Here are additional notes about activities are the Seattle branches of the Unemployed Citizens League 1931-1933
U.C.L. News
-The Emergency Health Clinic will accept 25 cases of sinus infection and 25 other chronic cases of various kinds recommended by the U.C.L. (“Free Health Clinic for Unemployed” February 1932 p. 2)
-Fourteen U.C.L. locals cut 1,000 cords of wood on a cooperative basis; cords delivered to commissaries; trucks supplied by the city departments and local business firms with some by the unemployed themselves (“Unemployed Cut Lots of Wood” February 1932 p. 2)
-Big benefit being staged by the joint branches of the U.C.L. actively selling tickets with a record crowd promised; Fanchon and Marco, the noted amusement firm, will head the bill with a vaudeville number with a banjo band accompanying the set; other number include piano concertos and acrobatic dancing; tickets 60 cents (“Big Benefit Show for Unemployed” February 1932 p. 3)
-State fund to be set up to pay single men $10 per week and married men a maximum of $20 per week from a state unemployment insurance fund (“Law Will Pay Benefits to Unemployed” March 1932 p. 2)
-The results of the U.C.L.’s berry harvesting efforts have been tabulated by the industrial board; in the warehouse there are 179 full barrels of strawberries, 10 of raspberries, 97 of loganberries and one of jam; each barrel holds 450 pounds of berries so the total poundage is 129,200; retail value is around $16,000; in addition, 7 ½ tons of cherries were received from Yakima and 190 boxes of apples; 757 sacks of sugar received (“Thousands of Pounds of Fruit Have Been Harvested by League” August 12, 1932 p. 3)
-Cooperative farming to raise vegetables to feed the hungry is the latest venture of the U.C.L.; Youngstown branch pioneer in undertaking; two 10 acre lots secured on outskirts of the city; land has been obtained rent-free and crews of men will be rotated on the job; all produce turned into local commissary for distribution to needy families (“Cooperative Farming is Latest Venture” February 1932 p. 2)
- Youngstown is proceeding with plans to plant 20 acres (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 1932 p. 3)
-The fuel situation is becoming so serious that hundreds of unemployed families are facing acute suffering; in practically every U.C.L. local in the city the fuel service that the unemployed have built up has been crippled or stopped by the grandiose scheme of sending men to Whidby Island or some other distant place to cut wood for the whole city; unemployed from Youngstown and other locals, who have spent some time on the island, some for as much as two weeks report that conditions there are unbearable and the food very poor; a few have gotten as much as a cord for two weeks labor and may not even have this much (“County Fuel Set-Up Breaks Down” Nov 4, 1932 p. 2)
-Delegate Allen of Youngstown reported that members of his local, who, by reason of their labor on Whidby Island, were entitled to 140 cords only secured four cords; 75 Social Welfare families were given preference (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 9, 1932 p. 3
- Youngstown action committee secretary reported an eviction case involving sick women who was mistreated by landlord; the latter gained access to the house through the coal shute; charges will be filed against the landlord (“U.C.L. News Reel” April 7, 1933 p. 3)
-Phinney-Greenwood branch does not like the stifling atmosphere of the public school building where they have been meeting and have moved to the Lutheran Church in the neighborhood; now they can fully air their views (“U.C.L. News Reel” February 1932 p. 3)
-Phinney Greenwood has ordered 100 copied of The Vanguard (“Every Local Get Behind the Vanguard” August 26, 1932 p. 3)
-Phinney- Greenwood brought back 4 ½ tons of peaches from the Yakima Valley which was rotting on the tree (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 2, 1932 p. 5)
-Phinney- Greenwood reports that the county has withdrawn trucks for hauling wood; a large number of cords are in the woods while people need fuel (Commissioners Move on White Center” Sep 16, 1932 p. 3)
-Phinney- Greenwood reported that families of five were expected to make out with a ration of 1 ½ pounds of butter per week; other food items had been cut proportionately (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 11, 1932 p. 3)
-Phinney-Greenwood gave a very successful dance on Friday, Feb 24, the proceeds of which were used for the furtherance of their delegation on the Hunger March to Olympia on March 1(“Phinney-Greenwood Dance a Success” March 3, 1933 p. 4)
- Columbia branch through its cooperative sewing room made and distributed 60 quilts last week (“U.C.L. News Reel” February 1932 p. 3)
- Columbia branch has secured 25 acres of land for planting; also several houses and apartments for families about to be evicted (“U.C.L. News Reel” April 1932 p. 2)
-Columbia reported success in securing food vouchers for a sick woman who was about to be banned; a delegate states that assurance had been given that men not working would not be cut off relief (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 17, 1933 p. 3)
-Capitol Hill branch has installed a shoe shop and will have a laundry going soon (“U.C.L. News Reel” February 1932 p. 3)
-Capitol Hill has a committee making a survey of available tracts of tillable land in the county, which may be planted in vegetables this spring; the committee will report its findings to the central federation for the information of other branches (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 1932 p. 3)
-Four houses with 20 rooms has been secured by Capitol Hill to use rent-free (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 1932 p. 3)
-Capitol Hill reports that the new county commissary in their district to supplant the U.C.L depot is estimated to have cost the taxpayers from $1200-$1500 (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 7, 1932 p. 3)
-Capitol Hill has refused to turn over its registration lists to the new county manager in that district; members refused to help the paid man pass out food at the new commissary location; the Capitol Hill local will continue to operate even though the county has cut off its supplies; it will maintain its shoe shop, its housing repair program, its work and fuel distribution plans (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 7, 1932 p. 3)
-In the new county commissary on Capitol Hill 450 pounds of meat spoiled because the new paid manager ordered too much and did not find refrigeration facilities to preserve it (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 14, 1932 p. 3)
-Eleven members of the Capitol Hill U.C.L. were free Tuesday after a hearing on a charge of conspiracy to steal food from the Capitol Hill commissary last summer before Justice of the Peace Jospeh P. Tennis of Burien, collapsed completely for lack of evidence (“Capitol Hill Members Freed” Feb 3, 1933 p. 2)
-Capitol Hill reported that the county had 200 houses taken for taxes which should be made available for the use of the unemployed; a motion to ask this of the county commissioners at once was carried (“U.C.L. News Reel” Feb 3, 1933 p. 3)
-White Center has 307 members signed up and membership is increasing at a rate of 15 per day; have installed a shoe shop and barber shop with two chairs in the rear of the commissary with two barbers on duty in the day and one in the evening; 60 men are going to the woods daily in two wood crews; 50 women are signed up in the auxiliary and have made 21 winter quilts in the past two weeks (“U.C.L. News Reel” February 1932 p. 3)
-12-16 ladies are sewing industriously daily; also giving a series of card parties at the I.O.O.F. hall every Friday with a dance following (“White Center News” April 1932 p. 3)
-Everything at a standstill at White Center due to having no gas; 5 acres of garden have been planted, with 10 more acres ready for the seed; Lake Union Brick Co. recently donated a brick press with an average capacity of 15,000 bricks per day (“White Center News” May 1932 p. 3)
-The White Center U.C.L. ball team beat the Atlantic Street team Tuesday by a score of 6 to 5; secured 500 foot site for mill purposes, also a saw mill; now the great want is a shingle mill, a planer and an edger; reports 20 acres of potatoes, peas, beans and other vegetables with onions and radishes already brought in (“White Center News” June 1932 p. 3)
-Members in White Center, Georgetown, East Madison, Junction, Admiral Way, Alki, and other locals are taking bundles of The Vanguard to sell (“Every Local Get Behind the Vanguard” August 26, 1932 p. 3)
-Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the White Center U.C.L. is holding an open air dance in their neighborhood; the music is food and everybody has a good time; come out and have lots of fun (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 16, 1932 p. 3)
-The Supply Laundry is furnishing the White Center U.C.L. barbershop with towels free; the local appreciates the favor (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 16, 1932 p. 3)
-White Centerl U.C.L. is the next point of attack by the County Commissioners; Thursday morning two car loads of police and private detectives came out with a representative of the county to take things over; a large number of members around the commissary voted to withdraw all unemployed workers if a paid man was put in (Commissioners Move on White Center” Sep 16, 1932 p. 3)
-Bribes in forms of personal favors, increased food supply and even jobs are being offered to the hapless unemployed; the most notorious example comes from White Center where the paid manager approached members of the local, offered them a chance to get their winters coal, said there would even be jobs for a few select ones later at $4 per day and then tried to persuade them that Earley was the friend of the unemployed and should be supported (“Bribe Offered Unemployed: Paid County Relief Workers Try to Swing Support For Evans and Earley by Promise of Favors” Sep 30, 1932 p. 1)
-White Center child welfare committee is running dances to raise money to pay for medicine and such items; the paid county manager wanted the money turned over to him but the women refused; they will handle it themselves as they have in the past (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 28, 1932 p. 3)
-White Center is dividing its membership to form a new local, Mountain View, outside the city limits; it will start with a membership of about 300; people in the county with four or five in family are given one day’s work per week at $3.60 per day in orders on local grocers; those with 6 or 7 in family are given 5 days’ work; it is impossible to exist in health upon such a basis (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 18, 1932 p. 3)
-Atlantic Street branch is now in their commissary and serving 178 families (“U.C.L News Reel” February 1932 p. 3)
-According to a resolution adopted by the Atlantic Street branch, U.C.L. members are being urged to refuse to send their kids to school in the fall unless the county appropriates $100,000 for shoes and $100,000 for clothes; 90% of the children of the unemployed are lacking in proper wearing apparel and their health will suffer if shoes and clothing are not provided; is the parents all over the city call a school strike it will forcefully emphasize the seriousness of the situation (“School Strike for Clothing Proposed” August 19, 1932 p. 3)
-Atlantic Street and several other locals state that there is a healthy spirit of opposition to the county plan to force all people to work two days per week in return for miserable food dole; we want to work with wages or will continue U.C.L. work as before if permitted to do so (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 28, 1932 p. 3)
-A motion presented by delegate Hyde of Atlantic Street U.C.L. to urge all locals to form committees to turn on the light and water and to resist the eviction of delinquent tenants from their homes was passed by the Central Federation Wednesday night after discussions, which revealed the serious condition of hundreds of unemployed families who are unable to pay for these services (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 18, 1932 p. 3)
-Atlantic Street, reported delegate Gordon, has 75 cords of wood ready for hauling in, but no trucks will be given by the county unless it is given control of the distribution of the wood (“U.C.L. News Reel Nov 25, 1932 p. 3)
-May Day is several months away but delegate Gordon of Atlantic Street thinks that plans ought to be started now for an impressive demonstration; his motion to place this matter in the hands of the Ways and Means committee and the Educational committee carried unanimously (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 2, 1932 p. 3)
-Delegate Gordon reports appointment of educational committee in his local and plans to form study classes to study works of Socialist writers (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 16, 1932 p. 3)
-Atlantic Street has established an educational committee and is planning to launch a class in economics soon; speakers from the central educational committee will be welcome at regular local meetings (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 23, 1932 p. 3)
-Green Lake reports 9 acres available near Alderwood Manor and East Madison has taken steps to follow this up (“U.C.L News Reel” March 1932 p. 3)
- Green Lake, Capitol Hill, East Madison, Phinney-Greenwood and Wallingford are U.C.L. locals that have voted to keep the paid workers out (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 30, 1932 p. 3)
-A U.C.L. Ballad:
Oh, yes, I am a U.C.L. and glory in the name,
And find that it is better far then robbery or skingame.
I’d tried so hard to get a job I’d walked from place to place,
But nothing but starvation seemed to stare me in the face.
Till, presto, came the U.C.L., it surely filled the bill.
This piece of luck at last I struck, I’m sticking to it still.
O yes, I am a U.C.L.
And will be till I die.
I’ll sing and yell for U.C.L.
For a U.C.L. am I.
We go and get our daily dole, and work two days a week.
And every man does what he can to earn the food we eat.
We have our little squabbles and we have our kicks and knocks,
But well we know, it must be so, since we are on the rocks.
The bosses call us Radicals and tell us where to go,
But on election day—when WE will say—who’s going to run the show!
-J.C. Dean, Green Lake Local U.C.L. (“A U.C.L. Ballad” Oct 21, 1932 p. 2)
-Green Lake had a member’s book pulled for refusal to work for his groveries; after he had made a vigorous protest, the county commissary manager restored it and give him his supplies (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 18, 1932 p. 3)
- Green Lake local has subscribed for 50 copies per week of the Unemployed Citizen; other locals are urged to follow suit as quickly as possible (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 25, 1932 p. 3)
-Who Cuts the Wood?
Does your conscience ever hurt you,
When you’re sitting safe inside,
With the fire warm and cheerful,
And your hunger satisfied?
When you look out of the window,
And you see the rain and storm,
You must think of men out working,
Cutting wood to keep you warm.
Does your conscience ever hurt you?
Well you know darn well it should,
When you see the truck is leaving,
With the men who cut the wood.
Then you grab your bag of fodder,
And you sneak back to your hut,
There to see the fire burning,
With the wood you did not cut.
You don’t have to be a slacker,
You could just as well come through.
Loafing round to talk depression,
Doesn’t bring the wood to you.
Sitting ‘round and always beefing,
Doesn’t do you any good.
If you’d keep the home fires burning,
You must go and cut the wood.
-K.O. Lynch, Green Lake U.C.L., (“Who Cuts the Wood?” Dec 9, 1932 p. 4)
-University reports several houses donated for the use rent-free to families who are about to be evicted (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 1932 p. 3)
-Delegate Ambuhl of University reported that the meat issued to their members through the county commissary on Woodlawn avenue was very bad; a University Meat Co. truck delivered it (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 25, 1932 p. 3)
-Olympic Heights has a committee looking for land for garden purposes (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 1932 p. 3)
-Olympic Heights reports that the county policy in that district seems to be to force all men whether or not they are able to work to go into the woods and go through the motion (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 28, 1932 p. 3)
-Olympic Heights is on record for a large quantity and variety of food through the commissaries, with 12 hours per week in addition at union wages (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 2, 1932 p. 3)
-Olympic Heights reported that paid county managers were discriminating against loyal U.C.L. members in the distribution of wood; the county lackeys got plenty (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 23, 1932 p. 3)
-Olympic Heights has refused to send its members out with trucks of the former garbage contractors for wood hauling; it believes that trucks belonging to unemployed members should be used for this work (“U.C.L. News Reel” Feb 10, 1933 p. 3)
-Enterprising Fremont local of the U.C.L. is getting out a live little sheet called The Rapier which will circulate in the district and will build sentiment for the local; “The Rapier has a clean sharp thrust-fakers keep away or you will get stuck” (“U.C.L. News Reel” August 12, 1932 p. 2)
-L.M. Deaton, former commissary manager for Fremont U.C.L., is facing charge of stealing food from the depot and selling it to a restaurant operator; Mr. Deaton has been repudiated by the central federation of the U.C.L. and by a large percentage of the Fremont membership (“Deaton Repudiated By Unemployed League” Oct 21, 1932 p. 1)
-Fremont, reports dlegate Reardon, has deliverd 24 cords of wood to its own lot with its own trucks and with donated gas; this is the first it has had in two months; every Friday night the local gives a dance at I.O.O.F. hall at North 35 th and Fremont; a good orchestra supplies the music (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 2, 1932 p. 3)
-Gatewood local U.C.L. gave a dance July 29 to raise funds for its general relief purposes; a large crowd enjoyed themselves; firms donated prizes for this and other affairs (“U.C.L. News Reel” August 12, 1932 p. 2)
-Gatewood local U.C.L. has ordered 100 copies of The Vanguard (“Every Local Get Behind the Vanguard” August 26, 1932 p. 3)
-Gatewood has appointed members Rhodes, Singleton and Wick as the industrial board which will take a truck over to Yakima to get rotting fruit (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 2, 1932 p. 5)
-Gatewood has appointed a committee to investigate Commissioner Don Evans’ status as a disabled war veteran; the members feel that chiseling a pension and a salary out of the tax payers is worse than chiseling it from the commissary (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 9, 1932 p. 5)
-In commissaries, such as Gatewood, where a spirit of resistance is being shown to the paid manager, promises are being made that if he is permitted to come in the supply of food will increase (“Bribe Offered Unemployed: Paid County Relief Workers Try to Swing Support For Evans and Earley by Promise of Favors” Sep 30, 1932 p. 1)
-The Gatewood shoe shop will not be re-opened until the local decides to accept a paid commissary manager (“Bribe Offered Unemployed: Paid County Relief Workers Try to Swing Support For Evans and Earley by Promise of Favors” Sep 30, 1932 p. 1)
-Mrs. Gladys Olsen tried to pull a fast one on Wesley Rhodes, tenant in her house on Holly Place; she came to the place with a truck the other day to remove the furniture which belongs to the house; she had no legal eviction order; a committee of Gatewood U.C.L. members were on hand to welcome her and parked themselves on the door in a way that the landlady and her helper could not come in; Mrs. Olsen gave the committee a sample of profanity, vulgarity and billingsgate worthy of the leatherneck, but they did not budge; she slapped one of the men but they laughed at her; she went away swearing that they next time she would come with a court order; a committee will be there to meet her (“Vicious Landlady Foiled” Sep 30, 1932 p. 2)
-Gatewood local us suffering from the shortage of trucks for hauling wood; men have gone out regularly to cut but for weeks they have been unable to bring any wood in (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 30, 1932 p. 3)
-A certain Mr. Ritchie or Richards is hanging around the Gatewood U.C.L. commissary, waiting for the members to change their minds about admitting him as the paid manager for the county; this gent turned up last Monday but was informed by members inside they would not work with him unless the local by vote instructed them to do so (“Gatewood Keeps County Man on Sidewalk” Sep 30, 1932 p. 4)
-Gatewood wood operations have been seriously interfered with for lack of oil and truck repairs; for the past week, men reported to go out and cut and there was no truck to take them out; the lack of a 50 cent truck bearing, which has been on requisition from the county for two weeks is the trouble; county efficiency under the paid manager system is a wonderful thing (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 21, 1932 p. 3)
-The Gatewood Women’s Auxiliary ask that women in that locality help them prepare for a pre-Christmas sale by contributing new piece of silk, ribbon, cretonne, etc. to be made up into saleable articles; articles may be left at the commissary (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 28, 1932 p. 3)
-Gatewood U.C.L. Ladies Auxiliary will give a card party on Thursday, Nov. 17 th at 8:00 PM at 6415 California Ave; proceeds are to go to the fund for Christmas gifts for the children; tickets are 25 cents per couple; refreshments will be served; prizes will be given (“Gatewood Card Party” Nov 11, 1932 p. 2)
-A county doctor advised a Gatewood mother to feed her 15 month old baby fewer fat producing foods; the child’s abdominal muscles were decidedly flabby, said the doctor; he said that green vegetables and oranges should be used extensively (“Gatewood Children Suffer Malnutrition” Feb 17, 1933 p. 2)
-The Junction reports that between July 17 and August 27 it has brought over 41,760 pounds of apples, pears, tomatoes, potatoes, plums, cherries, apricots, grapes, watermelons, and other farm products at a cost to the county in gas of $1.28 per ton (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 2, 1932 p. 5)
-Junction U.C.L. is running dances every Friday and Saturday night at Gatewood Hall; tickets are 15 cents for men, 10 cents for ladies on Saturday, Friday 10 cents for all; proceeds go to the relief fund of the local (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 30, 1932 p. 3)
-Junction reported that filled out membership applications disappeared and when asked, paid commissary worker admitted to having thrown them away (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 16, 1932 p. 3)
-U.C.L. commissary workers in Georgetown quit their jobs Thursday morning in protest of the action of the county commissioners when the promise had been made by Commissioner Evans that the man in question would be removed; this was voted on by the central federation as the answer of the League to the statement of the commissioners that paid county workers were going to be used, and if the League didn’t cooperate with them, the county would take over the commissary system (“Georgetown U.C.L. Workers Quit” Sep 16, 1932 p. 2)
- Georgetown reports that paid manager Thorstensen is having trouble in getting help to operate the commissary; the depot is to be open only one hour per day
(“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 7, 1932 p. 3)
- Georgetown is refusing to cut wood or have anything to do with the paid county set-up (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 18, 1932 p. 3)
- Georgetown and South Ballard report many light and water shutoffs during the past week (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 2, 1932 p. 3)
-Georgetown delegate Laws has brought in a resolution of protest against the terrorist activities of the American Vigilantes; three U.C.L. members have been beaten up in the South District recently; other members have reported outrages by these American Fascisti, who have clustered around the paid county commissary managers (“U.C.L. News Reel” Jan 13, 1933 p. 3)
-A resolution from Admiral Way calling for a mass demonstration at the County-City Building to oppose the taking over of the commissaries was adopted and the central executive committee was instructed to bring in a plan of action; a motion to demand of the county that not less than 3 days work per week, 6 hours per day, at not less then $4.50 per day be given the unemployed was referred to the C.E.C. to consider along with the plan (“Georgetown U.C.L. Workers Quit” Sep 16, 1932 p. 2)
-Contrary to the reports in the newspapers, Admiral Way has not accepted a paid county manager unconditionally; the matter will be decided at the Friday night meeting of the local (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 30, 1932 p. 3)
-Rodney Gilbert, former president of the East Madison local, came with the commissioner expecting to be installed as a paid manager, but he was warned to keep moving unless he wanted a sample of what the U.C.L. members would do to a worker who goes over to the enemy (“Mt. Baker Shows Fighting Spirit” Sep 23, 1932 p.1)
-The application of South Ballard branch of the U.C.L. for re-admittance into the central federation has been approved by the body; the local states that there are no disruptive elements in the membership; this was the basis for expulsion by the federation some months ago (“South Ballard Readmitted” Sep 23, 1932 p. 3)
-South Ballard refused to turn over its white cards to the county district manager; later an army of police and motor cycle cops came out and supervised the moving of groceries into the Salmon Bay school, which the county intends to use as relief station for all of Ballard (“U.C.L. News Reel” Sep 30, 1932 p. 3)
-South Ballard asks for assistance in preventing a campaign of light shut-offs by City Light; delegates reported that a city employee said 56 homes were on the list for stoppage (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 7, 1932 p. 3)
-U.C.L. member Blonder of South Ballard is being held in jail on the charge of grand larceny, apparently in connection with the cutting on his lights when they were disconnected; his case will come up December 9 and the League will furnish legal defense (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 25, 1932 p. 3)
-Joel Strand, of Ballard South, reported on successful tactics of action committees in combating evictions (“U.C.L. News Reel” April 7, 1933 p. 3)
-North Ballard local U.C.L. has been very busy gathering surplus fruit for the use of its members; the industrial board has operated with loaned trucks, donated gas and the labor of its members; canned for winter use 1800 pounds of strawberries; 450 pounds of pears; 1350 pounds of peaches; 1800 pounds of prunes; 450 pounds of sourkraut; a cannery is under construction which will be in operation very soon; all locals are asked to get in touch with North Ballard if they wish to trade (“North Ballard Goes Out and Gets It” Sep 30, 1932 p. 2)
-North Ballard has stalled off the closing of their commissary for a week; Chairman Wahlberg reports a good fighting spirit among the members (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 7, 1932 p. 3)
-The arrest of N.E. Wahlberg, chairman of North Ballard U.C.L., and four other members charged with trading commissary groceries for fruit at Yakima is denounced by U.C.L. members as a political trick designed to hurt the campaign of Nash and Stevenson and enhance the chances of Evans and Earley; the fact that the league is actively working for the defeat of the two commissioners is office makes every attack on it a slam at Nash and Stevenson (“North Ballard Case Political Frame-Up” Nov 4, 1932 p. 5)
-North Ballard has refused to continue its fuel operations until the county central garage will repair the trucks which the local has donated for this work; they have been in use for several months and cannot go on unless they are fixed (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 18, 1932 p. 3)
-Ballard North U.C.L. announces a dance every Thursday evening at Parish Hall, W. 77 th St. and 26 th Ave N.W.; all funds go into the medical fund (“Ballard North Has Regular Dances” Dec 16, 1932 p. 3)
-The action of North Ballard in condemning the sale of the home of Mrs. Mille Garrison for lack of $32 ground rent due the state was endorsed; the resolution sharply criticized the neighbor who had brought this property as guilty of a heartless and inhuman act (“U.C.L. News Reel” Jan 20, 1933 p. 3)
-North Ballard has been sending a committee of 25 to support the South King county strike; a women’s study club has been organized and the Youth Club is making progress (“U.C.L. News Reel” March 17, 1933 p. 3)
-The big smoker to be held Saturday night, October 9, at the Wallingford U.C.L. (N. 37 th and Burke) featuring Paul Rayes, sensational Filipino from Los Angeles, who tangles with Joe White, the Walloping Demon from Spokane, will be a knockout; in the semi, Jimmy O’Shea known as Dynamite Jimmy, will tangle with Eddie Sullivan of this city; Jackie Johnson of San Francisco takes on our own North side wonder, Jimmy Craig in the special; there will be five other big bouts including a battle royal; following the smoker there will be a dance and refreshments will be served; the admission is 25 cents (“Wallingford Smoker and Dance” Oct 7, 1932 p. 2)
-The county food has been removed from 37 th & Burke, it is no longer a commissary, but it continues to be headquarters for U.C.L., with lights and phone; a library and a barber shop are maintained for members; we continue our regular meetings; from our farms we have enjoyed beans, peas, carrots, young onions, spuds, sweet corn, cucumbers, squash, pumpkins; we also cut our wood and secured housing in return for labor from our members (“Wallingford U.C.L. Carries On Its Work” Oct 28, 1932 p. 2)
-According to the opinion of several attorneys, Washington law does not empower the county commissioners to force its unemployed and needy citizens to work before they are given food relief states J.J. Rohan of Wallingford, who made an investigation of this matter (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 28, 1932 p. 3)
- Wallingford had fifty books pulled but they made such a howl collectively that they were restored without regard to work on the part of the individuals (“U.C.L. News Reel” Nov 18, 1932 p. 3)
-Delegate Boyle of Wallingford reports that 60 U.C.L. families were supplied with wood in the past week through their own efforts; the local commissary is in use for the distribution of berries (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 2, 1932 p. 3)
-Wallingford local U.C.L. will give a New Year’s party at its headquarters, 37 th and Burke, on New Year’s Eve at 8:30 P.M.; there will be a program of vaudeville and dancing; lunch will be served; admittance is free but a voluntary contribution will be taken (Wallingford to Have Party” Dec 30, 1932 p. 4)
-Interbay members are feeling pretty sore at the way their former relief charman, Mr. Wallace, has double crossed the local; he has slid over into the job of paid commissary manager and is now the king-pin of the show; a few months ago when Wallace, destitute, joined the League, members gave him every assistance because he was a widower with 4 small children; they got him a house, fixed it up with furniture, cared for his children while there was sickness and showed the proper neighborly spirit toward him; now he turns around and betrays the trust that has been placed in him; the local has protested his appointment (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 14, 1932 p. 3)
-As with most of the locals in the city, Interbay reports no gas for wood hauling or wages for the drivers of trucks of the Truck Haulers’ Association forthcoming from the city or county for the past ten days; many cords of wood are in the brush while many families are in dire need (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 14, 1932 p. 3)
-At the Interbay county managed commissary, the week’s rations of butter for a family of four was 1 1/3 pounds; each of the four got four eggs for the week; milk is poured from pint bottles into quarts, a practice which is contrary to the health ordinance (“U.C.L. News Reel” Oct 21, 1932 p. 3)
-With union men on the run, defeated on all fronts, their plan to reorganize the membership of the U.C.L. into a docile, non-protest society has been thwarted by the local militant members of the U.C.L.; the local voted on Monday night for a full slate of new officers;
One for all—All for one
The Company Union is on the run,
United we stand—Divided we Fall.
Loyalty and Self-help will save us all.
(“At Last Interbay Cleans House” Nov 18, 1932 p. 2)
-Interbay, reports delegate Hammer, has signed up 200 members in its reorganization; the spirit of the U.C.L. loyalty is growing (“U.C.L. News Reel” Dec 2, 1932 p. 3)