Part E: DigiSites Overview and Fair Use Rules

DEADLINE: Entries for DigiSites 2011 must be completed and submitted no later than the entry deadline of 8:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), Friday, August 5, 2011.

DigiSites Overview and Rules

DigiSites is an activity open to ALL TRIO students to introduce students to the challenges of conducting and expressing solid academic research through exciting tools offered by the web.

Individuals or Teams - All TRIO Students
Using Google Sites as the required web development tool, students work individually OR in teams of two to six to create materials for the web that can be used as learning tools for students and teachers, and the world!

Real-world Problem Topic, Global Interest Topic, or Community Topic

DigiSites, with appropriate support and direction by staff and other advisors, is an effective way for individuals or teams to:

  • develop original ideas
  • learn as they research, write, and create multimedia materials
  • teach others about a real-world problem, global interest topic, or community topic
  • develop innovative and content-rich educational materials
  • meet high standards of intellectual honesty
  • develop critical thinking and project management skills
  • motivates individual or collaborative work
  • learn 21st century research skills and techniques
  • create the occasion for students to be published online

DigiSites Coaches and Coach Codes– Please see Part C for Program Responsibility details

  • A TRIO staff person is eligible to be a primary coach  if he or she is
    • An employee of a TRIO program (summer employee and/or academic year) and
    • Over the age of 21 on July 1, 2011
  • Coaches, in support of students’ efforts, may help with team formation, provide guidance and encouragement, help students locate human, technical and information resources, help students with final uploads as well as help to manage the creation of student sites.
  • Only students may work directly on the entry; coaches must only guide student work
  • The primary coach must have an active e-mail address that can be used for communication with the TRIO Quest staff
  • Coach Codes are required to submit DigiSites entries (see our Website for information)

Qualities and Requirements

  • All website content must be submitted through Google Sites
  • One designated student per team or a Coach must complete an online form AND provide a URL to submit a site by the deadline
  • All submitted websites must 1) follow one of the three categories, 2) include a Critical Thinking page which address the 4 questions within the Rubric, and 3)link to a Storyboard as required by the Rubric
  • The site must be an appropriate educational site and must not contain objectionable material for viewing by students in any TRIO Program. Programs must monitor the selection of topics and review written content and media to assure that the diverse values and cultures represented in TRIO are respected
  • The site must clearly indicate the educational objectives or purpose of the site and indicate the intended audience
  • For the safety of the students, personal information, including students’ last names and student email addresses or personal contact information must not appear on the site
  • The site storage limit is 100 Mb/site
  • Web pages posted on Google Sites may not contain any commercial content that promotes the sale of a product or service. Commercial content includes but is not limited to logos, brand names, slogans, text, images, videos, or any type of multimedia file(s). For materials used as supplemental links within a Google Sites' entry, it is the program's responsibility to assure the appropriateness of any commercial content of this supplemental material
  • Websites may not contain any social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that is inappropriate in content and/or language and must not contain objectionable materials. Programs must monitor and edit all social media and take responsibility for the content presented on a TRIO Site entry
  • Teams are encouraged to test their Websites on a variety of machines and browsers

Intellectual Honesty

  • Each source must be quoted and/or parenthetically cited on the page in which it appears AND linked to a full citation on a reference page
  • Original material is rewarded. All text, lyrics, photographs, graphics, sound, music, animations, or video taken from another source must be cited and applied to Fair Use Best Practices (see below)


Fair Use Best Practices For DigiSites ONLY

(Fair Use can no longer be used for DigiMedia or DigiText)

Adapted from the University of Maryland University College & Recommended by
The guidelines provide guidance for the use, without permission, of portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works.


  • The guidelines are intended to apply to educational multimedia projects that incorporate educators' original material, such as course notes or commentary, together with various copyrighted media formats, including motion media, music, text material, and graphics illustrations.
  • The guidelines are voluntary and do not have the force of law.
  • If you follow the guidelines, it is highly likely that your use is fair use.
  • The guidelines are safe minimums.
  • The newly created work that includes copyrighted material may only be used for learning activities. Other uses, such as selling the work commercially, require permission.

Student Guidelines

  • Students may incorporate portions of copyrighted materials when producing an educational project but only with proper citation.
  • Students may perform and display their own projects and use them in their portfolio or use the project for job interviews or as supporting materials for application to educational institutions. 

Types of media and permissible amounts (percentages refer to the percent of the specific original work) that may be used with proper citation on the first page in which it is referenced and on a references page

  • Motion media:
    • Up to 10 percent of the total of the original or three minutes, whichever is less.
  • Text material:
    • Up to 10 percent of the total of the original or 1,000 words, whichever is less.
  • An entire poem of less than 250 words may be used, but no more than three poems by one poet or five poems by different authors in an anthology. For poems exceeding 250 words, 250 words should be used but no more than three excerpts from one poet or five excerpts from different poets in the same work
  • Music, lyrics, and music video:
    • up to 10 percent of the work but no more than 30 seconds of the music or lyrics from an individual musical work.
  • Illustrations or photographs:
    • no more than five images from one artist or photographer.
    • no more than 10% or 15 images, whichever is less, from a collection.
  • Numerical data sets:
    • up to 10 percent or 2,500 fields or cell entries, whichever is less, from a copyrighted database or data table.
  • Copying of a multimedia project:
    • no more than two copies may be made of a project.

If one goes beyond Fair Use Rules, permission is required.

Next: Part F: DigiText Overview and Rules