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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

IWW Arrests and persecution 1906-1920

We have developed maps, lists, and charts detailing more than 300 incidents in which IWW members were subjected to arrests, trials, assaults, vigilante actions, and other violence. (Click on image at right to see interactive maps).

Some of these incidents are well known. The Everett massacre, the lynchings of Frank Little and Wesley Everest, the brutal deportation of striking Bisbee copper miners, the trial of Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone, and the federal roundups that began in 1917 have been closely detailed by historians. But the full extent of what IWW organizers and members faced becomes clear here.

Below is a month-by-month list of more than 500 persecution reports culled from the pages of the Industrial Worker, Industrial Union Bulletin, Solidarity, and other sources. The Date column represents either a known start date for the action or the publication date of the newspaper. The Descriptions are derived from newspaper reports and have not been independently verified. These data are from our yearbooks and are also used in the interactive maps of arrests and persecution.

See also The Justice Department Campaign Against the IWW, 1917-1920 by Stephen Parfitt; and I.W.W. members killed by DJ Alperovitz


Title date City State Description Source
Trade Assembly Delegates Expelled for IWW Affiliation 12/30/1905 Schenectady New York Delegates of trade assembly union affiliated with the IWW are expelled by AFL members for unconstitutional election. The Salt Lake Herald 12-30-1905
Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone Arrests 2/1/1906 Denver Colorado WFM leaders and IWW delegates, Bill Haywood and Charles Moyer along with former WFM member George A. Pettibone were arrested after being implicated in a rehearsed confession from the assassin of Frank Steunenberg, the former governor of Colorado.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW,  97-105; Michael Hargis, "95 Years of Revolutionary Industrial Unionism," Anarcho Syndicalist Review, #27 and #28
Silk Ribbon Weavers Locked Out 8/13/1906 New York New York The IWW's Silk Ribbon Weavers' Union is locked out after requesting the workers be given a reprieve due to the extreme heat and humidity. The Sun 08-13-1906
Tonopah Trades and Labor Council Boycott Businesses Displaying IWW Card 8/18/1906 Tonopah Nevada Tonopah Trades and Labor Council declares they will not patronize any business displaying and IWW card. The San Francisco Call 08-18-1906
IWW Delegate Sentenced for Assaulting AFL Member 9/7/1906 Tonopah Nevada IWW delegate sentenced to six months in jail for assaulting an AFL member. Deseret Evening News 09-07-1906
Injunction Issued Against IWW 9/14/1906 Goldfield Nevada A judge in Nye county issues an injunction against the IWW, the WFM, and the Newsboys' Union of Goldfield and Tonopah. The Salt Lake Herald 09-14-1906
Goldfield IWW Expulsion 3/7/1907 Goldfield  Nevada Capitalizing on the tensions between radical and conservative members of the IWW and WFM, mine and business owners worked with the AFL to close mines and open them free of IWW members.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW,  122 
Joe Smith Arrested for Killing of Restaurant Owner 3/12/1907 Tonopah Nevada Joe Smith arrested in relation to the killing of restaurant owner who allegedly disobeyed the IWW's order to serve only Wobblies. Los Angeles Herald 03-12-1907
Employment Refused to IWW Members 3/15/1907 Goldfield Nevada Mine owners and business men meet and decide to refuse employment to all IWW members while recognizing any non-iWW union. Los Angeles Herald 03-15-1907
Murder Trial Development 3/23/1907 Boise Idaho Prosecuting attorneys against IWW members Moyer, Haywood, and Pettibone charged of complicity to murder decided to hold separate trials for each defendant.   Industrial Union Bulletin 03-23-1907 03-23-1907
Cloak makers' Strike 3/23/1907 New York New York Eight to ten IWW members arrested during a strike against a cloak makers. None convicted. Industrial Union Bulletin 03-23-1907 03-23-1907
Silk Workers' Strike 3/23/1907 Paterson New Jersey Nine IWW members were fired from Auger & Simons' dye house without cause. The IWW threatened strike if the members were not immediately rehired. In response, the police jailed the IWW organizers, who then declared strike. Industrial Union Bulletin 03-23-1907 03-23-1907
No Change of Venue in Murder Trial 3/30/1907 Boise Idaho The judge in the trial of IWW members Haywood, Pettibone, and Moyer charged in relation to the murder of ex-governor Frank Steunenberg denied the defense's petition for a change of venue. Industrial Union Bulletin 03-30-1907 03-30-1907
WFM Delegate Held for Involvement in Killing 4/6/1907 Goldfield Nevada Western Federation of Miners delegate M.R. Preston held in jailed after allegedly shooting an anti-union restaurant owner in self-defense. An assassin "Diamondfield Jack" supposedly was sent to the jail to lynch Preston, but the guard placed there by the IWW thwarted his plan. Industrial Union Bulletin 04-06-1907 04-06-1907
Beginning of Haywood Trial  5/4/1907 Boise Idaho The trial of Haywood et al. expected to begin within one week. Industrial Union Bulletin 05-04-1907 05-04-1907
Media in Trouble 5/25/1907 Boise Idaho In court, the judge presiding over the Haywood-Moyer case asserted anti-IWW statements by Governor Gooding and others published in the Associated Press were nearly in contempt of court. Industrial Union Bulletin 05-25-1907 05-25-1907
St. John and Others Jailed 5/25/1907 Goldfield Nevada Vincent St. John and two others jailed on charges on conspiracy to murder. Despite his incarceration, St. John was elected a delegate for the IWW. Industrial Union Bulletin 05-25-1907 05-25-1907
IWW Members Convicted of Murder 5/28/1907 Goldfield Nevada Preston and Smith, two IWW members, are convicted of murder and manslaughter and sentenced to 25 years and 10 years in prison, respectively. Los Angeles Herald 05-28-1907
Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone Acquittals 6/1/1907 Boise Idaho On July 27, 1907, a jury acquitted Haywood in the murder of Steunenberg. In January of 1908, Pettibone was also acquitted and charges were dropped against Moyer. Despite avoiding conviction, the trial created a public association between violence and IWW/WFM labor activities.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW,  97-105 
St. John in Court 6/1/1907 Goldfield Nevada Vincent St. John, Preston, and Smith requested separate trials for their charges of conspiracy to murder. Industrial Union Bulletin 06-01-1907 06-01-1907
Haywood Trial Begun 6/3/1907 Boise Idaho The Haywood-Moyer trial begun with the judge overruling all objections to the prosecution allegedly recounting irrelevant labor disputes to win over the jury. Industrial Union Bulletin 06-08-1907 06-08-1907
Possibly Poisoning of Haywood 6/8/1907 Boise Idaho Haywood unable to attend court after an "acute attack of toxic poisoning." He and other union prisoners reportedly eat separately in jail. Industrial Union Bulletin 06-08-1907 06-08-1907
Anti-Gubernatorial Documents Admitted to Court 6/29/1907 Boise Idaho Presiding judge deemed anti-Frank Steunenberg documents printed by the Western Federation of Miners admissible in court as evidence against Haywood. Industrial Union Bulletin 06-29-1907 06-29-1907
Anti-IWW Sentiment in the WFM 7/13/1907 Chicago Illinois The Western Federation of Miners' held their 15th annual convention and formally instructed their delegates that they "shall not support for office any man who may have held office in connection with either of the factions of the I.W.W." Industrial Union Bulletin 07-13-1907 07-13-1907
Haywood Acquitted 8/3/1907 Boise Idaho Jury acquitted Bill Haywood of conspiracy to murder in relation to the killing of Fmr. Gov. Frank Steunenberg. Industrial Union Bulletin 08-03-1907 08-03-1907
Charges Dropped Against St. John and Others 10/19/1907 Goldfield Nevada The conspiracy to murder charges brought against Vincent St. John and 7 others were dismissed. Industrial Union Bulletin 10-19-1907 10-19-1907
Vincent St. John Shot 11/5/1907 Goldfield Nevada Vincent St. John and two others shot on the street by "Paddy" Mullany, who was arrested shortly thereafter. The reasons for the shooting were unknown, but expected to be related to St. John's involvement in the strike.  Industrial Union Bulletin 11-16-1907 11-16-1907
St. John in Poor Condition 11/30/1907 Goldfield Nevada St. John's injury had not healed well and he remained in poor condition after being shot two weeks prior. Industrial Union Bulletin 11-30-1907 11-30-1907
Federal Troops Called to Goldfield 12/1/1907 Goldfield  Nevada Nevada Governor John Sparks called in federal troops at the request of Goldfield mine owners as they broke contracts with the miners union and implemented wage reductions. No violence had broken out in the area but mine owners recognized the lack of local militia in the event of a labor uprising. The arrests of Haywood and Moyer had associated the IWW with violence and federal troops maintained a presence in Goldfield.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW,  123-4 
Soldiers Sent to Goldfield 12/6/1907 Goldfield Nevada At the request of the governor, Roosevelt sends troops to Goldfield. This apparently came as a surprise to residents as the situation had calmed since the strike earlier this year. The Salt Lake Herald 12-06-1907
Retrial Requested 12/17/1907 Carson City Nevada An attorney for the Western Federation of Miners asked the Supreme Court of Nevada for a new trial for Preston and Smith, saying their trial was prejudiced because of a the labor dispute that they were involved in. Preston shot and killed a restaurant owner, but he claims it was in self defense. Industrial Worker 01-04-1908
Preston and Smith Appeal to be Heard 12/21/1907 Carson City Nevada Preston and Smith, the two (non-IWW) workers convicted of murdering restaurant owner John Silva, granted appeal by the Nevada Supreme Court. Industrial Union Bulletin 12-21-1907 12-21-1907
IWW Employees Locked Out 12/28/1907 New York New York The silk workers who previously held a strike against their employer were locked out. Several strikers dismissed without cause. Industrial Union Bulletin 12-28-1907 12-28-1907
Troops Remain 1/4/1908 Goldfield Nevada The conditions are peaceful but President Roosevelt is allowing the troops to remain until Governor Sparks can raise a state militia. An attorney for the Western Federation of Miners has announced a plan to remove trouble makers, saying that Goldfield will be a union camp "only of good well-intending miners." The IWW declares that it is the mine owners who are responsible for all the problems at Goldfield.  Industrial Worker 01-04-1908
Radicals, Unionists Arrested 2/1/1908 Los Angeles California Several IWW, Socialist and AFL speakers have been arrested for speaking on the streets. Industrial Worker 02-29-1908
Chaotic Conditions Among Railroad Workers 3/21/1908 Chicago Illinois Three separate unions representing railroad workers attempted to negotiate contracts with the newly created Chicago, Indiana and Southern. The company required everyone to reapply and submit to a physical exam so that the most militant men could be thrown out.  Industrial Worker 03-21-1908
Recruiter Ousted 5/2/1908 Syracuse New York L. Caminata, who was to speak to Italian workers interested in joining the IWW, was escorted out of town by police. Industrial Worker 05-02-1908
Riders Arrested 9/19/1908 Seattle Washington Several good meetings held. The group was arrested for riding the train, then held another street meeting after spending the night in jail. Industrial Worker 09-19-1908
Preston and Smith Denied Rehearing 10/24/1908 Carson City Nevada The Nevada Supreme Court has denied Preston and Smith's appeal for the second time. Socialists and labor men say they will eventually have a new trial as a result of the agitation being carried on in their behalf. Industrial Worker 10-24-1908
Unionized Lumber Workers Favor IWW Despite Persecution 12/12/1908 Montana A lumber workers local has switched from the Montana State Union into the IWW. The companies have discharged quite a number of men for joining the IWW but that only makes them more determined to keep out of the company union. Industrial Worker 12-12-1908
Bosses Fear the IWW 3/28/1909 Spokane Washington Four workers were discharged from the Union Iron Works in Spokane because they were attending I.W.W. meetings. The bosses did not approve of these actions, and the I.W.W. claim that this is evidence of how fearful bosses are of the I.W/W.  Industrial Worker, 04-01-1909
New Vagrancy Laws 4/22/1909 Olympia Washington Washington state recently passed new vagrancy laws in order to try to put down unions. The laws force workers who are unemployed to go back to work if there is work available. Industrial Worker, 04-22-1909
Industrial Worker Suppressed 12/10/1909 Spokane Washington Law enforcement seized and destroyed 7000 copies of the Industrial Worker. A few copies were smuggled out and secretly distributed.` Solidarity 01-01-1910
Spokane Hall Raided 12/20/1909 Spokane Washington Police raided the Spokane IWW hall, smashing furniture and arresting members. Solidarity 12-25-1909
Strikers Jailed in New Castle 12/25/1909 New Castle  Pennsylvania Twenty-eight men sentenced to thirty days in jail in violation of sheriffs orders that strikers may not hold public meetings. Solidarity 12-25-1909
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Convicted of Conspiracy 12/25/1909 Spokane Washington Elizabeth Gurley Flynn sentenced to three months in jail for conspiracy Solidarity 12-25-1909
Industrial Worker Moved HQ to Seattle 1/1/1910 Seattle Washington Following a massive confiscation of the previous issue, the Industrial Worker's headquarters was moved to Seattle Solidarity 01-01-1910
Conspiracy Charges 1/1/1910 Spokane Washington Over 20 IWW members were being held on charges of conspiracy or have received convictions and sentenced to 3 to 6 months in jail. Solidarity 01-01-1910
Wobbly Released 1/29/1910 Spokane Washington Wobbly released without trial after six days in jail for giving tobacco to "men on the rock pile." Solidarity 01-29-1910
Wobbly Released 2/19/1910 Spokane Washington IWW organizer James P. Thompson was released on bond and then scheduled a meeting at Turner Hall. Solidarity 02-19-1910
Solidarity Staff Arrested 3/1/1910 New Castle Pennsylvania The editor and all members of the press committee arrested and one sent to the hospital for violating a state law that required the owners and editors of a newspaper's names be placed at the top of every issue. Solidarity 03-12-1910
Solidarity Staff Convicted 3/26/1910 New Castle Pennsylvania Six members of the press committee sentenced to 90 days in jail in violation of the Pennsylvania law that requires a newspaper's owners and editor be named in the heading of each issue. Solidarity 03-26-1910
Harassing Strikebreakers Leads to Arrests 4/7/1910 New Castle Pennsylvania Wobblies jailed after throwing eggs and tomatoes at strikebreakers. Solidarity 04-16-1910
Free Speech Case in Pennsylvania 5/7/1910 Lawrence County Pennsylvania Five Wobblies indicted for publishing "seditious and libelous" pieces in their paper, The Free Press.  Solidarity 05-07-1910
Strike Injunction 6/11/1910 Chicago Illinois The appellate court of Chicago made illegal the cooperation of organized workers in refusing to work with non-unionized workers. Solidarity 06-11-1910
Riot Charges 6/11/1910 Irwin Pennsylvania Twenty-two men, suggested to be but not explicitly stated to be IWW members, charged with inciting a riot of 150 people. Solidarity 06-11-1910
Press Committee Released 7/2/1910 New Castle Pennsylvania The members of the press committee jailed for failing to print the names of the editor and owners in the heading of Solidarity released after 92 days, meaning "the office of Solidarity, formerly at Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Lusk Avenue, Lawrence County Jail" moved back to the former headquarters. Solidarity 07-02-1910
Brutality in McKees Rocks 7/2/1910 Stowe Pennsylvania Six IWW members shot by police, who then made arrests leading to charges of attempting to incite a riot. One other member shot. Solidarity 07-02-1910
Riot Convictions 7/16/1910 McKees Rocks Pennsylvania The six IWW member charged with attempting to incite a riot were sentenced to 60 days. Solidarity 07-16-1910
Ettor Arrested 8/20/1910 Reading Pennsylvania Joseph Ettor arrested on charges of criminal libel after speaking in Reading to striking workers and others.  Solidarity 08-20-1910
Police Persecution in Duluth 9/3/1910 Duluth Minnesota Three IWW members arrested while holding street meetings. Solidarity 09-03-1910
Haymarket Memorial Meeting Prevented 12/3/1910 San Diego California San Diego police arrested two IWW members and forbade the rest from holding a meeting in memoriam of those convicted Haymarket Affair. Solidarity 12-03-1910
Fresno Arrests 12/17/1910 Fresno California Twenty-six IWW members jailed on charges of vagrancy. Solidarity 12-17-1910
IWW Secretary Assaulted 3/18/1911 Missoula Montana An IWW secretary was punched by an army lieutenant during a public speaking engagement. The secretary, lieutenant and one other IWW man was arrested. The charges were later dropped by a local judge. Industrial Worker, 03-30-1911
IWW Leader Killed in U.S./Mexico Border War 4/10/1911 Mexicali Mexico Famed IWW leader W.M. Stanley was shot to death in a battle during U.S. and Mexico border war. Industrial Worker, 04-27-1911
Gurley Flynn Arrested 5/26/1911 Philadelphia Pennsylvania IWW organizer Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was arrested in Philadelphia during a public speaking engagement and charged with obstructing the highway and breach of the peace. She requested a trial and was subsequently held on $400 bail. Industrial Worker, 06-08-1911
Gurley Flynn Acquitted 6/22/1911 Philadelphia Pennsylvania Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was acquitted of charges of obstructing the highway and breach of the peace. Industrial Worker, 06-22-1911
Masters Afraid of IWW, Close Down All Mills in Southern States 8/10/1911 New Orleans Louisiana The Sawmill Operators' Assoc. met in New Orleans to work together to bust labor unions. A result of the meeting was to immediately close 11 mills in Louisiana, putting 3,00 men out of work. 300 additional mills in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas were at risk of closure as well. IWW workers had been actively sought out and fired at the mills leading up to the meeting. Industrial Worker, 08-10-1911
IWW Member Arrested 8/10/1911 Odessa Washington An IWW member was arrested and sentenced to 30 days in county jail for agitating for better working conditions. Industrial Worker, 08-10-1911
IWW Member Face Hardship with Mill Closures 8/10/1911     IWW members affected by the lumber mill closures were urged to stay strong despite hardships. The sawmills were closed because the IWW and sawyers had the attention of the Sawmill Operators' Assoc. Industrial Worker, 08-10-1911
Arrest and Beating of IWW Trigger Protest; Correction and Update on IWW Arrests 8/13/1911 San Francisco California Union Labor police beat and arrested 10 IWW men at a public rally in San Francisco. 2,000 people gathered to protest and said they would protest again. Correction to last week's article: 11 men were arrested. Five men were released on $10 bail, two had their cases dismissed. Correction: 200 sympathizers gathered to protest the arrests. Industrial Worker, 8/24/1911; 8/31/1911
IWW Members Fired From Logging Company 8/17/1911 Fort Bragg California All Local No. 426 IWW members were fired from Mendocino county logging companies. 12 sawmills were threatened and jobless IWW members were urged to help in the fight. Industrial Worker, 08-17-1911
IWW Member Arrested and Assaulted 8/24/1911 Boise Idaho A Spokane, Wash. IWW member, Max Dezettel, traveled to Boise to speak publicly in the hopes of creating a new IWW chapter. Dezettel was arrested, then choked and punched by police on the way to jail. He was released on $100 bail. Industrial Worker, 08-24-1911
Information on the Arrest of Max Dezettel 8/24/1911 Boise Idaho More information on the arrest of Max Dezettel is provided. Industrial Worker, 08-24-1911
Max Dezettel Speaks in Streets Shortly After Release 8/31/1911 Boise Idaho Max Dezettel was released from a Boise, Ida. jail after four days and promised not to speak in public any more. He held a street speaking event shortly after his release despite his promise. Industrial Worker, 08-31-1911
Detective Extradited to Indiana 8/31/1911     The Indiana detective who kidnapped McNamara, James Hossick, was extradited to Indiana. Industrial Worker, 08-31-1911
Police Conduct Raids Against IWW Members 9/4/1911 Wenatchee Washington Police raided barns where IWW were suspected to be living, confiscated propaganda, and arrested 27 IWW men. The judge released all men. Industrial Worker, 09-21-1911
IWW Members Arrested; Correction: Men Arrested For Vagrancy  9/6/1911 Wenatchee Washington 20 IWW members were arrested for complaining about working conditions. The judge released them, but the police said they intended on driving all IWW out of town. Correction: 25 men were arrested in Wenatchee on charges of vagrancy. IWW literature was found on a number of the men. The judge released all of them and said he had nothing against IWW, but he didn't want them stirring up trouble among employed men. Industrial Worker, 9/21/1911; 9/28/1911
Gompers to Aid Southern Saw-Mill Owners 9/7/1911     A report from the meeting of the Southern mill owners outlined their plans to weed out IWW members, and label them scabs to favor AFL affiliation. Industrial Worker, 09-07-1911
Smith is Paroled 11/14/1911 Carson City Nevada Former IWW leader J.W. Smith was released from prison in Carson City, Nev. He was originally convicted for his role in a restaurant keeper. Industrial Worker, 11-30-1911
Workers Fired for Discussing Unionization 11/16/1911 Eureka California 16 workers were fired for talking about unionizing with IWW support. Industrial Worker, 11-16-1911
Workers Arrested on Suspicion of Theft of Pig 1/11/1912 Brawley California Three workers in Brawley, CA, were arrested because of suspicions that they had stolen a pig. They were later released because the local sheriff was unable to find substantial evidence. Industrial Worker, 01-11-1912
Arrests Made in Connection to Pig Stealing Incident 1/15/1912 Brawley California Almost everyone involved in the pig-stealing situation in Brawley was arrested again. Industrial Worker, 01-25-1912
IWW Man Kidnapped  1/18/1912 Holtville California An I.W.W. man was kidnapped near Holtville, CA, and taken to Mexico by two Mexican and two American officials without warrants or any other papers. Industrial Worker, 01-18-1912
Ettor and Giovannitti Sent to Grand Jury  2/21/1912 Salem Massachusetts A judge ruled that Ettor and Giovannitti would be bound over to a grand jury on a charge of accessory to murder. Industrial Worker, 03-07-1912
New Hampshire Jails Speakers 2/29/1912 Manchester New Hampshire Fearing an impending strike similar to Lawrence, mill owners in New Hampshire sent police to arrest free speech demonstrators in the Hampshire district. Industrial Worker, 02-29-1912
Free Speech Demonstrator Dies as a Result of Police Beating 3/31/1912 San Diego California A free speech demonstrator died due to injuries inflicted upon him by police officers in San Diego, Industrial Worker, 04-04-1912
Korean Organizer Beaten By Thugs 11/30/1912 Hawaiian Islands Hawaii I.W.W. organizer (B. Duck Sue) was beaten severely  with heavy whips for organizing fifty two plantation laborers. He was forced from the county but the workers' wages were increased from twenty dollars a month to twenty four dollars a month. Industrial Worker 01-02-1913
Lucy Parsons Maltreated 4/13/1913 Los Angeles California Lucy Parsons is charged with selling literature without a license. Industrial Worker 05-01-1913
Citizenship of IWW Members Barred by Judges 5/1/1913 Montesano Washington There are a few judges in the state of Washington who are barring from citizenship all applicants who are suspected of being members of the I. W. W. Industrial Worker 05-01-1913
May Day Parade Threatened  5/1/1913 Seattle Washington Spanish American War Veterans are making preparations to forcibly break up any May Day parade that might be held in Seattle, WA. Industrial Worker 02-20-1913
Members Arrested at Picnic 5/4/1913 Los Angeles California Twenty five I. W. W. men arrested at a picnic on a charge of disturbing the peace and selling beer without a license.  Industrial Worker 05-08-1913
Seamen Jailed for Riot 6/11/1913 New Orleans Louisiana Forty three members of the United Unions are in jail charged with inciting to riot. Five men were also shot and one died. The appeal is for funds to help them.  Industrial Worker 07-03-1913
Child Dies After Striking Parents Arrested 1/2/1914 Shelton Connecticut A two-month-old child is dead of exposure and starvation after police and armed thugs break into a striker's house and drag him and his wife to the police station, leaving their children alone in a house with broken windows. In addition, a rent strike is declared when a number of landlords send eviction notices to a number of strikers. Solidarity 01-10-1914
Joe Hill Arrested for Murder of Grocer and Son 1/10/1914 Salt Lake City Utah On January first, a former police officer, J.G. Morrison and his son were shot in their grocery store by two men wearing masks. Joe Hill, an I.W.W. member, was arrested four days later. He had been treated for a gunshot wound the day of the shooting. Solidarity 05-23-1914
Ford and Suhr Convicted for Murder of District Attorney 1/24/1914 Marysville California Following the death of Yuba County District Attorney Manwell during a clash between workers and authorities, IWW members Richard Ford and Herman D. Suhr were convicted of starting the riot. Despite Suhr's mental handicap, both men were sentenced to life in Folsom State Penitentiary.  Melvyn Dubovsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the I.W.W., 298
Riot Breaks Out Between Police and Demonstrators 2/12/1914 Detroit Michigan A riot breaks out at a demonstration in Detroit after a demonstrator raises a red sign that reads "BREAD OR REVOLUTION -- WHICH?" on one side and "WE WANT WORK -- NOT CHARITY" on the other. Police destroy the sign and a fight breaks out between police and demonstrators. Solidarity 02-21-1914
Unemployed Driven from City 3/13/1914 Sacramento California "Men On March To East Driven From City At Point Of Gun And Marooned On River Islands. Many Unarmed Out Of Works Clubbed, Jailed Or Sent To Hospital. Several Reporters Killed." Solidarity 03-21-1914
Miners Locked Out After Failed Negotiations 4/1/1914 Bellaire Ohio Miners are locked out after bosses refuse the workers' terms for a new contract. Solidarity 06-27-1914
Joe Hill's Trial Begins 6/10/1914 Salt Lake City Utah Joe Hill, the I.W.W member accused of murder in Salt Lake City, begins his trial. The author notes that the weapon used to kill the grocer is said to be a 38 caliber Colt revolver, while Hill carries a No. 7 Luger automatic. Solidarity 06-27-1914
Ford and Suhr Convicted for Murder of District Attorney 6/26/1914 Salt Lake City Utah Despite a lack of evidence, Joe Hill was convicted of the murder of a grocer and his son. The trial occurred in a hostile environment where Hill was repeatedly tied to the IWW.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW, 307-8
Ford and Suhr Convicted for Murder of District Attorney 7/8/1914 Salt Lake City Utah Joe Hill is sentenced to death after being convicted for the murder of a grocer and his son.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW, 312
Hill's Case Appealed to Supreme Court 9/12/1914 Salt Lake City Utah Judge Ritchie denies an argument for a new trial for Joe Hill. Solidarity 09-12-1914
Members Attacked by Police 10/22/1914 Tonopah Nevada I.W.W. members are attacked by police while singing and talking in the street. There are no arrests. Solidarity 10-31-1914
Sioux City Starts Free Speech Fight 01/14/1915 Sioux City Iowa Police raided the Sioux City IWW Hall on numerous occasions and arrested all unemployed workers, leading to sixth month sentences in jail. Solidarity, 01/23/1915
Rowan and Baret Freed 01/18/1915 Edmonton Alberta IWW members James Rowan and W. E. Baret freed after awaiting trial for six months in jail on charges of murder. Solidarity, 01/30/1915
Ettor Charged With Treason 01/19/1915 Bellaire Ohio Joseph J. Ettor, prominent public face of the IWW, was arrested on charges of treason for advertising an anti-capitalist speech. Solidarity, 01/23/1915
IWW Members Face Persecution  02/01/1915 Brawley California After the constable of Brawley was killed, police arrested everyone in the town's IWW headquarters and made them choose between 60 days on the chain gang or leaving town. Another member, Smith, was arrested and given 30 days on the chain gang, who refused to work and was thus beaten. Charges were brought up against the marshal who beat Smith. His attorney guaranteed the release of Smith if the charges against the marshal were dropped. The prosecutors agreed to that exchange Solidarity, 05/29/1915
Direct Action Used to Gain Releases 02/14/1915 Redding California IWW members held in jail were released after the organization announced 1000 workers planned to flood the town in protest. Solidarity, 02/27/1915
Tannenbaum Released from New York Prison 03/09/1915 New York New York Frank Tannenbaum released from prison after serving a year for inciting a riot is greeted with celebrations arranged by the IWW and other New York radical groups.  Solidarity, 03/20/1915
IWW Members Arrested  03/25/1915 Sioux City Iowa One Wobbly arrested on charges of burglar. Thirteen other s followed him and the police to the jail, leading to their arrests. Twelve of those sentenced to thirty days in jail and a $100 fine. Solidarity, 04/03/1915
Boyd Repudiates Sabotage Speech 03/25/1915 Trenton New Jersey Frederick Sumner Boyd, IWW member convicted of advocating radical views, renounces those in a petition for clemency. The petition is accompanied by a statement urging the court to grant it signed by Theodore Roosevelt and others. Solidarity, 04/03/1915
IWW Members Arrested for Public Speaking 04/01/1915 Sioux City Iowa Thirty more men arrested while speaking in public and sentences to at least thirty days and a $100 fine. The local jail was then holding 49 Wobblies. Solidarity, 04/17/1915
Boyd Denied Pardon 04/26/1915 Trenton New Jersey Frederick S. Boyd, IWW who is serving 1 to 7 years for of advocating sabotage, was denied pardon. Solidarity, 05/08/1915
Joe Hill Defense 05/02/1915 Salt Lake City Utah Joe Hill's appeal for a new trial in hopes of overturning his death sentence to be heard by the Supreme Court. Solidarity, 05/01/1915
IWW Members Arrested  07/01/1915 Arlington Kansas Four Wobblies arrested and convicted of illegally riding a freight train and sentenced to thirty days in jail and a fine of $10. Solidarity, 07/10/1915
Repressive Tactics Against I.W.W. in Harvest 07/01/1915     Rock Island Railroad orders brakemen to not allow IWW members to ride, leading to injuries and at least one death by beating. Solidarity, 07/03/1915
Lessons Gleaned From the Kansas Harvest 07/01/1915 Kansas More than 100 Wobblies arrested, most being released shortly thereafter, but some sentenced to up to 60 days in jail. Solidarity, 07/31/1915
IWW Members Punished for Vagrancy 08/01/1915 Minot North Dakota Nine Wobblies subject to ten days on the chain gang for vagrancy after not registering for a job at the police station.  Solidarity, 08/28/1915
IWW Members Avoid Arrest Through United Action 08/01/1915 Oakes North Dakota The Oakes chief of police, mayor, sheriff, and others enter a camp with a hundred workers as they are cooking breakfast. Though some workers fled, about 25 Wobblies stood up to the law enforcement and were allowed to continue their meal. Solidarity, 08/21/1914
Schmidt Charged with Murder of Brakemen 9/1/1915 Aberdeen South Dakota James Schmidt charged with murder after killing a brakemen reportedly in self-defense. Solidarity, 09/18/1915
Workers Blocked from Attending IWW Rally 9/1/1915 Bayonne New Jersey The 1500 workers lined up to attend a rally with speeches by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Frank Tannenbaum, and Alexander Berkman blocked from entering by 20 policemen because the Chief of Police feared the IWW would "stir up trouble." Solidarity, 09/11/1915
Workers Escape Arrest 09/01/1915 Berthold North Dakota A police officer arrested one IWW member and one unorganized worker he believed to be in the IWW, loaded them into a box car in a freight train. They were able to escape, but the story spread through the town and chased off non-union workers, allowing the IWW to obtain their demand of $3.50 a day. Solidarity, 09/18/1915
IWW Member Charged With Libel 09/01/1915 Brawley California IWW member charge with libel after writing an article for Solidarity.  Solidarity, 09/25/1915
IWW Members Denied Pay 09/01/1915 Crosby North Dakota Three IWW members are denied pay owed to them by their farmer. In response, they dined in a restaurant and refuse to pail the bill. They were arrested and sentenced to sixty days in jail. Solidarity, 09/25/1915
IWW Members Arrested  9/1/1915 Minot North Dakota Minot police arrested IWW members and discard the literature and supplies of delegates. Solidarity, 09/11/1915
Fraser Sentenced for Vagrancy  9/1/1915 Minot North Dakota IWW organizer Ted Fraser sentenced to 15 days for vagrancy. Solidarity, 09/18/1915
Governor Johnson Refuses Pardon to Ford and Suhr 09/01/1915 Sacramento California Gov. Hiram Johnson rejects Ford and Suhr's request for pardon. Solidarity, 09/25/1915
Ettor Sentenced to Jail 9/1/1915 Waterbury Connecticut Prominent IWW member Joseph J. Ettor sentenced to six months in jail. Solidarity, 09/11/1915
IWW Members Charged With Robbery 9/1/1915     After a scuffle between IWW members and railroad operators about their illegal riding, the three IWWs arrested on charges of robbery. Solidarity, 09/11/1915
AWO Gains Membership 9/1/1915     AWO gains 200 new members in the first two and half weeks of September with 400 more anticipated that month, which would bring their total membership to 2300. Solidarity, 09/18/1915
Alleged IWW Member Confesses to Arson 09/24/1915 Watsonville California One alleged IWW member confessed as the arsonist responsible for the grain fires a month earlier. The membership status of the member in dispute. Solidarity, 10/09/1915
Ford and Suhr Convicted for Murder of District Attorney 11/19/1915 Salt Lake City Utah Joe Hill is executed by firing squad.  Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the IWW, 307-8
IWW Members Convicted for Vagrancy 1/3/1916 Tulsa Oklahoma Eight Wobblies arrested in a raid and charged with vagrancy, two convicted and sentenced to 10 days on the chain gang. Solidarity, 01/15/1916
IWW Members Convicted for Vagrancy 1/8/1916 Eau Claire Wisconsin Four wobblies convicted of vagrancy and sentenced to up to 9 days of solitary confinement. Solidarity, 01/08/1916
IWW Member Beaten and Denied Medical Aid 1/15/1916 Salt Lake City Utah IWW member shot and beaten by a victim of a recent robbery. The Wobbly received no medical aid and was held in jail. Solidarity, 01/29/1916
IWW Members Arrested and Charged with Rioting 1/22/1916 Youngstown Ohio IWW arrested of charges of rioting. Solidarity, 01/22/1916
IWW Members Arrested and Charged with Rioting 1/24/1916 Rockford Illinois After a fight between an IWW member and a non-unionized worker, thirteen IWWs arrested on charges of rioting. All thirteen convicted and received sentences from thirty days to six months in jail. Solidarity, 02/26/1916
IWW Members Prevented From Renting Hall 1/29/1916 Kansas City Missouri Mine operators prevented the IWW from renting a hall in the city. One Italian IWW member was arrested, charged with robbery, and sentenced to 8 years while maintaining his innocence. Solidarity, 12/09/1916
IWW Workers Fired for Membership  2/12/1916 Minneapolis Minnesota Over 100 wobblies fired from Big Four Tractor Works because of their membership status. Solidarity, 02/12/1916
Judge Denies IWW Legal Protections 3/4/1916 Detroit Michigan Judge refused to grant IWW and other radical groups protection from interference of law enforcement on matters of free speech and demonstration rights. Solidarity, 03/04/1916
Virginia Snow Stephen Fired for Involvement in Joe Hill Defense 4/1/1916 Salt Lake City Utah Virginia Snow Stephen, University of Utah art instructor and daughter of the former president of the Mormon church, fired for her involvement in the defense of Joe Hill. Solidarity, 04/01/1916
Member Arrested After Public Speech 5/12/1916 San Francisco California One IWW member arrested after speaking to a crowd of 500 in the street. He received a 30 day suspended sentence. Solidarity, 05/27/1916
City Council Bans IWW from Publically Speaking Without a Permit 5/13/1916 Webb City Missouri City council banned Wobblies from speaking publically without a permit. Solidarity, 05/13/1916
IWW Member Declared Ineligible for Naturalization 5/13/1916 Wilkes-Barre County Pennsylvania Judge declared member of the IWW not eligible for naturalization. Solidarity, 05/13/1916
Joe Ettor Deported from Lawrence, Mass 5/22/1916 Lawrence Massachusetts Joseph J. Ettor arrested without a warrant and transported to Boston. Ettor and Connolly, his lawyer, pressed charges of abduction against four Lawrence police officers. Solidarity, 06/03/1916
IWW Sailors and Firemen Fired 6/3/1916 New York New York One company fired all sailors and firemen that were IWW members. Solidarity, 06/03/1916
Miner Killed  6/22/1916 Virginia Minnesota A striking miner was shot and killed in a confrontation between deputized company enforcers and striking workers.  The Encyclopedia of Strikes in American History, eds. Aaron Brenner, Benjamin Day, and Immanuel Ness,  467 
IWW Members Granted Release Following Protest 6/24/1916 Great Bend Kansas Fourteen Wobblies arrested and charged with vagrancy or using profane language and inciting a riot. 37 marched to the mayor demanding their release, which was granted. Solidarity, 06/24/1916; Industrial Worker, 06-24-1916
Striking Miner Arrested 6/30/1916 Gilbert Minnesota One striking miner arrested without charge. In response, nine workers (at least one of whom a Wobbly) send a letter to the governor asking that he remove the mine guards. Solidarity, 07/15/1916
IWW Organizers Arrested for Murder 7/1/1916 Virginia Minnesota Citing the bootlegging of alcohol, law enforcement raided the home of Nick Mesonovich, killing him in the process. While the IWW were not connected to Mesonovich's activities, nor present during the events that led to his death, organizers Carlo Tresca, Sam Scarlett, Joseph Schmidt, and Frank Little were arrested and charged with inciting violence with their speeches. The organizers were released by the end of the month for lack of evidence.  The Encyclopedia of Strikes in American History, eds. Aaron Brenner, Benjamin Day, and Immanuel Ness,  467-8 
Hall Closed and Members Jailed 7/9/1916 Yakima Washington IWW hall closed and almost 100 jailed without charge. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
IWW Members Arrested for Carrying Weapons  7/15/1916 Baltimore Maryland Twenty IWW members arrested for carrying deadly weapons, which may have been associated with a joint IWW and AFL Strouse Bros. strike. Solidarity, 07/15/1916
IWW Member Charged with Carrying Concealed Weapon 7/15/1916 Kansas City Missouri IWW member charged with carrying concealed weapons and threatening to kill after he was allegedly beaten by a police officer who found him sleeping. Solidarity, 08/26/1916
IWW Organizer Arrested  7/22/1916 Duluth Minnesota IWW organizer involved in a steel strike arrested for spitting on the street and disorderly conduct. Solidarity, 07/22/1916
Pregnant Woman Beaten by Gunmen 7/26/1916 Gilbert Minnesota Pregnant wife of striking miner beaten by corporate-hired gunmen then put in jail. Solidarity, 08/12/1916
Violence Breaks Out Between IWW Members Boarding Train and Gunmen 7/27/1916 Aberdeen South Dakota 15 gunmen and 50 others threatened to shoot IWW members if they attempted to board a train. When the IWW tried to get on the train anyway, they were shot at. They returned fire, leading to about 100 gunshots total. Three IWW shot, four gunmen shot. The police arrested half the gunmen, but released them and returned their guns, instructing them to shoot more IWWs. Several IWWs arrested and other sent out of town on a northbound freight. Solidarity, 08/19/1916
IWW Member Arrested and Deported 8/5/1916 Duluth Minnesota IWW member and active striker deported after being arrested for inciting a riot and anarchism. Solidarity, 08/05/1916
IWW Members Arrested at Miners' Defense Meeting 8/12/1916 Denver Colorado Four IWW arrested during meeting for the defense of the striking miners in Minnesota and charged with "refusing to move on." The were released on $100 bail after five days in jail. Solidarity, 08/12/1916
IWW Organizers Arrested and Put on Train 8/12/1916 Duluth Minnesota Two IWW organizer and one correspondent for an IWW newspaper arrested then put on train out of town by deputy sheriff. Solidarity, 08/12/1916
IWW Members Charged with the Murder of a Police Officer  8/19/1916 Aberdeen South Dakota Two IWW members arrested on charges of murder of a police officer. The arrestees claimed to have been miles away the scene of the crime. Solidarity, 09/16/1916
IWW Speaker Arrested  8/19/1916 St. Louis Minnesota Speaker/organizer of the IWW arrested and convicted of disturbing the public peace and sentenced to 90 days. He reports not being properly fed. Solidarity, 08/19/1916
IWW Organizer Ordered to Leave Town  9/1/1916 Oakes North Dakota IWW organizer ordered to leave town after being blamed for men walking off the job. Solidarity, 09/16/1916
IWW Organizers Ejected by Citizen's Committee 9/2/1916 Ironwood Michigan Eight to ten IWW organized ejected from the city by a "citizens' committee". Solidarity, 09/02/1916
IWW Members Indicted for First Degree Murder 9/9/1916 New York New York Eight IWW members, including Carlo Tresca and one woman, indicted by a grand jury for first degree murder. Solidarity, 09/09/1916
IWW Members Arrested on Multiple Charges  9/14/1916 Scranton Pennsylvania 262 IWW members arrested for inciting a riot, disorderly conduct, trespassing, and forcible entry. Solidarity, 09/23/1916
IWW Members Arrested and Beaten, Local Hall Raided 9/16/1916 Everett Washington Thirty-five IWW members put in jail, beaten, and had their hall raided. Solidarity, 09/16/1916
IWW Sentenced  9/16/1916 Jamestown North Dakota IWW sentenced to 90 days in jail for "giving the cat cream." Solidarity, 09/16/1916
Majority of Pennsylvania Prisoners Released 9/30/1916 Scranton Pennsylvania All but 28 of the over 250 jailed IWW members released. Solidarity, 09/30/1916
IWW Members Jailed  9/30/1916 Yakima Washington 46 IWW members were sent to jail for undisclosed reasons. However, they attempted to break out of the jail. The fire department and police stopped them. Industrial Worker, 09-30-1916
Grand Jury Finds IWW Members Charged Without Evidence  10/4/1916 Scranton Pennsylvania Grand Jury rules the over 250 IWW arrested were charged without legal evidence against them on any of the charges. Solidarity, 10/14/1916
James Schmidt Released 10/7/1916 Aberdeen South Dakota Schmidt, charged of the murder of a brakemen, had his charges dismissed without trial. Solidarity, 10/07/1916
IWW Members Arrested for Carrying Concealed Weapons  10/7/1916 Aberdeen South Dakota Seven IWW members sentenced to 30 days for carrying concealed weapons after a fight with non-unionized members. Solidarity, 10/07/1916
Vigilantes Remove IWW Members From Jail and Attempt to Deport Them by Train 10/14/1916 Yakima Washington Yakima police shut down IWW hall after being open only four hours. In response, the IWW moved their meetings to the streets, where 50 to 60 men were arrested. A gang of vigilantes raided the jail, locked the IWW members in railroad cars, and demanded the crew take them out of town. The train crew refused, so the IWW were released from the cars and returned to jail. Solidarity, 10/14/1916
Workers Attacked  10/30/1916  Everett Washington 41 workers were beaten up and Everett is denying these men the protection of the law and the constitution. The IWW calls for action and support. The issue started with violations of free speech. Industrial Worker, 11-04-1916
IWW Members Assaulted by Vigilantes  11/4/1916 Everett Washington 41 IWW members tried to go to Everett in a steamer after paying for their tickets, but were stopped by over 200 vigilantes and assaulted. Several seriously injured. Solidarity, 11/04/1916
Warren Billing Convicted of Murder  11/4/1916 San Francisco California Wobbly Warren Billing convicted of first degree murder for alleged bombing. Solidarity, 11/04/1916
Everett Massacre 11/5/1916 Everett Washington The struggle between the working class and the vigilantes finally erupted. Five members of the IWW were killed and two of the vigilantes were killed. Many were injured. Beforehand, the IWW informed the authorities that they were coming to Everett on November 5th. Industrial Worker, 11-11-1916
IWW Members and Vigilantes Clash Leaving Five Dead and Many Injured 11/5/1916 Everett Washington Three hundred IWW in jail, five dead, and many wounded after a shootout in Everett between Wobblies aboard the Verone and a group of vigilantes on the shore. Two vigilantes were killed.  Solidarity, 11/11/1916
Domestic Workers' Industrial Union Headquarters Burglarized  11/11/1916 Denver Colorado Headquarters of the Domestic Workers' Industrial Union burglarized and a list of 6000 places of employment of these domestic workers stolen. Solidarity, 11/11/1916
Man Arrested for Selling IWW Newspapers 11/24/1916 Mesabi Range Minnesota One man searched and arrested without a warrant for selling IWW newspapers. Solidarity, 12/09/1916
Victims of the Everett Massacre 11/25/1916 Everett Washington List of dead from the Everett Massacre and a picture.  Industrial Worker, 11-25-1916
Mayor Gill Says I.W.W. Did Not Start Everett Riot 11/25/1916 Seattle Washington Seattle Mayor Hiram Gill asserted IWW were not the instigators of the violence in Everett. Solidarity, 11/25/1916
IWW Members Released From Jail 12/2/1916 Everett Washington James Johnson, George Bradley and Edith Frenete were released from Everett jail. They were charged with bogus claims. Carlson, who was shot nine times, is suing the sheriff and several members of the Commercial club and steamship club. Those who tried to visit the arrested were denied entry.   Industrial Worker, 12-02-1916
Strikers Tried for Rioting 12/2/1916 Hibbing Minnesota Three people tried for rioting in relation to the recent Mesaba steel strike.  Solidarity, 12/02/1916
IWW Members Charged with Murder of Fish and Game Commissioners 12/12/1916 Pittsburg California Two fish and game commissioners shot three IWW members without provocation, inciting a shoot out that ended in the death of the two commissioners. The IWW were charged with murder. Solidarity, 03/03/1917
Some IWW Members Freed on Bail 12/14/1916 Everett Washington 38 of the 74 held for the Everett massacre released on bail. Solidarity, 12/30/1916
Murder Charges Dropped Against IWW Members 12/15/1916 Minnesota Murder charges against the eight IWW on trial dropped and replaced with manslaughter charges against three of the eight.  Solidarity, 12/23/1916
Lumber Barons Seek to Prevent Workers From Joining IWW 12/23/1916 Spokane Washington The lumber Barons' Union of eastern Washington, Idaho and Montana are having a meeting to discuss a way to prevent their workers from joining the IWW. Industrial Worker, 12-23-1916
Members Arrested for Distributing Lumberjack Strike Pamphlets 1/6/1917 Gemmell Minnesota Six arrested for distributing pamphlets related to a lumberjack strike. Their sentences suspended by a judge. Solidarity, 01/06/1917
Lumberjacks Strike Leads to Arrests 1/6/1917 Gemmell Minnesota All strike organizers ordered out of town and 70 jailed in response to the strike of "thousands" of lumberjacks. Solidarity, 01/06/1917
IWW Members Released 1/6/1917 Portland Oregon 40 IWW members released on a dismissal order form a judge. Solidarity, 01/20/1917
IWW Members Arrested on Way to Harvest  1/13/1917 Fargo North Dakota Two IWW members arrested after a group of 30 of them boarded a freight train bound for the harvest fields and removed all train non-IWW train riders. The two IWW members eventually pled guilty to carrying a concealed weapon and were sentenced to 90 days and a 100 dollar fine. After four weeks in jail, they were pardoned. Solidarity, 01/13/1917
IWW Members Refused Naturalization 1/20/1917 Philadelphia Pennsylvania Judge asked 80 applicants for naturalization about their membership status in the IWW. If they answered they were a member, the judge would refuse citizenship. Solidarity, 01/20/1917
Bill Introduced to Outlaw IWW 1/20/1917 Pierre South Dakota A representative introduced two bills, one outlawing riding freight trains and the other banning tin horn gambling in that state with the intention of halting the I.W.W. Solidarity, 01/20/1917
IWW Members Arrested for Vagrancy 1/20/1917 Portland Oregon 52 IWW members arrested for vagrancy. Solidarity, 01/20/1917
Mass Meeting Delayed  1/20/1917 San Francisco California The mass meeting that was to be held in January moved back a month after the police demanded they not use a particular venue. The performance was planned to include speakers and a play detailing the events of the Everett Massacre. Solidarity, 01/20/1917
Legislators Meet to Discuss IWW 1/20/1917 Sioux City Iowa Legislators planned a meeting in Sioux City to "discuss the I.W.W. problem." Solidarity, 01/20/1917
IWW Members Arrested for Taking Control of Freight Train 1/20/1917 Virginia Minnesota 60 IWWs arrested after taking control of a freight train. They were released after trial. Solidarity, 01/20/1917
IWW Members Acquitted of Murder 1/27/1917 Aberdeen South Dakota Two wobblies acquitted of murder of a security guard. Solidarity, 02/10/1917
IWW Member Arrested for "Defrauding the Railroad Company" 2/3/1917 Los Angeles California IWW members convicted of "defrauding the railroad company" and sentenced to thirty days. Solidarity, 02/03/1917
IWW Members Arrested for Carrying Weapon 2/3/1917 Park Falls Minnesota IWW member arrested for carrying an unloaded gun and sentenced to six months. Solidarity, 02/03/1917
Demonstrations Gain Release of IWW Speaker and Unmolested Free Speech 2/6/1917 Drumright Oklahoma IWW member arrested while soapboxing. After demonstrations in his defense, he was released. He then held a street meeting and was left unmolested. Solidarity, 02/24/1917
Company Threatens Firing of IWW Members 2/17/1917 Chicago Illinois Company Swift and Co. attempted to identify workers in the IWW and threatened to fire any members. Solidarity, 02/17/1917
IWW Members Arrested for Pretending to Have a Gun 3/3/1917 Oregon Lavine and another worker were discovered by brakemen while riding a freight train. The brakemen demanded they get off the train that was travelling at 20 mph. When they refused, the brakemen attempted to force them off. Lavine brandished a set of pliers he tried to pass off as a gun, which scared away the brakemen. Upon dismounting at Hornbrook, they were arrested for "shooting... with intent to kill." Solidarity, 03/03/1917
IWW Members on Trial for Destruction of Good in Rail Car 3/24/1917 Nebraska Nebraska Eight IWWs on trial for the destruction of goods in a Missouri Pacific rail car. Solidarity, 03/24/1917
IWW Members Charged with Murder 3/31/1917 Des Moines Iowa Three Wobblies charged with murder, though they claimed they were in the IWW hall at the time of the killing. Solidarity, 03/31/1917
Marines Raid IWW Hall 4/7/1917 Kansas City Missouri A gang of marines raided the IWW, causing mass destruction. None of the intruders were arrested. Solidarity, 04/07/1917
IWW Organizers Locked Out 4/14/1917 Eureka Montana IWW organizers in Eureka, Montana are facing hunger as locals refuse to sell them meals. A stockade has been built to keep the IWW members out.  Industrial Worker, 04-14-1917
IWW Members Arrested for Selling IWW Newspapers  4/14/1917 Rockford Illinois Nine IWW members arrested for selling Solidarity and Allarm, a Swedish IWW publication.  Solidarity, 04/21/1917
Sheriffs Close IWW Halls 4/14/1917 Pennsylvania Sheriffs closed IWW halls across the coal fields. Solidarity, 04/14/1917
IWW Members Fired, Other Quit in Protest 4/21/1917 Cleveland Ohio Willard Storage Battery Co. fired 60 workers in order to clear the factory of all IWW members. 80 additional workers quit in protest. Solidarity, 04/21/1917
IWW Members Beaten 4/21/1917 Judith Gap Montana IWW members found in Judith Gap, Montana are arrested and beaten up solely because of their IWW membership.  Industrial Worker, 04-21-1917
IWW Member Jailed on Robbery Charges 4/21/1917 Sacramento California  A young IWW member named Frank Warren has been arrested for a crime he did not commit, purportedly on the grounds of his visible IWW membership. Despite a solid alibi and many witnesses as to his whereabouts at the time of the crime, he and another man have been imprisoned for ten years for a robbery he did not commit.  Industrial Worker, 04-21-1917
Edward Nolan Released on Bail 5/5/1917 San Francisco California Edward Nolan, accused of involvement in the San Francisco bomb plot, was released on bail due to lack of evidence. Solidarity, 05/05/1917
Fourteen Members Still Held for Everett Massacre  5/8/1917 Everett Washington Courts dismissed charges again Tracy and 38 others in relation to the Everett massacre. Fourteen are still being held. Solidarity, 05/12/1917
IWW Man Involved in Officer Shooting 5/16/1917 Stockton California IWW Man Mr. Schoon was arrested for vagrancy in Stockton, California with a one other man. While being accompanied to the police department, the officer attacked the other man, a shot was fired, and Schoon ran from the scene. He was arrested one hour later and charged with the murder of the officer. The other man was not found. According to insiders, multiple details of the case have been ignored or fabricated to convict innocent Mr. Schoon because of his IWW membership.  Industrial Worker, 05-26-1917
IWW Member Arrested for Membership 5/19/1917 New Orleans Louisiana IWW arrested and accused of "being active in I.W.W. labor agitation." Solidarity, 05/19/1917
Witness in Mooney Case Accused of Perjury 5/19/1917 San Francisco California Primary witness against Thomas J. Mooney accused of perjury. Superior Judge refused to remove himself from the case after accusations of prejudice. Solidarity, 05/19/1917
Hall Raided and Members Arrested  5/26/1917 Buffalo New York Buffalo police raid IWW hall and arrest 46 workers during a meeting. Solidarity, 05/26/1917
Schoon Convicted of Murder  and Sentenced to Death 5/26/1917 Stockton California Worker convicted of killing a police officer and sentenced to death. The worker was under arrest at the time of the shooting and maintained his innocence. Solidarity, 05/26/1917
Union Organizer Murdered 5/31/1917 Riverside Oregon An organizer for the Sheep Shearer's Union in Riverside, Oregon, has been shot and killed by a sheepowner. Mr. George W. Shoemaker and other shearers went on a strike for a raise in wages. When attempting to negotiate the raise, Shoemaker was shot by the sheep owner three times.  Industrial Worker, 05-31-1917
Members Arrested in Hall Raid Released  6/2/1917 Buffalo New York Thirty-six of those arrested in the IWW hall raid released from jail after pleading not guilty and demanding a jury trial. Solidarity, 06/02/1917
Members Arrested in Hall Raid Released  6/2/1917 Buffalo New York The remained IWW members arrested in the raid released. Solidarity, 06/02/1917
IWW Organizers Arrested and Compelled to Join Wester Federation of Miners 6/2/1917 Morenci Arizona Two IWW organizers arrested without charge and released after five days on the grounds that they join the Western Federation of Miners. Solidarity, 06/02/1917
Hall Raided 6/8/1917 Whitefish Montana Military men raided the IWW hall and arrested their secretary without charge. Solidarity, 06/16/1917
Hall Raided 6/9/1917 Detroit Minnesota Under the auspices of a secret service agent, the Detroit IWW was raided. Their literature and records were seized and destroyed and two members arrested. Solidarity, 06/09/1917
Hall Raided 6/9/1917 Kansas City Missouri Soldiers raided the IWW hall, destroyed the interior, and injured a worker so severely he was sent to the hospital. Solidarity, 06/16/1917
IWW Members Arrested During Anti-registration Demonstration 6/16/1917 Rockford Illinois 138, about half IWW members, arrested during an anti-registration demonstration. Solidarity, 06/16/1917
Soldiers and Sailors Attack IWW Hall 6/16/1917 Seattle Washington After inflammatory articles by the Seattle PI and the Seattle Times were published, sailors and soldiers attacked the Seattle IWW Hall. IWW members had some prior knowledge of the raid, and were prepared, even notifying the police force and mayor prior to the attack. One shot was fired, though it is unclear from which side, and fifty-one IWW men were arrested. By the next day, all but ten had been released.   Industrial Worker, 06-23-1917
Hall Raid Attempted 6/16/1917 Seattle Washington Military men attempted to raid the IWW hall, leading to 51 arrests on open chargers and the injury of one soldier. Solidarity, 06/23/1917
Members Arrested in Hall Raid  6/23/1917 Duluth Minnesota Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, prominent IWW speaker, and 9 other IWW members arrested in a raid on their hall. They were charged with being in violation of the state's ban on "unpatriotic agitation." Solidarity, 06/30/1917
Members Arrested for Unlawful Assembly 6/23/1917 Scranton Pennsylvania Two IWW members arrested for unlawful assembly. Solidarity, 06/23/1917
IWW Member Arrested for Vagrancy 6/26/1917 Elkader Iowa IWW member arrested for vagrancy. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
Member Scheduled for Release 6/26/1917 Portland Oregon Lavie, charged of shooting a brakemen, scheduled to be released from jail. Solidarity, 06/23/1917
Members Released Following Failed Hall Raid 6/30/1917 Seattle Washington Wobblies arrested in the raid of their two weeks earlier released. Solidarity, 06/30/1917
AWO Delegate Shot by Depot Agent, IWW Members Arrested  7/1/1917 Turon Kansas Depot agent shot AWO delegate without provocation. Two IWW members arrested in the incident, one for disturbing the peace and the other for assault and battery. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
Hall Raided 7/3/1917 Bend Oregon Men raided the IWW hall and removed all materials. One Wobbly charged with extortion. He was released upon trial. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Case Dismissed Against Member Arrested in Hall Raid 7/6/1917 Kansas City Missouri IWW member arrested during the raid on their hall dismissed upon appeal. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
Strikers and Sympathizers Deported 7/12/1917 Bisbee Arizona 2000 strikers and strike sympathizers deported in crowded cattle cars and left for 36 hours without food or water. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Striking Miners Deported 7/14/1917 Jerome Arizona 200 striking miners deported from Jerome. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
IWW Member Arrested for Membership 7/14/1917 Milwaukee Wisconsin Worker arrested on charged of being an active member of the IWW. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
Anti-registration Demonstrators Charged 7/14/1917 Rockford Illinois 117 of the 136 (about half of whom IWW members) arrested in an anti-registration demonstration sentenced to non-registration or vagrancy. Their sentenced ranged from 30 days in jail to a year and a day of hard labor, the maximum sentence. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
Anti-IWW Vigilante Group Formed 7/14/1917 Sioux City Iowa Anti-IWW vigilante group Sioux City Civilian Unit created  in anticipation of the coming IWW members. Solidarity, 07/14/1917
Members Arrested at Request of Governor 7/20/1917 Sandpoint Idaho At the alleged request of the governor, IWW member arrested. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
Members Arrested and Accused of Burning Down Saw Mill 7/21/1917 Bemidji Minnesota Four IWWs accused of burning down a sawmill and arrested. The IWW claimed it was burned by the company to collect insurance. Shortly after, three released and one held for "Displaying Literature Advocating Sabotage." Solidarity, 08/04/1917
Workers Deported for Activity in Copper Strike 7/21/1917 Bisbee Arizona 30 unionized workers deported from Bisbee for their involvement in the copper strike. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Deported Miners Standing Firm 7/21/1917 Columbus New Mexico The 1100 miners removed from Bisbee and shipped to New Mexico released. However, they refused to leave unless they could return to their families in Bisbee. Solidarity, 08/11/1917
Members Deported by Mine Owners 7/21/1917 Duluth Michigan Mine owners begun to deport all IWW members. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Duluth Cases Being Tried 7/21/1917 Duluth Michigan IWW members charged of vagrancy went on trial and faced horrible conditions in jail, including lack of edible food. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Hall Raided 7/21/1917 Kansas City Missouri Other publications reported another raid on the Kansas City IWW hall. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Organizer Arrested for Agitation  7/21/1917 Niagara Falls New York Organized Manuel "Ray" (Rey) arrested for agitation. Solidarity, 07/21/1917
Hall Raided and Members Arrested  7/22/1917 Bemidji Minnesota 3 IWW members arrested during a raid on their hall. Solidarity, 07/28/1917
Hall Raided and Members Arrested and Beaten 7/23/1917 Aberdeen South Dakota Fifty IWWs arrested without charge. Thirty-five taken outside town and beaten. Their hall was raided and their property destroyed. In all, 250 reported to have been arrested or harassed. Solidarity, 08/11/1917
Member Freed on Bail 7/28/1917 Detroit Michigan IWW member held for seven weeks on charges of conspiracy released on bail. Solidarity, 07/28/1917
Members Released After Vagrancy Charges Found Unconstitutional  7/28/1917 Duluth Minnesota 16 Wobblies tried for vagrancy released after the ordinance they violated was considered unconstitutional. Solidarity, 07/28/1917
Sheriff Threatens Expulsion of IWW 7/28/1917 Fairfield Iowa Sheriff threatened to expel all IWW delegated found in the town. Solidarity, 07/28/1917
Hall Raided 7/28/1917 San Antonio Texas Local police raided IWW hall and arrested workers on charges of "complting against the U.S.A." Solidarity, 07/28/1917
Member Arrested for Advocating Property Destruction 7/30/1917 Brooklyn New York IWW member arrested on charges of advocating property destruction. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
Frank Little Murdered 8/1/1917 Butte Montana An armed and masked group kidnapped organizer Frank Little and hanged him on a railroad trestle. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
Dual Card Holder Arrested for "Unpatriotic" Speech 8/1/1917 Tulsa Oklahoma Dual card holder arrested after a speech at an AFL meeting in which he refused to purchase a flag for Labor Day. The AFL subsequently revoked his card. Solidarity, 08/18/1917
Frank Little Murdered for IWW Affiliation 8/3/1917 Butte Montana Frank Little, a striking copper worker in Butte, Montana, has been murdered because of his IWW affiliation. Killed stealthily at night by five masked invaders, Little was found with a coded note pinned to his clothing, stating, "Others take notice. First and last warning." Industrial Worker, 08-04-1917
Law Enforcement Search for IWW Members on Trains and Beat Them 8/4/1917 Aberdeen South Dakota Law enforcement begun to inspect all trains for IWW riders and, if found, beat them. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
IWW Sued for Striking Without Notice 8/4/1917 Grays Harbor Washington Gray's Harbor Lumber Co. sued 24 IWW members for striking without notice. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
IWW Sued for Striking Without Notice 8/4/1917 Index Washington At least 13 IWW members arrested in relation to the lumber strike. They were released after one and half days. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
Hall Closed 8/4/1917 Sandpoint Idaho IWW hall closed. Solidarity, 08/04/1917
IWW Members Jailed  8/8/1917 Ellensburg Washington About one hundred IWW members have been jailed in Washington on charges of "being IWW's". Food is scarce and poor, and many are sick.  Industrial Worker, 08-08-1917
Hall Raided 8/10/1917 Oakland California Mob raided IWW hall and burned all dues books and furniture. Solidarity, 08/18/1917
Members Sentenced 8/11/1917 Duluth Minnesota Two IWW member received sentences of 18 months in prison. Solidarity, 08/11/1917
Rena Mooney Acquitted 8/11/1917 San Francisco California Rena Mooney, wife of Tom Mooney who was convicted in relation to a bomb plot and sentenced to death, acquitted of murder. Solidarity, 08/11/1917
Members Deported 8/18/1917 Bemidji Minnesota Four IWW members deported after attempting to punish those in charge of the mass deportation a month earlier. Solidarity, 08/18/1917
Hall Raided 8/18/1917 Duluth Minnesota One hundred soldiers raided the IWW hall and burned all records. Solidarity, 09/01/1917
Member Beaten and Robbed  8/18/1917 Groton South Dakota IWW member beaten and robbed by vigilantes. Solidarity, 08/18/1917
Members Charged with Inciting Riot 8/25/1917 Montesano Washington IWW member charged with inciting a riot, unlawful assemblage, contempt of court, and violation of an injunction.  Solidarity, 08/25/1917
Members Arrested in Relation to Lumber Strike 9/1/1917 Pasco Washington Forty IWW members arrested in relation to the general lumber strike. Solidarity, 09/01/1917
Members Arrested in Relation to Lumber Strike 9/1/1917 Spokane Washington Forty IWW members arrested in relation to the general lumber strike. Solidarity, 09/01/1917
IWW Halls and Newspapers Raided 9/5/1917 Seattle Washington The halls, offices, and newspaper rooms of the IWW across the US have been raided by federal marshals assisted by the local police forces. According to the policemen, the forces were searching for seditious material. Papers, typewriters, and other office supplies were seized. Some suspect this was an action to suppress the IWW effort. Industrial Worker, 09-12-1917
Hall Raided 9/5/1917 Seattle Washington Office of Lumber Workers' Industrial Union No. 500 raided and all files seized. No arrests were made. Solidarity, 09/22/1917
Update on Chicago Raid 9/15/1917 Chicago Illinois An update on the raid in Chicago- News from the Chicago headquarters of the IWW state that "business is going as usual", and that all IWW publications are available to buy, as before. The author states that the IWW has nothing to hide in its records.  Industrial Worker, 09-15-1917
Camp Broken Up 9/22/1917 Columbus New Mexico Rations stopped and formerly striking miners left the camp. Some tried to returned to Bisbee and were promptly arrested. 150 Mexican workers return to Mexico and were welcomed by the government. Solidarity, 09/22/1917
Hall Raided 9/22/1917 Salt Lake City Utah M.M.W.I.U 800, formerly based in Arizona, raided and all records seized. Solidarity, 09/22/1917
Denver Recruiting Union Secretary Arrested 9/29/1917 Denver Colorado Secretary of the Denver Recruiting Union arrested. Solidarity, 10/13/1917
IWW Member Convicted as Criminal Syndicalist 9/30/1917 Bemidji Minnesota Jess Dunning, secretary of the Bemidji IWW, was charged with "criminal syndicalism" and determined to serve two years in the penitentiary. Industrial Worker, 10-06-1917
Branch Secretary Arrested 9/30/1917 Tulsa Oklahoma Branch secretary arrested after an IWW meeting after indictment by the Chicago Grand Jury. Solidarity, 10/13/1917
IWW Members Indicted Across Country 10/2/1917 Chicago Illinois The Federal Grand Jury has indicted 266 IWW members across the country, and 240 of those have already been arrested. They have been charged with "striking". Industrial Worker, 10-03-1917
IWW Member Murdered 10/3/1917 Butte Montana Verner Nelson was shot and killed by a man named Savichewich. Industrial Worker, 10-06-1917
IWW Men Arrested and Charged with Conspiracy and Sedition 10/3/1917 Fresno California Fifteen men were arrested and charged with "conspiracy and sedition". These charges are refuted in a later October 6 article. Industrial Worker, 10-03-1917
IWW National Secretary Detained  10/13/1917 Chicago Illinois William D. Haywood, national secretary of the IWW, is detained at the federal prison with $25,000 bail. Industrial Worker, 10-13-1917
Members Arrested for Sedition 10/13/1917 Fresno California Fourteen IWW members arrested on charges of sedition. Solidarity, 10/13/1917
10/13/1917     This article lists over 75 IWW members incarcerated at the time of publication. Notable figures include Ralph Chaplin, William D. Haywood, Rangner Johannsen, Samuel Scarlett, J.A. McDonald, and Herbert Mahler. Solidarity, 10/13/1917
Indictments Against IWW Continue 10/22/1917 Chicago Illinois 166 indictments have been returned against members and officers of the IWW by the Federal Grand Jury. Industrial Worker, 10-27-1917
Members Released While Others Charged with Criminal Syndicalism 10/27/1917 Moscow Idaho Eighteen IWW members released after being held for three months. Five still held on charges of criminal syndicalism. Solidarity, 10/27/1917
Federal Agents Raid IWW Quarters 11/3/1917 Miami Arizona Federal agents have raided an IWW office in Arizona, seizing "correspondence, literature, and records".  Industrial Worker, 11-03-1917
Trials Denied to Prisoners 11/3/1917 Wenatchee Washington Thirteen IWW men have been jailed in Wenatchee for over three months without promise of a trial. Ghastly living conditions and abuse by the jailer has caused several of the men to fall seriously ill.  Industrial Worker, 11-03-1917
Bonds Refused for Jailed IWW Members 11/3/1917     Bonds for the 266 IWW men arrested in late September have been refused. The men remain in jail.  Industrial Worker, 11-03-1917
Men Indicted for Loyalty to Labor 11/10/1917 Chicago Illinois As attorneys work the case, it has become clear that the arrests of the 266 men in late September were made on grounds of IWW involvement in the past few years.  Industrial Worker, 11-10-1917
Vigilantes Mob IWW in Oklahoma 11/17/1917 Tulsa Oklahoma A masked group of fifty people mobbed and abused seventeen IWW members, whipping, then tar and feathering them.  Industrial Worker, 11-17-1917
Sioux City Forms Ku Klux Klan 12/1/1917 Sioux City Iowa A group, calling themselves the "Knights of Liberty" after the original group in Tulsa, Oklahoma, have formed in Sioux City, Iowa. They openly oppose and wish violence upon IWW members.  Industrial Worker, 12-01-1917
Tacoma IWW Office Raided 12/1/1917 Tacoma Washington A raid of the IWW Tacoma office took place on November 23rd. Acting on fabricated information that the office was distributing liquor, police raided the room, seizing documents and arresting none.  Industrial Worker, 12-01-1917
IWW Attorney Fred Moore Missing 12/1/1917     Fred Moore, long time attorney for the IWW and chief counsel in the Everett trials has been missing for two months. IWW members suspect foul play or kidnapping.  Industrial Worker, 12-01-1917
All IWW Prisoners Released at St. Maries, Idaho 12/8/1917 St. Maries Idaho All IWW members imprisoned in Idaho have been released. The IWW is hopeful that this signals the collapse of "criminal syndicalist" charges.  Industrial Worker, 12-08-1917
Anti-IWW Sentiment in Fresno Likely to be Legally Codified 12/15/1917 Fresno California The federal indictments of late September seem to be shaping up quite seriously in Fresno. It is very likely that anti-IWW policies will be written into law, threatening the safety of IWW members across the country.  Industrial Worker, 12-15-1917
Officers Refuse to Arrest Additional IWW Men 12/15/1917 Seattle Washington In a form of protest over the recent wave of arrests, several IWW men have approached police requesting to be arrested due to their IWW membership. The officers turned them away.  Industrial Worker, 12-15-1917
National IWW Headquarters Raided 12/22/1917 Chicago Illinois The national headquarters of the IWW was raided by local police. No men were arrested. 105 men indicted in the late September arrests have pleaded "not guilty" to charges. Some face hanging.  Industrial Worker, 12-22-1917
Defense and Worker Office Raided 12/29/1917 Seattle Washington Several IWW offices and associated offices were raided by Seattle police under the guidance of new chief Joel Warren.  Industrial Worker, 12-29-1917
Members Charged with Conspiracy 10/25/1918 Spokane Washington IWW members charged with conspiracy pled not guilty. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Female Members with Influenza Face Trial 11/08/1918 Portland Oregon Defended by E. E. Heckbert and George Vanderveer, female IWW member suffering from the Spanish influenza went on trial for violation of the Espionage Act. New Solidarity, 11/23/1918
Members Jailed 11/16/1918 Boise Idaho 20 IWW members in L.W.I.U. No. 500 held in jail. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Members Arrested Upon Entering Town 11/16/1918 Leadville Colorado 2 IWW members arrested upon entering town. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Member Convicted of Criminal Syndicalism  11/16/1918 Moscow Idaho IWW member convicted of criminal syndicaism and sentenced to between six months and ten years in prison. His appeal for pardon was denied. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Members Face Trial Under Poor Conditions 11/16/1918 Omaha Nebraska 24 IWW members put on trial in cruel conditions, a number without shoes, socks, or underwear. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Members on Trial Die of Influenza 11/16/1918 Sacramento California 4 of the 54 IWW members on trial died of influenza. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Member Released 11/16/1918 Sioux City Iowa All IWW members arrested two weeks prior released. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Member Dies While Incarcerated 11/16/1918 Urbana Illinois IWW member jailed in the raids of the Butler county oil fields died of influenza and pneumonia while incarcerated. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Members Convicted of Criminal Syndicalism 11/16/1918 Wallace Idaho IWW member convicted of criminal syndicalism and sentenced to one year in prison and a $500 fine. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Members Face Poor Jail Conditions 11/16/1918 Wichita Kansas 7 IWW members held in jail in poor conditions. New Solidarity, 11/16/1918
Members Arrested for Carrying Radical Literature 11/21/1918 Chicago Illinois IWW member arrested, released, and rearrested for carrying radical literature. Case investigator told the defendant, "…we will keep you in jail till you get over [foreign ideas]." New Solidarity, 12/28/1918
Members Arrested for "advocating, teaching,and aiming at destruction of property" 11/23/1918 Leadville Colorado 4 IWW members arrested. 1 dismissed, 3 charged with "advocating, teaching, and aiming at destruction of property." New Solidarity, 11/23/1918
Tom Mooney Appeal Dismissed  11/23/1918 San Francisco California The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of Tom Mooney, the IWW member sentenced to death for his role in a bomb plot. New Solidarity, 11/23/1918
Member Convicted of Owning Finnish Literature 11/23/1918 Sault Ste. Marie Ontario L.W.I.U. No. 500 delegate J.J. Wilson convicted of owning literature in Finnish, an enemy language, and being in the IWW. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison. New Solidarity, 11/23/1918
Members Released After Appeal Finds Previous Conviction Unconstitutional  11/23/1918 Seattle Washington The 50 IWW members held in violation of the Espionage Act released after the United States Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a Seattle grand jury conviction and declared the unconsitutionality of the prosecution. New Solidarity, 11/23/1918
Mooney's Death Sentence Commuted to Life in Prison 11/30/1918 San Francisco California Governor Stephens commuted Mooney's death sentence to life in prison. New Solidarity, 11/30/1918
Delegate Jailed 11/30/1918 Tulsa Oklahoma M.M.W.I.U. No. 800 delegate jailed for ten months without charge. New Solidarity, 11/30/1918
Workers Charged  12/07/1918 Omaha Nebraska 20 workers charged in the "Omaha indictments." New Solidarity, 12/07/1918
Members Released 12/09/1918 Omaha Nebraska 3 Wobblies released from jail. New Solidarity, 12/14/1918
Cases Against Members Dismissed 12/09/1918 Sacramento California The cases of 3 Wobblies dismissed. New Solidarity, 12/14/1918
Members Tarred and Feathered by Vigilantes 12/14/1918 McMurray Washington IWW member tarred and feathered by a mob of twenty vigilantes. Additionaly, 10 were deported. New Solidarity, 12/21/1918
Members Released on Bonds 12/14/1918 Omaha Nebraska All but 2 of the Wobblies arrested over a year prior released on bonds. New Solidarity, 12/14/1918
Members on Trial 12/14/1918 Sacramento California 24 Wobblies on trial for unspecified charges. New Solidarity, 12/14/1918
Newsboy Arrested for Selling Seattle Defense Bulletin 12/20/1918 Seattle Washington Newsboy arrested for selling the Seattle Defense Bulletin, prompting others to begin selling the paper and leading to the arrest of 9 others. New Solidarity, 12/28/1918
Indicted Officials Released Without Trial 12/21/1918 Bisbee Arizona The 25 indicted officials for deporting over 1000 workers from Bisbee in 1917 released without trial. New Solidarity, 12/21/1918
The Jail Sentences of 93 Convicted Members Equals 807 Years 12/21/1918 Chicago Illinois 93 IWW members sentenced to, collectively, 807 years in the Leavenworth penitentiary. New Solidarity, 12/21/1918
Members Released from Immigration Detention After One Year 12/21/1918 Seattle Washington 5 IWW members released from immigration detention after being held for over a year. New Solidarity, 12/21/1918
Sentenced Without Any Trial 12/27/1918 Everett  Washington IWW member allegedly held for almost one year without charge. Solidarity 12-27-1918
Property Returned 12/31/1918 Spokane Washington IWW equipment and supplies seized during an earlier raid is returned except those used in the Chicago syndicalism trial. Solidarity 01-11-1919
Slow Murder of a Fellow Workers 1/4/1919 Spokane Washington German IWW member arrested for "trying to make this world a fit place in which to live," and held for tenth months. He later died due to poor conditions of the jail. Solidarity 01-04-1919
Prosecution Rests 1/12/1919 Sacramento California Trial of the 47 Wobblies accused of unspecified charges continued. Solidarity 01-18-1919
One Letter of Month 1/18/1919 Leavenworth Kansas Jailed IWW member in Leavenworth reports that he and fourteen other members were put in isolation and restricted to bread and water after they "got in bad with the powers that be" in the prison. Solidarity 01-18-1919
Reward Offered 1/19/1919 Springfield Massachusetts Springfield IWW hall raided and property stolen. The Department of Justice denied any involvement in the raid. The IWW local announced a $500 reward for the return of the stolen property. Solidarity 02-01-1919
Preventing Defense 1/22/1919 Spokane Washington Defense Office of the IWW raided by police, who seized all property related to defense. Five arrested in the raid, and later released on bonds. Solidarity 02-01-1919
Arrested in Chicago 1/25/1919 Chicago Illinois Eighteen Chicago IWW members arrested, finger printed, and released. One additional person arrested the next day and not released by the time of publication. Solidarity 01-25-1919
Sacramento Members Convicted 1/25/1919 Sacramento California 38 IWW members convicted on charges related to a bombing and sentenced to one to ten years in Leavenworth. Three let out on bail and their trial postponed indefinitely. After the jury returned the verdict, the convicted responded by singing "Solidarity Forever." Solidarity 01-25-1919
None 2/8/1919 Chicago Illinois Chicago Recruiting Union member Jennie La Zar arrested and questioned by the police who attempted to persuade her against attending IWW meetings. Solidarity 02-08-1919
Worker Deported 2/8/1919 Seattle Washington Several IWW members in Seattle face deportation back to Russia. Solidarity 02-08-1919
Wichita Jail Again 2/8/1919 Wichita Kansas Delegate of Oil Workers' Industrial Union No. 450 arrested for vagrancy. He spent a week in jail awaiting trial facing horrendous conditions with vermin, steel bunks with no mattresses, and no protection from the cold. The charges were dropped upon trial, but he was ordered to leave town and surrender all IWW supplies. Solidarity 02-08-1919
Deportees Beaten 2/25/1919 New York New York 54 people, most of them previously active in the IWW, were beaten on their way to Ellis Island for deportation. New Solidarity 02-25-1919
Arrest in the General Strike 2/25/1919 Seattle Washington Prominent Wobbly author Walker C. Smith arrested during the Seattle General Strike for distributing a pamphlet about Russia. New Solidarity 02-25-1919
Hall Raided, Members Arrested 2/27/1919 San Francisco California IWW hall raided leading to the arrest of nine, seven of which were released on bail shortly thereafter and two held for deportation. New Solidarity 03-08-1919
Another IWW for Leavenworth 2/28/1919 Chicago Illinois IWW member Petro Nigra sentenced to 18 months at Leavenworth. New Solidarity 03-08-1919
Worker Held for Deportation 3/1/1919 Bartlesville Oklahoma Several IWW members arrested on unknown charges. All released except one who then faced possible deportation. New Solidarity 03-01-1919
Krieger Trial Delayed 3/8/1919 Tulsa Oklahoma In the case of Charles Krieger, an IWW member charged with obstructing the draft and destroying property belonging to the head of the Carter Oil Company, the presiding judge sustained the defense's motion to quash. The judge ordered Krieger be released of a new bill of information was not filed in 24 hours. New Solidarity 03-08-1919
Landlords Instructed to Discriminate 3/12/1919 Kansas City Missouri Judge Kennedy, who was responsible for the recent conviction of IWW members, asks police department to contact landlords and ask them to not rent out their property to the IWW. New Solidarity 03-22-1919
Hall Raided, Members Arrested 3/15/1919 Kansas City Missouri Sixteen members arrested during a raid on the IWW hall. Twelve received either a $500 fine or 90 days in jail. New Solidarity 03-15-1919
Thirty-One Arrests after the General Strike 3/15/1919 Seattle Washington Thirty-one IWW members arrested due to their involvement in the Seattle General Strike, including Harvey O' Connor and Walker Smith. New Solidarity 03-15-1919
Pamphlet Distributors Arrested 3/16/1919 Newark  New Jersey Two IWW members arrested on charges of insurrection and sedition after distributing pamphlets on labor. New Solidarity 04-05-1919
Fourteen More Arrested 3/22/1919 Kansas City Missouri During another raid on their hall, fourteen Wobblies arrested, convicted of vagrancy, and sentenced to 11 months and 29 days in jail. New Solidarity 03-22-1919
Trials of 32 Postponed 3/22/1919 Wichita Kansas The trials of 32 IWW members jailed on unspecified charges postponed an additional five months by the presiding judge who, the IWW claimed, "Allowed] two months to talk it over, then [took] three months to smoke." New Solidarity 03-22-1919
Hail Raided, Members Arrested 3/29/1919 Bridgeport Connecticut Police raided the IWW hall, seized property, and arrested ten members. New Solidarity 03-29-1919
Secretary and Others Arrested 4/19/1919 San Francisco California Police arrested local secretary and two other IWW members. One sentenced to three months in jail, but won an appeal. They all refused an attorney stating, "[W]e are more able to defend the principles of the One Big Union than any bourgeois lawyer." New Solidarity 04-19-1919
Sedition Conviction 4/26/1919 Fargo North Dakota IWW member sentenced to three years in Leavenworth for two counts of sedition. New Solidarity 04-26-1919
Hall Raided, Records Seized 4/26/1919 Phoenix Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff raided the IWW headquarters and seized literature, records, and supplies. The sheriff claimed he found evidence of over $100000 being collected by the IWW local in the last year. New Solidarity 04-26-1919
Interrupted May Day Demonstration 5/1/1919 Cleveland Ohio May Day celebration organized by the Socialist Party and the IWW was met with a heavy police presence leading to two deaths, many injuries, and over 130 people convicted of rioting. New Solidarity 05-10-1919
Immigrant Members Released 5/3/1919 Ellis Island New York Four foreign-born IWW members released after being held for over a year. New Solidarity 05-03-1919
Everett Defendant Arrested Again 5/10/1919 Everett Washington Former Everett defendant Adolph Ersson arrested in LA for his connection to the IWW. New Solidarity 05-10-1919
Held in Detention 5/10/1919 Ft. Douglas Utah Over 100 foreign-born IWW members were held for being "alien enemies."  New Solidarity 05-10-1919
Bonds for Leavenworth Men 5/10/1919 Leavenworth Kansas Five IWW members (Joe Gordon, Charles Rothfisher, Vincent St. John, Frank Westerlund, and Petro Nigra) released on bond while they await the decision to be granted an appeal. New Solidarity 05-10-1919
Army Captain Denounces Persecution 5/10/1919 New York New York Former assistant attorney general of the Philippines and captain of military intelligence of the US Army released a statement claiming the conviction of Vincent St. John and others in Chicago was unjust. New Solidarity 05-10-1919
Prisoners Strike for Food, Better Treatment 5/17/1919 Kuna Idaho Twelve jailed IWW members went on strike against the prison farm for more food and improved condition. New Solidarity 05-17-1919
Wobbly Fired for Membership 5/24/1919 Schenectady New York Nine year veteran of General Electric fired for his affiliation with the IWW. New Solidarity 05-24-1919
Hall Raided, Literature Seized 5/24/1919 Seattle Washington Police raided the IWW hall and seized all literature, including New Solidarity. New Solidarity 05-24-1919
James A. Billings Arrested 5/31/1919 Los Angeles California Prominent IWW member James Billings arrested for his activity in Spokane, Seattle, and Portland. New Solidarity 05-31-1919
James Bruce on Trial for Strike Activity 5/31/1919 Seattle Washington The trial of James Bruce, charged with crimes related to the recent strike, began with the prosecution asserting the IWW is a radical organization for the violent overthrow of the US government. George Vanderveer represented Bruce. New Solidarity 05-31-1919
Criminal Syndicalism Arrests 6/7/1919 Bay Area California Eight Wobblies arrested for criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 06-07-1919
Wobblies Still in Jail 6/7/1919 Hitchinson Kansas Ten Wobblies still in jail ten months after their arrests in Wichita. New Solidarity 06-07-1919
Wobblies under Federal Investigation 6/7/1919 Milwaukee Wisconsin Two members arrested and held of federal investigation after a raid on their hall in which police seized one copy of "The I.W.W. Trial" and one copy of the "Tenth Convention Report" because "[t]he dicks were likely broke or too cheap to buy the books themselves." New Solidarity 06-07-1919
Prosecution Rested in Bruce Trial 6/7/1919 Seattle Washington The prosecution in the trial of James Bruce ended after what was reported to be a weak case. New Solidarity 06-07-1919
Warrants Issued 6/14/1919 Oakland California Police issued 39 warrants for the arrests of IWW members on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 06-14-1919
Criminal Syndicalism Arrests 6/21/1919 San Francisco California To date, 13 Bay Area IWWs have been arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 06-21-1919
Anti-IWW Bailiff Investigated 6/21/1919 Seattle Washington George Vanderveer, lawyer representing accused anarchist James Bruce, charges that court bailiff tampered with jury urging them to vote for conviction, New Solidarity 06-21-1919
IWW Member Deported 6/28/1919 Butte Montana Joe Kennedy of the IWW deported. New Solidarity 06-28-1919
Workers Left Leavenworth 6/28/1919 Leavenworth Kansas Ten IWWs convicted in the Chicago trials released after serving their full term. New Solidarity 06-28-1919
Hall Raided 6/28/1919 New York New York Hall raided and literature and supplies seized by the State Investigation Committee. New Solidarity 06-28-1919
Spokane Raid 6/28/1919 Spokane Washington Police raid room in the Bristol Hotel, seize IWW literature and ballots, and arrest two members on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 06-28-1919
Federal Officers Raided Hall 7/5/1919 Toledo Ohio Federal officers raided the IWW hall in search of materials for printing "books and pamphlets for circulation in the spread of treason, disloyalty, and mutiny." New Solidarity 07-05-1919
Victim of Poor Conditions 7/8/1919 Seattle Washington One of the 27 IWW members charged with "attempting to overthrow the government" in relation to the Seattle General Strike died of illness likely caused by the unsanitary conditions of the King County jail. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
Vagrancy Charge 7/9/1919 Miami Arizona Secretary of Metal Mine Workers' Industrial Union No. 800 sentenced to 90 days in jail on a vagrancy charge. New Solidarity 07-19-1919
Court of Appeals Required $4300 7/12/1919 Chicago Illinois U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the IWW must pay $4300 for printing records, Clerk's fees, and other expenses for United States of America vs. William Haywood, et al. or the request for appeal would be denied. New Solidarity 07-12-1919
Hail Raided, Members Arrests and Property Seized 7/12/1919 Stockton California Police raided the IWW hall, seized records and literature, and arrested 19 members. New Solidarity 07-12-1919
Criminal Syndicalism Arrests 7/19/1919 Oakland California Six more IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 07-19-1919
Kidnappers Released 7/21/1919 Virginia  Minnesota The city attorney and eight mining company gunmen allegedly responsible for the kidnapping and beating of an IWW member released upon trial. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
IWW Women Deported 7/22/1919 New York New York Two sisters in the IWW were deported reportedly because of their membership after being held in Ellis Island for several months. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
Arrested for Riding Freights 8/2/1919 Aberdeen South Dakota Fifteen harvesters arrested on charges of riding a freight train. Some released, but several held because of their red cards. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
Train Riders Met Violence 8/2/1919 Casselton North Dakota IWW members sleeping in box car were approached by bulls, who searched the whole train and beat several riders. Some workers ran and were shot at by the bulls, one of whom received a bullet in the hand. The rest were carted to town, searched, threatened with violence, and told to never return. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
Harvester Killed by Brakeman 8/2/1919 Hutchinson Kansas IWW harvester shot and killed by brakemen. The brakemen claimed self-defense, but witnesses asserted the worker was holding his bindle in one hand and the freight car's ladder in the other, leaving him unable to make any threatening actions. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
Haywood and Miller Released 8/2/1919 Leavenworth Kansas Bill Haywood and Francis Miller released pending appeal on bonds of $15000 and $10000 respectively. New Solidarity 08-02-1919
Syndicalism Law Upheld 8/4/1919 Sacramento California The California Supreme Court ruled the criminal syndicalism law that had jailed so many IWW members was constitutional. New Solidarity 08-16-1919
Arrested in Freight Yard 8/9/1919 Aberdeen South Dakota Thirteen IWW members arrested for attempting to ride a freight train. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
Coal Miners Arrested 8/9/1919 Adena Ohio IWW member and UMW chairman arrested after suggesting industrial unionism at a meeting. Officers in the UMW called him a Bolshevik and allegedly led to his arrest. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
Il Nuovo Proletario Editor Threatened with Deportation 8/9/1919 Chicago Illinois The Department of Labor issued a warrant for the deportation of Angelo Faggi, editor of Il Nuovo Proletario. He was allowed to leave the county voluntary instead of being deported as a criminal. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
California Cases 8/9/1919 Eureka California Two IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
Arrest for "Absolutely Nothing" 8/9/1919 Holdredge Nebraska Two IWW members arrested after being caught by a bull on railroad property. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
Chaplin and Others Released on Bond 8/9/1919 Leavenworth Kansas Ralph Chaplin and 26 others were released on bond pending appeal. One of those men was rearrested for conspiracy to kill public officials. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
California Cases 8/9/1919 Santa Barbara California One IWW member arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 08-09-1919
California Cases 8/9/1919 Stockton California Five IWW arrested of charges of criminal syndicalism, all but one released on bond.  New Solidarity 08-09-1919
Two Wobblies Arrested 8/16/1919 Superior Wisconsin Two IWW members arrested on charges of unlawful organization after accepting money from two new members. New Solidarity 08-16-1919
New Vagrancy Law in Action 8/16/1919 Wichita Kansas IWW member sentenced to six months in jail and a $500 fine under the new state vagrancy law. He was the first person convicted after its passing. New Solidarity 08-16-1919
First Syndicalism Cases in the State 8/16/1919 Ohio Three members arrested and held for federal investigation on charges of criminal syndicalism, the first in the state of Ohio. New Solidarity 08-16-1919
Restaurant Workers Strike 8/23/1919 Chicago Illinois Restaurant workers strike for the eight hour day, six day week, time and a half for overtime, union recognition, and increased wages. New Solidarity 08-23-1919
Dismissed, Re-Arrested 8/23/1919 Stockton California Nineteen criminal syndicalism cases dismissed, but eight rearrested on bench warrants. New Solidarity 08-23-1919
Organizer and Delegates Arrested 8/23/1919 Walsenburg Colorado Metal Mine Workers Industrial Union No. 800 organizer arrested and three delegates kidnapped by company gunmen. New Solidarity 08-23-1919
Ranchers Beat Delegate 9/6/1919 Calipatria California Ranchers appeared at an IWW propaganda meeting of 100 people and demanded the meeting end. Law enforcement later arrived on the scene and placed the IWW delegate, Peter Lynch, under arrest and brought him to jail at the urging of the ranchers. The marshal warned Lynch that the ranchers would mob the jail. At midnight, the ranchers showed up at jail with the keys, kidnapped Lynch, and drove him to the desert where they beat and robbed him of clothing, shoes, money, jewelry, dues books, and $100 worth of dues stamps. New Solidarity 09-27-1919
New Syndicalism Law 9/6/1919 Lansing  Michigan New criminal syndicalism banning the advocating of crime, sabotage, violence, or other terrorist methods to obtain political reform went into effect. New Solidarity 09-06-1919
Ten Workers on Ellis Island 9/6/1919 New York New York Ten IWW members on Ellis Island awaiting deportation. New Solidarity 09-06-1919
Hall Raided, Arrests Made 9/10/1919 Chicago Illinois Russian IWW hall raided and eight members arrested without warrant and held without charge. New Solidarity 09-20-1919
Hungarian Member Arrested 9/13/1919 Hammond Indiana Hungarian IWW arrested and held in jail. New Solidarity 09-13-1919
Arrested for Seditious Literature 9/13/1919 Newark New Jersey Two members arrested for intending to distribute seditious literature. They were released on bond after two weeks in jail and their cases dismissed a few weeks later. New Solidarity 10-18-1919
IWW Member Murdered 9/20/1919 Carrington North Dakota IWW member from Chicago found dead underneath the train depot platform with two bullet wounds. New Solidarity 09-20-1919
IWW Members Arrested 9/20/1919 Flint Michigan Two IWW members arrested for violating the state's criminal syndicalism law. New Solidarity 09-20-1919
Emma Goldman to Be Released 9/20/1919 Jefferson City Missouri Emma Goldman to be released after serving an extra thirty days on top of her two year sentence because she could not pay the ten thousand dollar fine that accompanied her prison sentence. New Solidarity 09-20-1919
Strikers Arrested 9/28/1919 Chicago Illinois Two IWW members arrested by federal agents while collecting defense funds. New Solidarity 10-04-1919
Criminal Syndicalism Arrests 10/4/1919 California Thirty-five IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism and two on charges of vagrancy. New Solidarity 10-04-1919
Jailed and Beaten 10/7/1919 Haines Oregon Nine IWW members arrested, jailed, then released two days later when they were beat and run out of town. New Solidarity 10-18-1919
Hall Raided, Literature Burned 10/8/1919 Portland Oregon Police raided IWW hall, brought two members in for questioning, and burned their literature. After the incident, their landlord gave them notice to vacate. New Solidarity 10-25-1919
First Syndicalism Cases in the State 10/11/1919 Ft. Wayne Indiana In the first exercise of the new criminal syndicalism law in Indiana,  an IWW member arrested shortly after arriving from Chicago. New Solidarity 10-11-1919
Police Blocked IWW Hall and Made Arrests 10/11/1919 Los Angeles California Seventeen prominent IWW members arrested, some of whom from their homes, on charges of criminal syndicalism. The began to police block the entrance to the IWW hall rendering it unusable. New Solidarity 10-11-1919
Eleven Wobblies Pending Trial 10/11/1919 Oakland California Eleven IWW members to face trial on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 10-11-1919
Criminal Syndicalism Arrests 10/11/1919 Sacramento California Two more IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 10-11-1919
AWO 400 Members Arrested 10/11/1919 Scotts Bluff Nebraska Fifteen members of the AWO 400 arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism New Solidarity 10-11-1919
Krieger Defense Requested Change of Venue 10/11/1919 Tulsa Oklahoma Charles Krieger, IWW member charged with destroying the property of the head of Standard Oil, began his trial in Tulsa, where his lawyer requested a change of venue in order to have a just trial. New Solidarity 10-11-1919
IWW Members Arrested 10/16/1919 Sault St. Marie Michigan Two arrested for their membership status. New Solidarity 11-01-1919
Ironic Syndicalism Arrest  10/18/1919 Scotts Bluff Nebraska James Cronin, IWW member sent to Scotts Bluff to investigate the fifteen syndicalism-related arrests, was arrested on the same charges shortly after his arrival. New Solidarity 10-18-1919
IWW Members Arrested for Literature 10/18/1919 St. Louis Missouri Twelve IWW members arrested by federal agents for possession of literature showing the number of lynchings in the United States and encouraging black workers to join the I.W.W. New Solidarity 10-18-1919
Defense's Change of Venue Request Denied 10/18/1919 Tulsa Oklahoma The Krieger Defense's Request for a change of venue to ensure a fair trial was denied. New Solidarity 10-18-1919
Injunction Against IWW 10/25/1919 Tonopah Nevada An injunction was issued banning declaring, "That an unlawful organization known as the I.W.W. be restrained from further publishing dodgers of writings declaring Tonopah a scab camp and that said scab camp is on strike," as a response to their attempt to organize strikers in the Metal Trades Union. New Solidarity 10-25-1919
IWW Hall Vandalized 11/4/1919 Des Moines Iowa IWW hall "smashed… and an attempt made to burn it." New Solidarity 11-08-1919
Mutiny Conviction 11/8/1919 Balboa Panama Canal Zone IWW member James Hayes sentenced to two years in prison in the Canal Zone for mutiny. New Solidarity 11-08-1919
International Association of Machinists Expel Wobblies 11/8/1919 Detroit Michigan The International Association Machinists Lodge No. 82 expelled seven prominent members, including its president, vice president, and secretary for being sympathetic to the IWW. New Solidarity 11-08-1919
IWW Hall Raided, Publications Seized 11/19/1919 Minneapolis Minnesota Police raided IWW hall and confiscated literature including New Solidarity and the One Big Union Monthly New Solidarity 11-25-1919
IWW Hall Raided 11/22/1919 Paterson New Jersey Police raided IWW hall, confiscate literature, and demand the organization take down the poster in the window depicted a jailed member. New Solidarity 11-22-1919
Offices Raided 11/22/1919 Pueblo Colorado Two IWW members arrested, their offices raided, and all possessions seized. New Solidarity 11-22-1919
Hall and Defense Office Raided 11/22/1919 Seattle Washington Police raided IWW hall and arrested several members. New Solidarity 11-22-1919
Vigilantes Raided Five IWW Halls 11/25/1919 New York New York A band of vigilantes consisting of those in the American Legion and the bomb squad division of the New York Police Department raided five IWW halls, smashing and burning furniture, and beating several member so severely they were hospitalized. Two workers arrested for carrying concealed pen knives. In court, the judge compared the pen knives in question with his own then dismissed the case. The IWW suspected the NYPD organized the raids. New Solidarity 11-25-1919
Hall Closed, Fifty-Seven Members Arrested 11/25/1919 Portland Oregon IWW hall closed after fifty-seven of their members were arrested during a series of raids New Solidarity 11-25-1919
Thirty-Seven Members Arrested 11/25/1919 Seattle Washington Thirty-seven members arrested during a series of raids on IWW halls and meeting places. New Solidarity 11-25-1919
One Hundred Twenty Arrested 11/29/1919 Spokane Washington One hundred twenty IWW members arrested, seventy-three of whom on the same night. Fifty-three convicted of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 11-29-1919
Krieger Trial Ended in Hung Jury 11/29/1919 Tulsa Oklahoma After 42 hours of deliberation, the jury fails to reach consensus with the final vote counting seven for conviction and five for acquittal. New Solidarity 11-29-1919
Massive Defense Meeting 11/30/1919 Detroit Michigan Ten thousand attend meeting held for the raiding of defense funds, four thousand of whom had to be turned away due to the restricted capacity of the hall. Bill Haywood, the scheduled principal speaker, was asked not to appear on stage by the police commissioner who anticipated violence. New Solidarity 12-06-1919
Red Card Evidence of Vagrancy 12/6/1919 Omaha Nebraska The police judge ruled the carrying of a red card could be considered evidence of vagrancy, leading to the arrest and conviction of sixteen Wobblies despite their all having money and employment in the city. New Solidarity 12-06-1919
IWW Hall Vandalized 12/13/1919 Chicago Illinois Front windows of IWW hall smashed by unknown assailants. The locals based their offered $100 for the identification of the guilty parties. New Solidarity 12-13-1919
Hall Closed, Arrests Made 12/13/1919 Denver Colorado Six IWW members arrested during a raid and sentenced to 31 days in "the capitalistic institution of learning." New Solidarity 12-13-1919
Wobbly Died in Jail 12/13/1919 Kansas City Kansas IWW member died after being arrested during a raid and jailed for 13 months. New Solidarity 12-13-1919
Criminal Syndicalism Conviction 12/13/1919 Oakland California After deliberating for five minutes, jury convicted a Wobbly of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 12-13-1919
IWW Member Convicted 12/13/1919 Seattle Washington IWW member convicted of unknown charges, likely criminal syndicalism, and sentenced to thirty days in jail and a $100 fine. New Solidarity 12-13-1919
Change of Venue Granted 12/20/1919 Centralia Washington The IWW members on trial for killing four American Legionnaires granted a change of to Grays Harbor. New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Arrested while Cashing Checks 12/20/1919 Marion Indiana IWW member arrested while cashing his paycheck from Construction Workers' Industrial Union No. 573. New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Plan Outlined to Breed IWW Hostility in Schools 12/20/1919 New York New York District Superintendent outlined a plan that would require all graduating high school senior to sign a pledge of loyalty to the United States that would include the promise, "I will actively oppose all revolutionary movements such as bolshevism, anarchism, I.W.W.'ism or any movement antagonist to the laws of the United States or tending to subvert the constitution of the United States." New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Wobbly Convicted of Inciting a Revolution 12/20/1919 Raton New Mexico IWW member convicted of inciting a revolution despite the alleged crime only having one witness. New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Governor Certain of Mooney's Guilt 12/20/1919 Sacramento California California Governor William Stephens publically released a letter to the secretary of the California State Federation of Labor stating he did not at all doubt the guilt of Tom Mooney, IWW member convicted on charges related to the preparedness day bombing. New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Labor Defense  Officer Arrested 12/20/1919 San Francisco California Labor Defense League secretary Miss Whitney arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Injunction Against IWW 12/20/1919 Spokane Washington Superior Judge Webster signed a restraining order against "any person who advocates, teaches, or promulgates teachings and principles of the I.W.W." New Solidarity 12-20-1919
Members Acquitted on Charge of Syndicalism 12/27/1919 Bellingham Washington After three hours of deliberation, jury acquitted three members accused of criminal syndicalism. New Solidarity 12-27-1919
Hall Raided, Fifty Arrested 12/27/1919 Chicago Illinois Police raided hall and arrested the fifty members present. New Solidarity 12-27-1919
Forty Arrested and Given Jail Time 12/27/1919 Denver  Colorado Forty IWW members arrested and sentenced to thirty to ninety days. New Solidarity 12-27-1919
Twenty-Six Sentenced to Leavenworth 12/27/1919 Kansas City Kansas Twenty-six IWW members convicted for violating the espionage and Lever acts and sentenced to up to nine year in Leavenworth. New Solidarity 12-27-1919
Reporter Beaten 12/27/1919 Kansas City Missouri Non-unionized reported beaten after writing about the trial of the 26 IWW sentenced to Leavenworth. New Solidarity 12-27-1919
Members Arrested for Distributing Pamphlets on Centralia Events 12/31/1919 Spokane Washington Charles Butts, Sam Crane, Stephen Indahl and one other arrested without "the pretense of filing charges against them" while carrying several pamphlets outlining the IWW's perspective on the events at Centralia.  Industrial Worker, 01/10/1920
IWW Secretary Arrested 1/4/1920 Missoula Montana Secretary of the IWW, Frank Jarvis, arrested and jailed. Authorities seized 100 pounds of I.W.W. pamphlets about the Centralia Massacre. Industrial Worker, 01/17/1920
Lawyer for IWW Arrested 1/10/1920 Vancouver Washington George Vanderveer, lawyer chosen to represent IWW workers in the Montesano case, arrested for talking to prisoners in the county jail without permission. Industrial Worker, 01/10/1920
Injunction Against IWW Made Permanent 1/24/1920 Spokane Washington Temporary injunction again the I.W.W. made permanent. Industrial Worker, 01/24/1920
Some of the Defendants in the Montesano Case Go on Hunger Strike 2/24/1920 Montesano Washington Six of the eleven IWW defendants in the Montesano trial went on hunger strike in protest of poor treatment while detained. Industrial Worker, 03/02/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  3/6/1920 Chehalis Washington IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. (Sixteen between Seattle, Sandpoint, and Chehalis) Industrial Worker, 03/06/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  3/6/1920 Sandpoint Idaho IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. (Sixteen between Seattle, Sandpoint, and Chehalis) Industrial Worker, 03/06/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  3/6/1920 Seattle Washington IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. (Sixteen between Seattle, Sandpoint, and Chehalis) Industrial Worker, 03/06/1920
Members Convicted of Second Degree Murder in Montesano Trial 3/13/1920 Montesano Washington Mike Sheehan and Elmer Smith acquitted of having a connection to the death of Warren O. Grimm at Centralia. Loren Roberts was adjudicated mentally insane. Britt Smith, Bert Bland, Commodore Bland, Ray Becker, James McInerney, Eugene Barnett, and John Lamb all convicted of second degree murder Industrial Worker, 03/19/1920
Centralia I.W.W. Hall Burned by Unknown parties 3/24/1920 Centralia Washington The I.W.W. hall famous for the Armistice Day massacre burned down by unidentified arsonists.  Industrial Worker, 04/02/1920
Drastic Syndicalism Law for Kentucky 3/25/1920 Frankfort Kentucky The governor of Kentucky signed a criminal syndicalism law providing the imprisonment of 21 years or a $10,000 fine, or both, for those convicted of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/22/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  4/9/1920 Newport Washington Eight IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism in Seattle and Newport. Seven held for federal investigation. Industrial Worker, 04/09/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  4/9/1920 Seattle Washington Eight IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism in Seattle and Newport. Seven held for federal investigation. Industrial Worker, 04/09/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  4/16/1920 Everett Washington Eight IWW members from Seattle and Everett arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 04/16/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  4/16/1920 Seattle Washington Eight IWW members from Seattle and Everett arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 04/16/1920
Office Raided 4/22/1920 Seattle Washington Police raided IWIU office, seize a directory of 12000 IWW members in the Northwest, and arrested W. E. Spear, Ed. Burns, and Alice Rose on open charges. Industrial Worker, 05/01/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  4/23/1920 Seattle Washington Nine IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 04/23/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/1/1920 Ellensburg Washington Four IWW members from Ritzville, Ellensburg, and Seattle arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism Industrial Worker, 05/01/1920
Member Arrested for Distributing IWW Literature 5/1/1920 Providence Rhode Island IWW member and textile factory worker Louis Serrotti fired for distributing pro-labor pamphlets Industrial Worker, 05/01/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/1/1920 Ritzville Washington Four IWW members from Ritzville, Ellensburg, and Seattle arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism Industrial Worker, 05/01/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/1/1920 Seattle Washington Four IWW members from Ritzville, Ellensburg, and Seattle arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism Industrial Worker, 05/01/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/8/1920 Pasco Washington Sixteen IWW members from Pasco, Wallace, and Seattle arrested: fifteen on charges of criminal syndicalism, one charge unknown. Industrial Worker, 05/08/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/8/1920 Seattle Washington Sixteen IWW members from Pasco, Wallace, and Seattle arrested: fifteen on charges of criminal syndicalism, one charge unknown. Industrial Worker, 05/08/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/8/1920 Wallace Idaho Sixteen IWW members from Pasco, Wallace, and Seattle arrested: fifteen on charges of criminal syndicalism, one charge unknown. Industrial Worker, 05/08/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/15/1920 Everett Washington Forty-one IWW members from Portland, Everett, and Seattle arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/15/1920
Protests Free Arrested Marchers 5/15/1920 Great Falls Montana Police arrest several of the 5,000 marchers in a parade protesting the recent deaths in Butte. Following their arrest, fellow marchers trailed them to the police station, demanding they also be arrested, leading to the release of all arrested paraders. Industrial Worker, 05/15/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/15/1920 Portland Oregon Forty-one IWW members from Portland, Everett, and Seattle arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/15/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/15/1920 Seattle Washington Forty-one IWW members from Portland, Everett, and Seattle arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/15/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/22/1920 Coeur D'Alene Idaho Fourteen IWW members arrested from Coeur D'Alene and Seattle on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/22/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/22/1920 Seattle Washington Fourteen IWW members arrested from Coeur D'Alene and Seattle on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/22/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  5/29/1920 Aberdeen Washington Three IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 05/29/1920
Workers Convicted of Criminal Syndicalism 6/1/1920 Yakima Washington Five IWW members convicted of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 06/01/1920
Injunction Passed Against IWW 6/24/1920 Eldorado Kansas Kansas passed a temporary injunction against the I.W.W., specifically restraining the "teaching and putting into practice any of the doctrines of the organization." Industrial Worker, 10/23/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/3/1920 Port Townsend Washington Two IWW members arrested on charges of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 07/03/1920
Lawyer for IWW Arrested and Fined 7/4/1920 Astoria Oregon George Vanderveer, lawyer for the IWW members in the Centralia Massacre trial, arrested in Astoria on charges of resisting an officer on the 4th of July. He was fined $10 at the conclusion of his trial on July 24.  New Solidarity 08-09-1919; New Solidarity 08-23-1919
Grand 4th of July Picnic 7/4/1920 Spokane Washington Police force assembled at IWW Independence Day Picnic in Spokane to forbid the distribution of ice cream and sandwiches without a health certificate. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Chief of Police Barred from Speaking Freely About Centralia 7/10/1920 Bellingham Washington Bellingham Chief of Police prevented Elmer Smith, lawyer and IWW-sympathizer, from speaking freely about Centralia in public debates. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Boise Idaho Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Released Following Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Chehalis Washington Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Condon Oregon Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Everett Washington Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Portland Oregon Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Released Following Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Seattle Washington Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/10/1920 Tillamook Oregon Six IWW member released from jail and their charges of criminal syndicalism dropped. Five awaiting trial. One found not guilty. Four convicted. Thirty-one indicted. Industrial Worker, 07/10/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  7/31/1920 Centralia Washington Four IWW members convicted of criminal syndicalism. One arrested on charges of disorderly conduct. Industrial Worker, 07/31/1920
Members Arrested for Violating Injunction 7/31/1920 Spokane Washington Four IWW convicted of violating the injunction against the IWW. Three convicted of vagrancy. Industrial Worker, 07/31/1920
Mining Companies Screen Potential Employees for IWW Members  8/14/1920 Butte Montana Copper mining companies begun to require all employees of their corporations to fill out a questionnaire, which includes "Are you a member of the I.W.W.?" and "Do you believe in the purposes or methods of the I.W.W. (Yes or No)?" Industrial Worker, 08/14/1920
Member Arrested for Vagrancy  8/28/1920 Spokane Washington Suspected IWW activities leader was arrested on charges of city vagrancy and was also alleged to be distributing IWW literature. Industrial Worker, 09/11/1920
Members Arrested on Charges of Criminal Syndicalism  9/4/1920 Seattle Washington Six IWW members charged with criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 09/04/1920
Member Killed by Railway Special Agent 10/2/1920 Hannaford North Dakota Joe Bagley, a reportedly well-know member of the IWW, was shot and killed by Special Agent Nolan of the Great Northern railway. Industrial Worker, 10/23/1920
Member Arrested for Selling IWW Literature 10/6/1920 Hoquiam Washington Waino Aho, active IWW in western Washington, was arrested on charges of selling radical literature. He was found guilty and fined a total of $43.29 Industrial Worker, 10/30/1920
Sheriff Interferes in IWW Dance  10/22/1920 Seattle Washington Seattle Police Chief W.H. Searing attempted to ban the IWW dance scheduled for 10/22/1920. His attempt proved unsuccessful due to the ruling of a judge, but the IWW claimed the popularity and attendance of the dance was hindered due to the police involvement. Industrial Worker, 10/30/1920
Police Oppose Radicals as Unemployed Enter City 11/17/1920 Portland Oregon Public officials in Portland resumed their plans to oppose radical elements in Portland. Since mills and lumber camps closed in the area surrounding Portland, unemployed workers have entered the city in droves, which, the article explains, was likely the cause of the re-concentration of police on radicals. Industrial Worker, 11/27/1920
Member on Trial for Criminal Syndicalism 11/20/1920 Everett Washington Walter Smith went on trial for criminal syndicalism. Another IWW, Pat Cantwell, was convicted of the same days before the beginning of Smith's trial Industrial Worker, 12/04/1920
Member Acquitted of Criminal Syndicalism 12/2/1920 Everett Washington After thirteen hours of deliberation, the jury of Smith's case found him not guilty of criminal syndicalism. Industrial Worker, 12/11/1920