DigiText Google Guide: Option #2


For programs that: The advantages are: The disadvantages are:
  • do not have a lot of entries to submit (10 entries or less)
  • would like to let the students work on their sites outside of class
  • wish for students to have a Google account including email
  • have somewhat limited time and/or resources for each team to create accounts and sites.
  • student or team has complete control over their site with a personal login and password
  • student or team will not be able to open and edit sites that do not belong to them
  • it requires a bit more time on the coach's part, more than option 1


Click on the each of steps below to view its corresponding, detailed instructions.

  • Coach creates a Google Account for him/herself

  • Coach creates a Google Account for each team

  • Coach creates a site using DigiText Template using the Coach Google Account

  • Coach adds tq11digitext@gmail.com as owner

  • Coach copies sites

  • Coach adds Team Accounts as editors to their corresponding sites

  • Students log in to Google Sites with their team's account to work on their sites

    Important Google Sites tutorials for students creating DigiText entries:

    1. How to add images
    2. Changing page layout
    3. Removing links to unused pages