UW Medicine | Organization Development and Training

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

OD&T Consultants offer individual, group, and team coaching for leaders who would benefit from ongoing, intensive support for their development.

Individual coaching focuses on accelerating a leader’s individual development. The coach and leader work in partnership, typically for 3-6 months. This process typically begins with an assessment to gather feedback from peers, direct reports, and other stakeholders. This allows leaders to see things from a different perspective and reflect on the changes they would like to make as leaders. In coaching sessions, the coach draws from a variety of resources to help the leader examine existing behaviors, address specific challenges, build improved self-awareness, practice new behaviors, and develop new skills.

Group coaching adapts the principles and methods of individual coaching and applies them to small intentional peer groups of individual leaders. A coach works with group members who meet periodically to reflect together, coach one another on individual challenges, share experiences, and hold one another accountable. Participants gain greater insight and awareness of their own impact, learn from the experiences and knowledge of others, and give and receive peer support as they work towards meaningful behavioral change in line with organizational goals. In addition to benefitting from coaching, participants develop their own coaching skills, which they can use in the workplace.

Team coaching aims at creating high-performing leadership teams. A coach works with a team of leaders, typically over several months, to facilitate collective learning, growth, and improved performance of the team as a whole. While the team works on real-world challenges, the coach supports the team in identifying what is working well in how they work together, as well as comprehensively addressing areas that can be changed for the better.