Alberto MalinvernoLamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University Astronomical cycles have been widely recognized to drive climatic changes that are recorded by cyclic sediment…
Professor Kathy Campbell Abstract: The search for life beyond Earth occupies exploration efforts of space agencies and researchers, and captures…
by Ardith Bravenec Carlsbad Caverns The workshop begins at Carlsbad Caverns, a natural wonder known for its extensive underground limestone…
Environmental Analogs for the Origin of Life Why the lakes: Prebiotic phosphorylation uses ~0.1-1 M phosphate but natural waters are…
GOALS: 1.LEARN 1.Instrument capabilities/limitations 2.Experimental design- 3.Sample management on site 4.Data types and structure 5.Data analysis/interpretation 6.Importance of replication 7.How…
Hilairy Hartnett Biogeochemistry integrates theory from geology, chemistry, biology and physics to address questions across spatial and temporal scales including…
Mark Fox-Powell Open University ‘Cryovolcanism’ at icy worlds offers immense promise for astrobiology, as it appears to transport material from…
Stephane Mazevet Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, University Côte d’Azur, Nice (France) With thousands of exoplanets now identified, the characterization…
S. Furkan Ozturk Harvard University, Department of Physics Abstract: Life requires essential biomolecules such as amino acids and sugars, which exist…
Jessica M Weber NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Ceres is a dwarf planet of interest to astrobiology…
Sam Gilbert-Janizek Presenting: Predicting Outgassing Rates for L 98-59 b with an Interior Model AB Rotation with Prof. Laura Schaefer…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 10/31/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented by Dan Shim Professor, School…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 10/31/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented by Fabian Klenner Postdoc University…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 10/24/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented by Asmaa Boujibar assistant professor…
An international team, including UW Astrobiology Postdoctoral researcher Fabian Klenner, discovered phosphorus in the form of phosphates on Saturn’s icy…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 04/18/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Natasha Batalha research scientist in…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 05/16/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Miles Currie Dual-Title PhD Student Astrobiology…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 05/09/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Fatma Pir Cakmak Postdoctoral…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 05/02/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Melissa Rice Associate Professor…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 04/25/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Alfonso Davila research scientist…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 04/04/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Zack Cohen Dual-Title PhD Student Astrobiology…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 04/04/2023 3:00pm PST Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Akshay Mehra Assistant Professor,…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 11/8/2022 3:00pm PST. Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Sarah Maurer Associate Professor,…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 10/25/2022 3:00pm PST. Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Megan Mansfield, University of…
Zoom Link for Colloquium 05/24/2022 3:00pm PST. Please email for zoom presentation password Presented By Jacob Buffo Abstract: Introduction: Mounting observational and…