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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

How You Can Help

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More than 1,800 volunteers have assisted by reading deeds and recording the information we need to plot these covenants. We use optical character recognition (OCR) to identify property records containing racial language, but computers can only do some of the work. Please volunteer to examine the text flagged by the computer and answer a series of questions. Each document takes no more than a minute or so to examine. The information that you enter will be exported to our database and used to finish our maps of racial restrictions.

  • Sign up (right) so we will have your email address for
  • project updates
  • Go to our Zooniverse project page. Register for a Zooniverse account. This will give you access to deeds and the data entry tool
  • Now that you are on our Zooniverse project page, you may start confirming restrictions. The work is not complicated, and you can spend as much or as little time as you like.
We send out a monthly newsletter about our progress. Your email address will remain private. Or contact us at


Zooniverse is a citizen science web portal operated by the Citizen Science Alliance. It is home to some of the Internet's largest, most popular, and most successful citizen science projects. Millions of volunteers from around the world have helped with projects like ours.

Our team is available to meet with neighborhood organizations, high school and college classes, community and religious groups, government agencies and others to explain the history and today's consequences of restrictive covenants and other instruments of segregation. There is no charge but we are not able to handle all requests. Read about one of our recent presentations (click right). See a video presentation here.
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