Graduate Student, Oceanography

AB Degree Track
Dual-Title PhD

Faculty Advisor
Jody Deming

Origin & Evolution of Life on Earth
Life in Extreme Environments
Habitability & Life in the Solar System: Icy Moons


Georges Kanaan

I decided to join Jody Deming’s lab in the School of Oceanography to apply my skills in computer science towards understanding our oceans, and am specifically interested in polar environments, extremophiles and climate change.

I was born in Lebanon and was raised first in London, UK then in Beirut, Lebanon until I went off to university. I completed my bachelor degree in computer science and cognitive science at the University of Toronto in 2021. In the past, my research interests lied primarily in using machine learning models to understand and model the human brain. I’ve worked across a variety of projects, some yielding published papers, from using computer vision for medical diagnostic, to using neuroscience to take an image using your eye as a camera. I’ve held many positions since 2014 as an intern in a wide ranging set of organizations from PwC to NASA.

Outside of my professional life, I look forward to learning more about hydroponics, SCUBA diving, Astronomy and Photography.

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