UW Medicine | Organization Development and Training

Extraordinary Leader Workshop

The Extraordinary Leader Workshop utilizes proven research and a 360-degree feedback assessment to promote the learning and growth of leaders. The program consists of two sessions, held three weeks apart. After the introductory session, leaders invite those they work with to provide feedback about how they demonstrate a set of specific leadership competencies. The second session focuses on helping the leader analyze their feedback report and use the results to create a plan for their own development.

The tuition fee of $450 is covered by UW Medicine OD&T.

Who should participate?

  • Mid- and senior-level leaders who have served in their current role for at least nine months
  • First-level leaders who have completed a leadership development program such as UW Medicine’s Leadership Foundations or POD’s Strategic Leadership Program and have served in their current role for at least nine months
  • While the program is designed for those with formal supervisory responsibilities, it may be suitable for someone working cross-functionally at a strategic level

Workshop format (two sessions, held 3 weeks apart)

Session 1: Introduction to the Extraordinary Leader

This 2.5-hour introductory session will introduce participants to the Extraordinary Leader model and help prepare them for the process of selecting respondents for their 360-degree feedback assessment.

Specifically, participants will:

  • Learn the research-based framework behind the Extraordinary Leader program
  • Learn principles of leadership development that take leaders from “good” to “great”
  • Prepare to select respondents for the 360-degree feedback assessment

 Session 2: Extraordinary Leader: Interpreting Your Results

At the full-day workshop, the focus is on interpreting the results of the feedback report and creating a development plan. Specifically, participants will:

  • Utilize their 360-feedback report to identify key strengths and possible derailers
  • Create a customized leadership development plan that builds on strengths
  • Work with a peer coach to offer and receive support on their development plan

 What is 360-degree feedback?

While many leaders may not have participated in a 360-degree feedback process, it is a practice that is becoming more prevalent in today’s organizations. Below is a brief explanation of what we mean by 360-degree feedback:

360-degree feedback …

  • is the process of soliciting feedback from others about how they perceive the leader’s behavior
  • allows the leader to compare how they see ourselves to how others experience them
  • provides leaders with the opportunity to reflect on their behavior and make changes

The Extraordinary Leader assessment is not a performance appraisal. It is a tool to support leadership development. The results are only for the leader who participates in the program. Although the leader is encouraged to share their development plan with their stakeholders, only the participant has access to their assessment report.

What previous participants have said

  • I got a lot out of this course and look forward to employing what I’ve learned to go from being a competent leader to an exceptional leader.
  • I appreciated the way the activities forced us to dig into specific areas of the Participant Feedback Report. It helped make sense of the large amount of data presented.
  • I found the creative and compassionate wisdom of the group beneficial.

Upcoming Courses

The Extraordinary Leadership Workshop is a two-part session and attendance is required at both sessions.

04/16/25 8:00AM-10:30AM (Zoom) and 05/07/25 8:00AM-4:00PM (Zoom) Sign up