Yes, it is that time of year again. Graduating Master of Fine Arts and Master of Design students, working with Henry Art Gallery Head Preparator and Exhibition Designer Jim Rittimann, have installed their thesis show. Join them for the free public opening on Friday, 25 May 2012, from 7.00 to 9.00pm; please RSVP.
If you are not able to make it to the opening, be sure to visit the Henry by Sunday, 17 June 2012, since the exhibit closes that day. The artists and designers showing their work are Caitlin Berndt, Byung Cho, Lyndsey Colburn, Tamblyn Gawley, Hilary Gray, Amy Keeling, Sergei Larionov, Snehal Mantri, Adam Matthew, Hannah O’Gorman, Dan Ostrowski, Shaun Roberts, Andrew Salituri, Stephen Sewell, Anthony Sonnenberg, and Rodrigo Valenzuela. Website links for those who have them are on the Henry’s webpage for the exhibition. Also, the show’s catalog is available as either a single-page or page-spread PDF designed by first-year MDes student Melanie Wang.
Two DuPen Shows
Work by the late Professor Everett DuPen, who taught in the School of Art from the 1940s to the 1980s, is currently featured in two shows in the Puget Sound area. Sisko Gallery in Seattle is exhibiting a variety of his sculpture through Saturday, 26 May 2012. Everett DuPen and His Legacy is showing at the Museum of Northwest Art in La Conner through Sunday, 10 June 2012. Among the people whose work was chosen to represent DuPen’s legacy are Georgia Gerber (MFA 1982), Ray Jensen (BFA 1953), Phillip Levine (MFA 1961), Michael Magrath (MFA 2004), Philip McCracken (BFA 1954), and Professor Emeritus Norman Taylor.
For the UW 150th anniversary, the College of Arts & Sciences has selected 150 distinguished living alumni and students to honor with Timeless Awards. Eighteen of those award winners are from the School of Art! They will receive their awards in May, and we will link to the College’s publication about them when it becomes available. If you see any of the people listed below, be sure to congratulate them.
Past Award Winners
Professor Dale Chihuly (BFA 1965 Art)
Mr. Chuck Close (BFA 1962 Art)
Professor Bill Holm (BFA 1949 Art, MFA 1951 Art)
Mr. Jack Lenor Larsen (BA 1949 Textile Design)
Mr. Roger Shimomura (BFA 1961 Art)
Professor Patti Warashina (BFA 1962 Art, MFA 1964 Art)
Present Award Winners
Alfredo Arreguin (BFA 1967 Art, MFA 1969 Art)
Linda Bierds (BA 1969 Art Education, MA 1971 English)
Harold Kawaguchi (BFA 1961 Art, MFA 1965 Art)
Allan Kollar (MFA 1976 Art)
Mary Kay McCaw (BA 1976 Art)
Alison Milliman (BA 1984 Art History)
Harriet Sanderson (BA 1988 Printmaking, MFA 1990 Interdisciplinary Visual Arts)
Arthur Wolfe (BA 1975 Interdisciplinary Visual Arts)
Robin Wright (BA 1971 General Studies, MA 1977 Art History, PhD 1985 Art History)
Luly Yang (BA 1990 Graphic Design)
Future Award Winners
Nadia Jackinsky-Horrell (Art History PhD; also Dean’s Medalist for the Arts)
Yael Nov (Photomedia BFA + Art History BA)
The Graduate Students of Art History have organized a multi-part symposium that will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 11 – 12 April 2012. This year’s theme is “Inside Out or Outside In: Who is the Other?”
The opening event for the symposium is a Wednesday evening lecture at the Seattle Art Museum by two scholars: Dr. Caroline Vercoe, Head of Art History Department and Senior Lecturer, The University of Auckland, and Dr. Carol Ivory (MA 1982, PhD 1990), Professor and Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Washington State University, Pullman. They will discuss Polynesia in the past and today. Please note that tickets are required for this event.
The morning and afternoon sessions on Thursday include presentations by eleven graduate students, six of whom are School of Art students. The first five papers will be presented at the Henry Art Gallery from 9:20am-12pm. The remaining six presentations will take place at the Seattle Art Museum from 2-5pm; free registration is encouraged for the afternoon session. From 5:30-7:30pm, there will be a performance by the JazzED New Works Ensemble in the museum’s Brotman Forum.
The final event of the symposium will be a tour of the Gauguin and Polynesia exhibition at the Seattle Art Museum led by the scholars who spoke on Wednesday evening, Dr. Vercoe and Dr. Ivory. IMPORTANT: attendees should purchase exhibition tickets for 7pm or earlier as soon as possible to insure that space is available.
2012 Graduation Exhibitions
Spring Quarter is one of the busiest times for the School of Art because of all the graduation shows. Below are the shows in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery and at the Henry Art Gallery.
Photomedia BFA Exhibition: 10 April – 21 April
IVA Juried Exhibition: 24 April – 04 May
3D4M BFA Exhibition: 08 May – 18 May
Painting + Drawing BFA Exhibition: 22 May – 01 June
MFA+MDes Thesis Exhibition: 26 May – 17 June
Bachelor of Design Exhibition: 06 June – 16 June
Some programs will be having additional shows. Check our full calendar online for information about those.
Mailbox Project Redux @UWArtSci @UW
Those brown campus mailboxes always look better after School of Art students have worked on them. IVA Associate Professor Lou Cabeen assigned groups of students in this quarter’s Art 427 to design and install surface decoration on four of the Mailing Services mailboxes. Take a stroll to see them by using a map created by School of Art staff member Meg Zabielski or look at some photos on our Facebook page (no account required). The project was included in this week’s UW Today “Arts Roundup.” Cabeen first assigned this project to Art 427 students in Winter Quarter 2011. A previous post talks about how the project developed.
Govedare @theAAG + Two Shows
On Saturday, 26 February 2012, Painting + Drawing Professor Philip Govedare presented a paper titled “Evolving Interpretations of Wilderness” at the Association of American Geographers annual meeting in New York City. Shortly before that, an exhibition titled Uncommon River, which includes Govedare’s work, opened at the University of Idaho Prichard Art Gallery. That show remains up through 07 April 2012. Govedare also has work in an exhibition opening Saturday, 10 March 2012, from 2-4pm, at Prographica in Seattle. The show is titled Landscape Part II: Urban & Rural, and it will remain up through 14 April 2012.
@NCECA + SoA @UW = March Madness
The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) is holding its 46th Annual Conference at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle from 28 – 31 March 2012. Many museums, galleries, and other venues in the Puget Sound area area are having exhibitions of ceramic arts during the month of March, and a large number of those shows include current or former School of Art faculty, staff, and students. We have put together a one-page list of those exhibitions.
An additional show with alumni has come to light since the list was published. The Clay Edge is at Northwest Woodworkers Gallery from 22 March through 22 April 2012. There will be a reception on 29 March from 5-9pm. The show includes JK Blackburn (BFA 1981), Lars Husby (BFA 1970, MFA 1972, MFA 1974), Sam Scott (BFA 1975), Kathleen Skeels (BFA 1978), and Ken Turner (MFA 1991).
Opening on Tuesday, 06 March 2012, in the Jacob Lawrence Gallery is the NCECA 2012 National Student Juried Exhibition. One of the jurors was Mark Burns (MFA 1974). There will be an awards reception at the gallery on Friday, 30 March 2012, from 6-8pm.
Today’s printed issue of The Daily featured a double-page spread of photos taken at the Scholarships for Scholars event by student Chimera Singer. This year’s event, which took place on 07 February 2012, raised over $21,000 to support graduate students in the 3D4M Program. The grand raffle prize was won by Marjorie and Doug Wadden.
As mentioned in a previous post, Design Professor Karen Cheng has been collaborating with scientists to improve visual communication in scientific publications and presentations. One offshoot of this work has been the development of a Design Help Desk, which is funded by a National Science Foundation grant. The desk is staffed by Andrew Salituri, an MDes student, and Kinsey Gross, a senior BDes student. A 21 February 2012 article in UW Today provides an overview of the project and links to much more information.