Global Health Justice

January 22, 2024

UN Tax Reform offers hope to Low Income Countries

In late November 2023, developing countries at the UN won a historic vote to set up a tax convention in spite of resistance from rich countries. This Guardian editorial (see below) explains how poor nations’ ability to feed, educate and provide healthcare to their people is hobbled by illicit and hidden movements of capital worth…

December 19, 2023

Israel-Palestine Conflict: A collection of key articles published since 1989

By Siddhant Gupta

Over the past 35 years, Medicine, Conflict & Survival (MCS) has been a platform for nearly forty pertinent articles addressing the complexities of the Palestine-Israel conflict. Recognizing the importance of preserving historical context amidst the urgency of current events, they have compiled these contributions into a curated collection. This safeguards the understanding of the conflict’s…


November 7, 2023

Vaccine Milestone: South Africa Starts Local Meningitis Production

By Fatima Alshmari

In a landmark move for public health and African pharmaceutical manufacturing, South Africa’s Biovac has entered into a strategic partnership with Korean vaccine producer, EuBiologics Co. Ltd., to commence the production of a meningitis vaccine on African soil. This collaboration represents a significant stride in the fight against meningococcal disease, an endemic threat in South…

Rewriting the Script of Global Health

By Ikenna Onoh

In the heart of Rwanda, a pharmaceutical revolution is unfolding, disrupting a global health order long dominated by high-income nations. This bold move by a nation determined to chart its own course in healthcare sovereignty embodies the spirit of decolonizing global health. It serves as a testament to the possibility of a world where equity…

October 20, 2023

Israel weaponizes healthcare in Gaza

Israel crushed Gaza’s medical system and prevents thousands of Palestinians from leaving for treatment. The Fourth Geneva Convention holds that an occupying power must ensure the food and medical supplies of the population and must allow medical workers to carry out their duties (Articles 55 and 56). But “Israel’s closure and blockade have turned the…

October 16, 2023

Gaza: The Past Nine Days for Me

By Rahmeh AbuShweimeh

Rahmeh is a Palestinian-Jordanian living in Amman, and was our MPH Graduation speaker in 2022       The past nine days have been an excruciating journey through time, immersing me in the anguish and fury of my ancestors who lived the Nakba [catastrophe]. They served as a potent reminder of my childhood, prompting a fundamental…

October 13, 2023

Afghan hunger striker spotlights US-Taliban dirty deal

On September 1, 2023 Tamana Paryani began a hunger strike in Cologne, Germany for the rights of Afghan women. She is demanding that the United Nations and the German government declare the Taliban government is misogynist and practices gender apartheid. Ms. Paryani, a women’s rights defender, was arrested by the Taliban and suffered 26 days…

[BOOKS] on Medical Appartheid

By Fatima Al-Shimari

Medical apartheid refers to the systemic discrimination, segregation, and unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity within the healthcare system, leading to disparities in access, quality of care, and health outcomes. Book recommendations on medical appartheid:   “Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial…

October 12, 2023

Gaza: The root of violence is oppression

This blog from the Jewish Voices for Peace condemns the violence, mourns the lives lost, and provides a context for understanding the roots of the conflict in Israel and Gaza.  The authors note that The bloodshed of today and the past 75 years traces back directly to U.S. complicity in the oppression and horror caused…

October 6, 2023

Could you patent the sun? How vaccine patent waivers would save lives

By Ambar Ahmed

The world had the chance to truly treat COVID-19 as a common problem and respond to it in an equitable and just manner. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians, mainstream media and celebrities in the West declaring the disease the “great equalizer” – implying that this novel virus would affect everyone regardless of their position, wealth,…

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