22(5) Physical Activity and Exercise for Children with Special Health Care Needs – Part 2 – Selected conditions and considerations

This is Part II of a two-part series. The previous edition of Nutrition Focus (Part 1 – July/August 2007) introduced concepts and principles related to children and exercise with specific recommendations for normally developing and obese children. Part II of this article addresses the physical activity needs of children with special health care needs, including specific recommendations for children with Down syndrome, seizures, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, scoliosis, Prader-willi syndrome, spina bifida, neuromuscular diseases, and cerebral palsy.

The Kids Activity Pyramid, produced by Park-Nicollet, is included in Part 2 of this series. You can see the pyramid on page 9. Please see the RESOURCES section for additional information on obtaining the pyramid in various forms.

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22(4) Physical Activity and Exercise for Children with Special Health Care Needs – Part 1: Benefits, barriers, assessment and programs

This issue is the first of two addressing physical activity. Part 1 discusses concepts and principles related to children and exercise. Specific recommendations are given for typically developing children and those that are obese.

Part 2 will discuss physical activity for children with special health care needs and include specific recommendations for children with Down syndrome, seizures, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, scoliosis, Prader-Willi syndrome, spina bifida, neuromuscular diseases, and cerebral palsy.

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22(3) Nutrition Assessment Guidelines for Children with Special Health Care Needs

The nutrition assessment by the registered dietitian (RD) for the child with special health care needs is similar to that of the typically developing child. However, additional factors must be taken into consideration including the possibility of chronic health problems, multiple long-term drug regimens, and the family and provider needs.

The purpose of this article will be to review the basic components of nutrition assessment with particular attention to those areas that may need extra consideration for the child with special health care needs. Case studies are included to exemplify the principles discussed. These cases reflect that ongoing nutrition follow-up care at periodic intervals is often required for children with special health care needs based on the individual child.

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22(2) Nutrition Considerations for Children with Seizure Disorders

Seizure disorders and epilepsy that occur in childhood are illnesses which can have a profound influence on cognitive development. Medical intervention is essential to preserve cognitive function, and to stop seizures. These interventions in turn present the registered dietitian (RD) with a cornucopia of nutrition ramifications secondary to drug/nutrient interactions and, in some cases, developmental delay which can affect feeding. In this article, we will address the issues of childhood epilepsy, and focus on assessment, practical intervention and case studies which will address the complexities of this disease.

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22(1) Clicking Your Way to Nutrition Resources on the Web

The Internet can be a valuable source of health information, but not all sites are equally worthy or reliable. Information on the web may be incomplete, inaccurate, or overly simplified. The web lacks peer review or quality control; many sites are trying to sell a product and are biased or out of date; and anyone can publish on the web whether they are an expert, or not. So, how can you begin searching the web for authoritative health and nutrition information?

This edition of NUTRITION FOCUS provides steps to searches that you can perform while reading the newsletter. You also will find sources of reliable and authoritative nutrition information and will learn how to obtain references and have selected types of research information sent to you.

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21(6) Today’s Ketogenic Diet Revisited

The purpose of this Nutrition Focus Article is to update the reader on the ketogenic diet. Over the past 10-12 years several changes and much progress has been made in initiating and managing the ketogenic diet. Additionally, several new support tools and products are available to make daily diet management easier.

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21(4) Enteral Management of Children with Special Health Care Needs

Inherent in the name that they have been given, children with special health care needs (CSHCN) require special attention. This includes the nutrition care that we provide to them. The goals of this NUTRITION FOCUS article are to describe how to perform a nutrition assessment of a child with special needs and to identify strategies for addressing the nutritional challenges these children face. Gastrointestinal issues prevalent in this population, such as reflux, malabsorption, diarrhea, and constipation, will also be discussed in terms of their incidence and treatment. Lastly, specific components of enteral formulas that may have specific applications in this population will be reviewed.

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21(1) Nutrition Focus – Third Decade Begins!

This first edition of our 21st year includes a different format than typical for NUTRITION FOCUS. First we share three questions/ answers for specific topics. These Q/ A were taken from the Pediatric Nutrition Consultation On-line listserv – a closed list serv for dietetic professionals. Evidence based answers about pediatric nutrition issues are provided to questions submitted by members of the listserv. Registered dietitians who receive the newsletter may join this listserv – see page 5 for details. We felt these recent questions provided information that all of our readers could use.

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20(3) Passing the Baton: Nutrition and Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Special Health Care Needs Using Enteral Nutrition

This issue of NUTRITION FOCUS explores issues related to transition from pediatric to adult care, for children with special health care needs who use enteral nutrition.

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20(1) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) Review

Standards for nutrient requirements for individuals and groups in the United States have been published since 1941. The Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the Institute of Medicine (IOM), a part of the National Academy of Sciences, is responsible for developing the nutrient recommendations. In the 1940’s the first published standards were known as the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA). The RDAs had been updated periodically since 1941 with the last revision between 1997 and 2002. Each revision incorporates the most recent research available.

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