeling

Abstracts to discuss:

Group 5: Landslide/rockslide modeling

Abstracts to discuss:

Group 6: Subduction zone seismology, tsunami sources, PTHA

Abstracts to discuss:

Group 7: Structural engineering

Abstracts to discuss: