UW Medicine | Organization Development and Training

Hiring for Excellence

What does it mean to hire for service excellence?

  • We screen all candidates for all open positions to ensure they have experience with delivering excellent service.
  • We ask situational and behavioral questions of all candidates to ensure they are oriented to deliver excellent service.
  • We ensure that candidates for all open positions understand UW Medicine’s expectation to commit to the Standards for Service Excellence.

How do we do this?

  • Telephone screening
  • Behavioral interviewing
  • Reference checks on the top two candidates for each position

Do you have some interviewing tools to help me?

Telephone Screening Interview Tool:


Behavioral Interviewing Tools:


Whom do I call for more information about hiring for service excellence?

Human Resources: 206-598-6116

Whom do I call for training on hiring for service excellence?

Organization Development & Training: 206-598-6118

  • Diane Vreyens

UW Professional & Organizational Development: 206-543-1957

  • Ujima Donalson