DigiText Google Guide: Option #1


For programs that: The advantages are: The disadvantages are:
  • have a lot of students and entries to submit, 10+ entries (large class/program participation)
  • have limited time or resources for students to be online
  • can't or do not wish for students to have a Google account including email
  • do not want to let students work on the site outside of class
  • students do not need to create their own email or Google account
  • coaches are owners of sites by default; they can monitor students’ work right away
  • students can begin with content creation which gives the coach time to know the student's titles and/or topics before creating sites
  • it requires a bit more time on the coach’s part
  • more than one coach account may be required to create multiple sites quickly (1 account can create only 5 sites per week)
  • students can see/edit each other’s sites. It is highly recommended that a coach or instructor never shares the login and password with the students; instead, the coach should log-on for the students making it less likely that students will see each other's sites.


Click on the each of steps below to view its corresponding, detailed instructions.

  • Coach creates a Google account for him/herself

  • Coach creates one Student Google Account; this will be used in Step 4 in order to allow the students to create content

  • With the coach account, the coach creates a blank site using the DigiText Template

  • Coach adds tq11digitext@gmail.com as an Owner; Coach adds Student Account as editor

  • Coach copies sites

  • Coach logs in students with the Student Account and opens site of each team so students can start working on their sites

    Important Google Sites tutorials for students creating DigiText entries:

    1. How to add images
    2. Changing page layout
    3. Removing links to unused pages