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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

NAACP branches database

This interactive database accompanies the NAACP introductory maps and charts. Sources and methods are explained below. The database is hosted by Tableau Public and may take a few seconds to respond. If slow, refresh the page.

Sources:N.A.A.C.P. Annual Reports; The Branch Bulletin, and branch directories. Most are available in digital copies from Hathi Trust. Some are from ProQuest History Vault Papers of the NAACP.

Research and data compilation: Josue Estrada, Arianne Hermida

Additional NAACP maps and charts

Click to see map and photos
NAACP branches and members 1912-1977

Here are six charts and maps showing the growth in membership and the spread of NAACP branches. Detailed membership numbers for individual chapters are shown for selected years. Charts show the changing regional distribution of branches.

NAACP database of branches, officers, membership 1912-1964

This interactive database accompanies the NAACP maps and charts.

Reading "Along the Color Line"
NAACP Reports from Black America in 1916 and 1917

By Tyler Babbie

In its early years, The Crisis, the NAACP’s monthly magazine edited by W.E.B Du Bois, sought to survey events of significance in African American communities across America. In a regular feature, initially called "Along the Color Line," Du Bois culled news from correspondents and published more than 100 short news reports each month under headings that included education, industry, political, church, military, personal, social uplift, and music and art. Here we map and display more than 1,800 entries published in 1916 and 1917. They provide a sampling of activities in several hundred Black communities during those pivotal years and tell us even more about what Du Bois’ wanted NAACP members to know about those activities..