WSDOT Road-Weather Information Systems (RWIS) 9

In cooperation with and with support by WSDOT, researchers at the UW have developed innovative, Web-based applications to provide current and forecast weather conditions for cross-state travel on state highways to WSDOT personnel and the traveling public. The resulting websites combine complex meteorological and roadway data from numerous sources and present them through user-friendly, intuitive Web interfaces. These websites have become extraordinarily popular among the citizens and businesses of Washington state, and during periods of adverse weather they play a crucial role in informing travelers crossing the mountain passes of delays and dangerous conditions.  This project is continuing the complex work necessary to collect, process, maintain, and disseminate such a wide range of weather and roadway information.

Public websites:
I-90 View:       http://i90.atmos.washington.edu/roadview/i90I-5 North:       http://i90.atmos.washington.edu/roadview/i5nI-5 Central:    http://i90.atmos.washington.edu/roadview/i5I-5 South:       http://i90.atmos.washington.edu/roadview/i5s/
SR-101:          http://i90.atmos.washington.edu/roadview/sr101WSDOT Weather:    http://wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/weather/default.aspx

Principal Investigator: Clifford Mass, Atmospheric Sciences, UW
Sponsor: WSDOT
WSDOT Technical Monitor: James Morin
WSDOT Project Manager: Doug BrodinScheduled completion: October 2018