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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

Photographs & Documents

The Labor Archives of Washington, a division of University of Washington Libraries, houses immense collections of IWW photographs, documents, and oral histories. Nearly 500 can be viewed here. Click on an image below to be taken to each collection.

Here are key IWW photos, UW Libraries
Slide shows of very special images.

Here are 486 IWW photos, documents, news articles, oral histories from the UW digital archives
486 digital documents

Everett Massacre Collection
Photographs and digital documents


Centralia Tragedy Collection
47 digital images and documents

Labor Spies Reports
Photographs and documents

San Pedro IWW Hall Raid victims
Photographs and documents

Colorado Mine Strike 1927-28
Photographs and documents

Seattle General Strike of 1919
Photographs and documents
